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Cats (2019) Mafia

Right now I'm feeling good enough about mewtini, rari, and Keldeo (unlikely ever lynching him d1 anyway for expected value reasons) to not want to vote them today. That's at least a starting point. My brain is increasingly fuzzy, so I'll return after sleep and things. I should be able to find enough time to continue digging in between work. I'm really enjoying this already.
haha it's really funny that stryke said i have good vibes based on the relentless roleblocking i did last game. don't assume you're safe from being targetted you shrimp
I was praying it would roll for bad vibes, but alas...
(To be clear: I don't think RNP is scum atm, I just think it wouldve been funny if the magic 8 call decided his vibes were rancid)
they're not strongly positive feelings, i just think she sounded stream-of-consciousness in places. also i'm trying to avoid the reflex of getting weird about her posting so differently from tvt; she isn't far from null
can you expand on what you feel is different about her posting? i feel like her activity in tvt was characterized by the stream of consciousness/memeing thing you’ve mentioned (present in this game so far), alongside reacting intensely to suspicion on her (present in this game), and being persuaded between votes fairly rapidly (n/a in this game so far). i’ve been getting pretty much identical vibes from her overall
honestly it's just that she's more serious/far less zany than she was in tvt (see: her mysterious informant reveal) to the point where i'm not thinking "ok, there's no way she's coached mafia" like i was then, as much as i tinfoiled in tvt. this is so not a real read on my part though, because it's perfectly plausible that she just doesn't have a role like MI where she roleplayed it or whatever, and the SoD environment here is so different from the one in tvt
hmmm okay that checks out. i guess personally i’m feeling like this is basically exactly how i’d expect her to act as town, but at the same time, maybe if she’s scum her teammates are encouraging her to act as normal as possible? but when you tell someone to act normal, it affects their perception of normalcy, right!? :woweek:
yeah, i guess i just think that she's reined in a bit right now compared to when she was town in last game. but i think there's a > 50% chance that it's circumstantial and she's just town
also i'm gonna be honest and say that due to Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival trauma i'm just going to be a bit reserved in reading emmy/rnp/herbe :')
I think I'm at a disadvantage reading kyeugh because of my previous confirmation bias. in the last game, I would see kyeugh's posts and be like "this is good wolf play but I'm afraid you might get scumread" cause i had that conf bias. Now that I'm in a whole different paradigm, I'm afraid of being like "oh kyeugh seems town this time! doesn't seem like she's playing wolf" bc my mind exaggerated her wolfiness all last game cause I was on the lookout for that already.
well if it helps, failing tone you can just work out that i’m town mathematically, because due to statistics/rng i probably didn’t role scum again this game since i just did last game. a bit of the old “numerical” approach there for you
isn't that the gambler's fallacy? a series of independent events has no effect on each other's probabilities

how do you feel about my reaction test on Trebek and what all happened after that? I noticed you liking posts and stuff.

when that happened I knew immediately that you were pushing on him, but not actually going "Lynch Trebek" so I kinda just sat down and tried to have faith in you/your push plan

i think me liking posts might be the purest stream of concsiousness that you can get out of me cause i don't remember anything I previously liked, 0 strategy goes into "like placement"

anyway i'm tired and will probably be of more use tomorrow. does the day phase end tomorrow? I'll have to get up before 2 pm, ughhh
honestly yeah. i think what’s going to form my read on emmy this game will be her votes more than anything. that’s the one core piece of her play that i think a theoretical scum team would want to exert control over. of course, now that i say this...
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