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Cats (2019) Mafia

Anyway, it's too late at night for me to go digging through the thread and formulate some opinions so don't expect much out of me right now. But from what I can tell, you guys don't really have any good grasp on who scum might be either, since there've been like 4 different wagons now and it hasn't really gotten us any closer to unearthing any mafioso. I doubt that anything I have to say will change that fact, so if you need a sacrifice, then c'est la vie, I suppose. That's not to say I'm resigned to my fate, to be clear; I'll try and post thoughts and defend myself tomorrow. This is just, like, stream of consciousness I guess
mewt, tell me more about your m+7 read?
honestly it reminded me of some townies in the not-tvt game i played where commentary-style talk was more common/i wanna say that it felt stream-of-consciousness, but it doesn't exactly fall apart if i read it from the pov of someone who already knows alignments, so it's on the weaker end. also what he said about vm made sense for someone new to vm's/the tcodf meta i think:
I didn't want to post anything until after I'd read the whole thread, which I now have

This struck me as notable given the context for what seemingly was happening in thread at the time. I'm not sure why a player would say this and then not follow up with any reads or anything? To anyone who has meta here, does this mean anything to you?
i really want to hear more from him though and am kinda banking on waiting for keldeo to talk about him more lol. i just gut-feel a bit differently about him than null/noncommittal
Hey, all! I'm going to be around in the morning prior to EoD for a few hours, timing things.

Hmm, I don't really see that from rari the same way you do, Trebek. It feels like a natural reaction given that they misinterpreted my post that way.

@M Plus 7 when you get back, what did you like about my posting that you read earlier?

Have a wonderful night all o/

From what I read it reminded me of the DLP game with respect to genuine solving, thoughtful consideration, etc. I'd like to think that there are certain levels to your posting that you'd have trouble replicating if you're not town, and especially throughout the reaction test I had a hard time seeing that as anything but organic. Of course, I'll have to dig deeper, but you looked good enough that I wouldn't want to get rid of you this day phase for sure.
Reading back the last handful or so of pages... wow, culture shock indeed, I uhhh would strongly advise against abstaining ever on Day 1, but that's certainly my opinion and I wouldn't want to tell anyone else how to play either. This game is fun with differing philosophies and perspectives. I can see why VM is going to be a difficult read for me in general just due to the incredibly diametrically opposed mafia game strategy, haha.
Hey Trebek, I likely won't stay for long because of sleepy reasons, but do you want to chat briefly? What are your reads? Is there anything you think I should prioritize heavily first thing in the morning to help make a vote determination?
Hey mewtini! Guess my ears were burning. Same question to you that I just asked Trebek by the way, although... I could simply refer to your updated reads list and use that as a launching pad. I may do that.
Hey mewtini! Guess my ears were burning. Same question to you that I just asked Trebek by the way, although... I could simply refer to your updated reads list and use that as a launching pad. I may do that.
yeah i'd probably just end up linking you there!
i'm around in realtime though :)
Hey Trebek, I likely won't stay for long because of sleepy reasons, but do you want to chat briefly? What are your reads? Is there anything you think I should prioritize heavily first thing in the morning to help make a vote determination?
havent devoted nearly enough brainpower to recent posts, but have still been mulling over the parties involved in keldeos vote on me from before.

I still have a sinking suspicion that at least one of the people involved was mafia just bc if not it feels like the whole thing would have been finished much faster. However, im not as predisposed to use this to be suspicious of rari/mewt as i was at about this time yesterday, mewt especially since i still have very good vibes about her concerning copcover. i am currently rereading recent posts for like the 7th time, just bc i am horrible at information retention, but i think im most likely going to put my reads on the back burner for now and see where the other trains go (as i mentioned earlier, i am hesitant to made reads that go too deep until more mech things happen, just bc that is definitely where my strength lies, as opposed to the very social aspect of D1)
also here's this quickcount for a sense of the wagons, active votes bolded (for m+7 but also for everyone. pls lmk if it's wrong)
keldeo/trebek, 508
keldeo/uvote, 589
keldeo/myuma 710
skylar/seshas 760
me/seshas 766
seshas/ultracool 797
vm/abstain 800
emmy/abstain 801
emmy/seshas 805
vm/emmy 819
rnp/skylar 833
keldeo/uvote 883
vm/uvote 892
me/ultracool 893
keldeo/ultracool 905
skylar/stryke 907
rari/stryke 908
also, probably bears restating just so that it ends up on thread and not stuck in my brain, but the whole debacle makes me TR keldeo pretty strongly

