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Cats (2019) Mafia

yeah. i guess i just like. don't know what his town vs. wolfgame looks like really, on further thought i agree that the thing wasn't actually towny though. i'm just scared of kneejerk scumreading him again
some stuff i missed before:
i don’t really know whether i like koko’s posting or not. i think i have trouble interpreting how i feel about lines of logic that i find Weird—i honestly generally find it AI but i think there are good arguments for why it might be wolfy or towny so i just end up confused. similarly, i think my instinct is to scumleam rari door consistently misreading the keldeo situation and shading him for it, but in the end i think that actually comes out townier than not?
You don't have to answer if you're going to talk about it in your bigpost, but I'd like you to expand on these two reads if you can. I remember that e had some logic that was like, not really weird but sort of orthogonal to what I was thinking - I liked that from em in early TVTropes and I think e's got some of that going on right now. I also think rari shading me probably comes from a genuine place? Weirdly enough from 30,000 feet up, I think if there was a wolf in the conversation it would have been the person who was encouraging more suspicion and okay with my vote, but that's... you. So idk.
i just found the logic about myuma/vm a bit odd i guess. in general e seems to be mainly engaging with stuff that seems kind of off the wall to me and i think the vm thing was a bit strange at the time of its posting although i’m coming around to it
i think rari is fine looking back tbh. slightly more leery of mewtini since she seemed very focused on how the whole thing impacted her optics. but meh
I'm pretty interested in the genesis of this Seshas wagon as well, because they just like, haven't been here that much since people started doing actual content things, and idk if you can call that "not solvey" rather than "just not here"
i am feeling a bit weaker on this after their posting about abstaining, and their comments about literally not reading the thread haha. but in general i think “not solvey” and “not here” might be connected here? i would have to double check but i had the impression at the time that seshas was somewhat keeping up but just didn’t have much to say, and also they haven’t been drawing conversation out of people in quite the same way as last time. which i think could be a matter of like, not feeling as free to speak as a wolf? i don’t know what to expect from their scum game
Uhh. Superjolt feels relaxed... RNP feels like RNP and I don't reeeally know how to read him except by [redacted] later on. I like the fact that rari made the MP7/Butterfree reads sort of in reference to each other.

If you actually have a mafia check (in future) you should hard claim as the cop.

unvote I guess? idk where to vote. I'm not feeling rari for reasons I've discussed throughout, and I'm not really feeling the Seshas thing either tbh, I kinda came around on them offering up stuff in a relaxed way.
idk I'm feeling good about the game state and the various tiers of towncore I've got, I guess what's going on is I don't really have a strong feeling among the people I'm not townreading

@Seshas can you talk more about Herbe? I think the thing he's got going for him is the self-awareness about how he's different from TVTropes, which I like but I guess I shouldn't underestimate his acting ability, hehe...
Definitely not. Maybe I'll develop some later when I can sit down and analyze the running arguments we have at the moment, but this whole day phase has been a whirlwind ever since I joined and there were already 15 pages
@Seshas can you talk more about Herbe? I think the thing he's got going for him is the self-awareness about how he's different from TVTropes, which I like but I guess I shouldn't underestimate his acting ability, hehe...
It's mostly just a
"I probably would write this post as mafia, but I'm not sure I would do it as town"
well I know I wouldn't do it as town because I was town and didn't do it but

so mostly just idk

I don't really feel like I can participate in thread for maybe until the morning maybe idk
If I wanted to play a MU game, I’d go on MU
Yeah, I feel that... I have Thoughts and stuff about how the meta is shifting here because of the influx of people who are used to playing, for lack of a better word, a more """serious""" and "day focused" game that kind of pushes aside the TCoDf veterans who don't want to spend multiple hours catching up on a game or something.

I don't know. The mafia section revival is still young and I guess it's us who determine its direction. If you want to vote abstain because you think it's the best decision, I'm not gonna stop you.
Alright, maybe it's not fair of me to want to resist change when the influx of new people is the only reason we're able to play mafia again on TCoDf in the first place. I've been trying to give this new meta a chance but it's just... not as enjoyable for me, at least not in early game. The days are just too long imo, and the threads gets too clogged with "filler". I felt similarly when playing TVTropes mafia, and it wasn't until the numbers started to thin down and we had a lot of mech information to think about that I actually started enjoying the game. Truth be told I'm not married to the idea of abstaining at all, in fact a lynch would help to speed the game up and get to the fun part faster, for better or worse. I don't want to let my feelings get in the way of what anyone else perceives as optimal play, so I'm just going to unvote and hang back for now, and let people do what they think is right. But when the time comes I'm still going to play the way I think is right.

And sorry if any of the posts I made earlier came across as grumpy, I was just a little ticked off by seshas telling me how I should play. It's not really their fault though, it's just more of a cultural/generational disagreement.
keldeo have you posted a reads list
No order within tiers, something like
Town: Keldeo, Butterfree
Okay, would not lynch today: kyeugh, mewtini, Trebek, rari_teh, Blu
Okay... 2!: Seshas, kokorico, Tofu, (gap) VM
?: Herbe, IndigoEmmy, I liek Squirtles, myuma, M Plus 7, Stryke, RNP, Superjolt, Mr. Ultracool

I think I've talked about all of my reasoning and stuff, lmk if there's something I can expand on.
Butterfree is my n0.

Maaaybe move up kokorico? I think I also need to think more about kyeugh and mewtini but idk I don't really feel like doing that tonight sorry.

I actually kind of want to give Mr. Ultracool another day here now? Maybe?
yeah i just moved to him because it's the other wagon and i don't think sitting on seshas will accomplish much if she isn't around tonight (also i feel less meh about seshas at the moment)

will probably figure out someone else to poke at in a bit though!
actually wait, i thought you felt meh about ultracool before?
actually wait, i thought you felt meh about ultracool before?
Yeah, but then you brought up his troping and I figured him being kinda lurky is just par for the course for him. I'd probably go for him over Seshas if that's the choice here, but I don't love the current wagons overall.
ok, cool. that's about how i feel. i don't think i want seshas down tbh, waiting on what else she says
also i recounted votes and see that technically i lied when i said ultracool was the only other wagon, but it was seshas who started that one a hundredish posts ago, and the other one is rnp's vote on skylar so. Like. i'll just go ponder tbh.

my worry with ultracool is that he kinda lurked throughout tvt, it just happened to be inconsequential after a certain amount of time because he claimed and the swapring confirmed that he was town. idk what i would've done if something like that didn't happen to him there, since his posting wouldn't have really resolved him

on the other hand: it was par for the course, so idk
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