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Cats (2019) Mafia

btw if keldeo is mafia then he and ultracool are probably the two wolves without power roles :^/
anyway. i think we're at like
skylar (4): mewt, rari, trebek, koko
keldeo (3): vm, blu, skylar
blu (1): keldeo
i’m not sure why i wouldn’t push the blu/keldeo thing given there’s a very high chance at least one of them is a wolf and the alternative is accepting the wagon on myself

btw i have to say that i find rari’s progression of “keldeo is probably mafia, therefore we should try to vote for the person that’s probably bussing him” rather than just voting the person that’s probably mafia to be kind of confusing unless i’m misunderstanding what they meant in that post
also in what world does blu near-immediately claiming a cat look ***more suspicious than already-suspected keldeo "counterclaiming" hours and hours later with a weak flavor softclaim smh.
um, correcting. i am not on the ball this Day at all, tf

btw i have to say that i find rari’s progression of “keldeo is probably mafia, therefore we should try to vote for the person that’s probably bussing him” rather than just voting the person that’s probably mafia to be kind of confusing unless i’m misunderstanding what they meant in that post
rari's/my thought process is that you are both pretty much equally likely to be scum, and that keldeo is just a goon
in terms of anti-town behavior i think it's actually more difficult to find that kind of thing in keldeo's iso than it is in yours
it is also the reason that i think she and i are both accepting of a keldeo lynch
but it's not my preference
i’m lowkey kind of doomer status about this game because the wagon on me is completely unfalsifiable and no one really seems willing to fine be the benefit of the doubt so there’s nothing i can really do about it short of wait for some actual scum to fuck up. game is pretty much lost unless someone decides to unvote me fsr tbh
i really do think that given we’re in mylo the wisest move is to vote either blu or keldeo given they almost certainly contain a wolf and are like, explicitly diametric due to the counterclaiming. if you think keldeo is likely to be a wolf then i kind of don’t see why you don’t vote for him given the blu thing tbh

esp when the other option boils down to choosing to interpret my posting cynically even though all the information i’ve provided could easily be (and is) correct/truthful and my tone is just bad

i wouldn’t really care that much about this if it isn’t literally going to end the game in a town loss if you lynch me
in fact if we lynch scum today i’m 100% open to being vigkilled tonight if that helps you guys solve and it doesn’t cost the game
given that VM tried to case skylar in earlygame and that his only reason to stop suspecting her, as far as i can see, is that she picked up on (or "picked up on") VM's vig softclaims - given that he never came close to following my lead on 'clearing' skylar.
hey remember 3968 when VM said
I really should look back at who was originally saying "If RNP flips green, then town should vig Herbe"
and ignored it when it came out that it was probably just skylar
i still think it's bizarre that keldeo/kyeugh/VM are pushing the blu/keldeo vote split today
slow down now, the only one pushing for a blu/keldeo vote split is keldeo, i am TELLING you to vote keldeo because i don't believe for a second he is town

most of us had blu in our PoE already so if keldeo wanted us to slip up and ML blu, he wouldn't have had to say anything. it's obvious keldeo is going to get voted out today, so in a last-ditch effort to set scum up for an easy win, he shows up just to make blu look towny with that bus. he wouldn't have needed to say anything if blu was town... and yeah i get that could just be a WIFOM to lead us to that same conclusion but i'm pretty sure it isn't
if you meant the bridge of our friendship then don't worry, our bond can withstand you being very wrong or evil in a mafia game just like it withstood me being evil last game 😤

i'm on my third cup of coffee, so i'm gonna buckle down and do some worldbuilding real quick, mostly for my own sake. longpost ahoy.

i probably won't be around toMorrow if there is a toMorrow; either i get lynched toDay and the game ends overnight, or we lynch scum and i get vigged overnight. if we lynch scum toDay and i do not get vigged overnight i am going to be kind of annoyed tbh, because that means it's just going to be another day of some wolf pushing a mislynch against me smh. anyway, hopefully this will be of some use to someone when i flip.