omg what a power move with the votecount. im mcloving it
Aaaaand I'm falling asleep at my desk, sorry folks. I promise I'll devote a solid chunk of time leading up to EoD though. I'll make a note of these last couple of posts specifically too. I appreciate it!
also here's this quickcount for a sense of the wagons, active votes bolded (for m+7 but also for everyone. pls lmk if it's wrong)
keldeo/trebek, 508
keldeo/uvote, 589
keldeo/myuma 710
skylar/seshas 760
me/seshas 766
seshas/ultracool 797
vm/abstain 800
emmy/abstain 801
emmy/seshas 805
vm/emmy 819
rnp/skylar 833
keldeo/uvote 883
vm/uvote 892
me/ultracool 893
keldeo/ultracool 905
skylar/stryke 907
rari/stryke 908
Herbe voted Stryke 910
Ok so I didn't get quite as far as I hoped, I'm still pretty exhausted from traveling over the weekend (16 hour drive both down and back!) I got up to somewhere around Keldeo voting Trebek but my brain really started fizzling out after this

Here's some more thoughts (just not totally organized):

Up to page 18 and I see that Keldeo kind of has the same thoughts/reads that I had (esp. on mewtini and Blu, and later others have similar thoughts as well so I'm glad I'm not the only one there. I like mewtini more as I go as she seems to get more solvey (also thanks to mewtini for pointing out pages/posts to me!)

Seshas is someone I really want to reread/ISO

I feel like I should have some opinion on kyeugh at this point but I kind of don't so she's maybe worth a reread too? I do see more posts from her coming up after Keldeo's vote so maybe that will help out a bit

Also want to reread rari posts

Keldeo seems okay for now. I do like that he voted to get people talking (and for the record I do agree with Keldeo that it's never too early to vote!). I'm good with him being town for now.

ILS seemed to get town reads for flavor spec for some reason, and then even pointed out himself that it's not something that should warrant a town read but he doesn't really do anything else? Like, I feel like that should have been paired with something else like "you're right that me flavor spec'ing doesn't mean anything, now let me actually Do Things!" but he really doesn't do anything else, and the next time he posts is in reaction to Keldeo's vote on Trebek I think? I'm pretty tired now so idk if this makes sense. Part of me wonders if this may not be a bad place to vote?

I feel like I've got a handful of town, and then a ton of nulls but like not really any scum reads at this point so I feel like I'm missing something

I think I need more time to read/look things over. I'll only be around for about 4 hours tomorrow probably before EOD and idk if I'll be fully caught up by then, I might have to catch up during Night instead (which might be better actually, so glad that nights will be 48 hours!) I think by Day 2 I'll have a better grasp of things.
also here's this quickcount for a sense of the wagons, active votes bolded (for m+7 but also for everyone. pls lmk if it's wrong)
keldeo/trebek, 508
keldeo/uvote, 589
keldeo/myuma 710
skylar/seshas 760
me/seshas 766
seshas/ultracool 797
vm/abstain 800
emmy/abstain 801
emmy/seshas 805
vm/emmy 819
rnp/skylar 833
keldeo/uvote 883
vm/uvote 892
me/ultracool 893
keldeo/ultracool 905
skylar/stryke 907
rari/stryke 908
I notice you're missing a couple of votes I have recorded, but (blush) I had also missed a couple you recorded. Tomorrow before EOD I will do a double-check through the whole thread to make sure I haven't missed anything. Here's what I believe is accurate pending that double-check:

Active votes
Seshas votes Mr. Ultracool (#797)
IndigoEmmy votes Seshas (#805)
RedneckPhoenix votes kyeugh (#833)
mewtini votes Mr. Ultracool (#893)
Keldeo votes Mr. Ultracool (#905)
kyeugh votes Stryke (#907)
rari_teh votes Stryke (#909)
Herbe votes Stryke (#910)

Active votes bolded.

kyeugh votes kyeugh (#162)
kyeugh unvotes (#166)
Keldeo votes Trebek (#509)
Keldeo unvotes (#589)
Keldeo votes myuma (#710)
kyeugh votes Seshas (#760)
mewtini votes Seshas (#766)
Seshas votes Mr. Ultracool (#797)
Vipera Magnifica votes abstain (#800)
IndigoEmmy votes abstain (#801)
IndigoEmmy votes abstain (#803)
IndigoEmmy votes Seshas (#805)
Vipera Magnifica votes IndigoEmmy (#819)
RedneckPhoenix votes kyeugh (#833)
Keldeo unvotes (#883)
Vipera Magnifica unvotes (#892)
mewtini votes Mr. Ultracool (#893)
Keldeo votes Mr. Ultracool (#905)
kyeugh votes Stryke (#907)
rari_teh votes Stryke (#909)
Herbe votes Stryke (#910)
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