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this refers to rnp rekindling talk about himselfwelp, to be fair, yeah, you did
indeed, i'm replying to rnp specificallyand i have a feeling that it didn’t affect mewtini, trebek and herbe’s reads either tbqh
btw, i don't think blu is w/w with rnp, given how he talked about the jailer role
by which i meanbtw, i don't think blu is w/w with rnp, given how he talked about the jailer role
i think he fr didn't understand the jailer rolePresumably someone who got Jailed would specifically know they were in jail, according to what Trebek outlinedWhereas Emmy only said her cop check failed
Hmmm... I like it. It could be faked, but you're right that it reads like genuine lack of knowledge there.by which i meanbtw, i don't think blu is w/w with rnp, given how he talked about the jailer role
i think he fr didn't understand the jailer rolePresumably someone who got Jailed would specifically know they were in jail, according to what Trebek outlinedWhereas Emmy only said her cop check failed
i do agree with this take, but does the take change when considering that w!rnp might not be jailerby which i meanbtw, i don't think blu is w/w with rnp, given how he talked about the jailer role
i think he fr didn't understand the jailer rolePresumably someone who got Jailed would specifically know they were in jail, according to what Trebek outlinedWhereas Emmy only said her cop check failed
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kyeugh votes kyeugh (#162)
kyeugh unvotes (#166)
Keldeo votes Trebek (#509)
Vipera Magnifica votesMawile(#516)
Keldeo unvotes (#589)
Keldeo votes myuma (#710)
kyeugh votes Seshas (#760)
mewtini votes Seshas (#766)
Vipera Magnifica votesEifie(#781)
Seshas votes Mr. Ultracool (#797)
Vipera Magnifica votes abstain (#800)
IndigoEmmy votes abstain (#801)
IndigoEmmy votes abstain (#803)
IndigoEmmy votes Seshas (#805)
Vipera Magnifica votes IndigoEmmy (#819)
RedneckPhoenix votes kyeugh (#833)
Keldeo unvotes (#883)
Vipera Magnifica unvotes (#892)
mewtini votes Mr. Ultracool (#893)
Keldeo votes Mr. Ultracool (#905)
kyeugh votes Stryke (#907)
rari_teh votes Stryke (#909)
Herbe votes Stryke (#910)
mewtini votes Vipera Magnifica (#950)
myuma votes Stryke (#957)
mewtini votes Stryke (#965)
mewtini votes myuma (#979)
IndigoEmmy unvotes (#997)
rari_teh votes myuma (#1032)
kyeugh votes myuma (#1040)
Tofu votes abstain (#1058)
kokorico votes Stryke (#1059)
Keldeo votes myuma (#1072)
Bluwiikoon votes myuma (#1111)
Keldeo votes Stryke (#1120)
rari_teh votes Stryke (#1132)
M Plus 7 votes myuma (#1140)
Keldeo votes myuma (#1141)
Trebek votes myuma (#1143)
Butterfree votes myuma (#1147)
Keldeo votes Stryke (#1155)
mewtini votes Stryke (#1162)
M Plus 7 votes Stryke (#1163)
no because blu still should've known about the fakeclaim, yeah?i do agree with this take, but does the take change when considering that w!rnp might not be jailer
also if rnp is lying and is just a mafia roleblocker, mafia!blu wouldn’t know that about jailers eitherHmmm... I like it. It could be faked, but you're right that it reads like genuine lack of knowledge there.by which i meanbtw, i don't think blu is w/w with rnp, given how he talked about the jailer role
i think he fr didn't understand the jailer rolePresumably someone who got Jailed would specifically know they were in jail, according to what Trebek outlinedWhereas Emmy only said her cop check failed
Oh that's a good point, why would someone fake claim jailer though? That's a genuine question, not sure about that sort of thing myself.i do agree with this take, but does the take change when considering that w!rnp might not be jailerby which i meanbtw, i don't think blu is w/w with rnp, given how he talked about the jailer role
i think he fr didn't understand the jailer rolePresumably someone who got Jailed would specifically know they were in jail, according to what Trebek outlinedWhereas Emmy only said her cop check failed
aight, fair enough igno because blu still should've known about the fakeclaim, yeah?i do agree with this take, but does the take change when considering that w!rnp might not be jailer
still iffy tho but i’m gonna focus on another take atmaight, fair enough igno because blu still should've known about the fakeclaim, yeah?i do agree with this take, but does the take change when considering that w!rnp might not be jailer
not necessarily? he could know about the fakeclaim, but not about the mechanics of the fake roleno because blu still should've known about the fakeclaim, yeah?i do agree with this take, but does the take change when considering that w!rnp might not be jailer