anyway, just to sort of refresh myself on the remaining players:
  1. butterfree (fishing brother; confirmed by herbe)
  2. keldeo (seer)
  3. kyeugh (necromancer)
  4. mewtini (joat; confirmed by herbe)
  5. kokorico (vt?)
  6. trebek (vt?)
  7. rari (flash neighborizer)
  8. mp7 (fishing brother; confirmed by butterfree)
  9. bluwiikoon (vt)
  10. vm (vigilante)
  11. mist (vt?)
of which probably five are scum. the list of players who from my pov cannot be scum:
  1. butterfree (cop clear from emmy)
  2. kyeugh (ohaider)
  3. mewtini (cop clear from emmy)
  4. mp7 (association with butterfree)
this is honestly not a bad number of locktowns tbh, it leaves me with only 7 potential mafia, the significant majority of which are actually mafia. that means if i can pick out just two of the following players, the rest are almost definitely mafia:
  1. keldeo
  2. kokorico
  3. trebek
  4. rari
  5. bluwiikoon
  6. vm
  7. mist
sorry for the excessive listing here, i know it's kind of implicit/deducible without me spelling it out this way but it helps me to periodically make posts like this so i can refer to them. sort of like public notes, heh.

right now, my tentative group of almost certain mafia are (keldeo/bluwiikoon)+kokorico+trebek+mist. if keldeo and blu are w/w, then that list is comprehensive; if not, then either rari or vm is mafia. i'm honestly not too sure how i'd go about making the decision on which of them that is tbh, i imagine they'll both last until the end of the game if the mafia don't win first.

the current wagon on me is kind of cementing my views on trebek/koko/keldeo as sure mafia. consider that just under half of the current remaining players are mafia; if the mafia votes monolithically, literally every single town player has to vote against them, on the same wagon, to counteract a mislynch. that's not currently necessary because, well, every town player is not voting on the same wagon; mewtini's vote on me alone is enough to cement a mafia win right now. mafia is not voting uniformly right now so as not to draw attention to the fact that they're piling up for a mislynch (i imagine keldeo's push/vote on blu is probably mostly motivated by breaking up that uniformity), but they are voting just enough to tip my wagon past keldeo's, who is someone that even most voters on my wagon consider to be likely mafia. curious tbh!

i'm not sure i think this wagon is actually wolf-driven; rari and mewt both seem to feel i'm scummy kind of independently, but trebek is definitely doing his best to make me look bad, and is trying to minimize discussion that might draw townies off my wagon. i know this didn't really ping anyone else, probably because no one else has mechanical confirmation of a mafia roleblocker, but something else that's making me scratch my head about him is the way he kind of pre-emptively set up justification for a potential vm lynch tomorrow if no vigkill occurs. he backtracked on it a little bit when i contested it, but the point still stands. this kind of makes me want to townlean vm more than not. i'm starting to suspect somewhat that trebek is actually the blocker himself, no hard evidence there but i have been getting vibes from his responses to my discussion of the roleblocker that are giving me that impression. he's been playing a very self-conscious game, and i think it would fit there. maybe not though, it could just be him trying a bit too hard to prevent tmi.

there is definitely, for sure, 100% at least one wolf between keldeo/blu, possibly two. so i see absolutely no reason we should be voting for anyone else right now; anything else is pretty much just a guess, no matter how solid you feel your read is. the only complete guarantee that every single one of us has right now is that there's a wolf in keldeo/blu. i can't really wrap my mind around a sincere motivation for putting off that resolution.

so, um, to summarize, my wagon is currently being weighted by several bad actors (trebek/koko), though town (mewt, maybe rari?) is not doing it any favors tbh. keldeo is 95% scum here, which i don't think y'all really disagree with? but i don't think it's really clear to anyone else how much the rest of this is smoke and mirrors, and that you guys are giving trebek way too much of a free pass here for basically no reason.

i'll feel silly if he flips town in the end, but meh, i really really doubt it at this point. for that to be true, it would have to mean that my wagon is like 50-75% townies right now even though the game is 50% scum and keldeo is almost certainly a wolf, which just doesn't make any sense flat out.

anyway, i guess my bottom line here is that if there's a shred of you that believes there's a possibility i might not be mafia, please vote for keldeo. it doesn't seem like most of you disbelieve he's mafia, and lynching him doesn't preclude you getting around to me later if you really still feel that. i'm pretty much begging you to wait to do that for a time when town isn't so close to losing, though. we are really coming down to the wire here, and if town doesn't consolidate and make the right decision, we are going to lose toDay.
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