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Cats (2019) Mafia

(by which i mean: in a vacuum idk how i handle rnp here, and i don't personally agree w/his post. i just don't know what the post means for his alignment)
(by which i mean: in a vacuum idk how i handle rnp here, and i don't personally agree w/his post. i just don't know what the post means for his alignment)
i don’t think it really comes off as particularly towny, especially since it’s a pretty intense reaction for something that’s imo not really significantly different from how we spent a lot of last game
also i don’t think i fully believe the pushback on perceived suboptimal play given the insistence on doctor blocking last time
you don't handle me you just lynch me, see that i'm town, and then i get mad at you
tbqf I think that’s just RNP being RNP there, but then again I recognize that this sort of thinking can easily lead to letting mafia live pretty much unnoticed

not sure if I like VM’s vote here tbqh

btw @rari_teh in re: my position on your tierlist, i think it’s worth noting that i probably wouldn’t have gone gung ho on you/mewt as a wolf. it’s just not worth it d1 i don’t think
I figured you would’ve chased us because that’s what you did when I reacted to you pressurevoting Seshas in TVT tbh
though it’s good to know that you wouldn’t do that in this case ig
i WISH i was mafia. it's been so long since i've been able to Conspiratorialize
tbqf I think that’s just RNP being RNP there, but then again I recognize that this sort of thinking can easily lead to letting mafia live pretty much unnoticed
Also in this thread I must voice that I feel similar towards ILS, Stryke and Ultracool. I feel like they’d all pretty much look the same if you were town or mafia (I could be very very wrong, though), also they don’t tend to post a lot so it’s even harder to get a grasp on a read
Not particularly related to anything atm, but Keldeo's hypocop reminded me that as far as I can recall, only one person posted a red hypocop check. Is it better to just leave that be for now and analyse it more Tomorrow? After all, if it is correct or is a very lucky guess, that person may have a target on their head.
Not particularly related to anything atm, but Keldeo's hypocop reminded me that as far as I can recall, only one person posted a red hypocop check. Is it better to just leave that be for now and analyse it more Tomorrow?
huh i must’ve missed this, who was it
Not particularly related to anything atm, but Keldeo's hypocop reminded me that as far as I can recall, only one person posted a red hypocop check. Is it better to just leave that be for now and analyse it more Tomorrow?
huh i must’ve missed this, who was it
Would have to go back through the thread to find it (on mobile...!?) but I recall it being a red check on indigoemmy.
i don’t think it really comes off as particularly towny, especially since it’s a pretty intense reaction for something that’s imo not really significantly different from how we spent a lot of last game
also i don’t think i fully believe the pushback on perceived suboptimal play given the insistence on doctor blocking last time
cool, i guess i was thinking that rnp was playing more as like, textbook town/disliking votes he doesn't understand, because part of our clash in tvt was that we got frustrated by each other when he was playing less fancily than i wifomed myself into thinking

i'll just defer to you lol. i just don't really 'get' rnp, tbqh
rnp was playing more as like, textbook town/disliking votes he doesn't understand,
by which i mean that maybe his ACTUAL playstyle as town is this, and that i just messed up on his playstyle last game, sorry idk how to make it clear. i just keep getting confused on this :p
i don’t think it really comes off as particularly towny, especially since it’s a pretty intense reaction for something that’s imo not really significantly different from how we spent a lot of last game
also i don’t think i fully believe the pushback on perceived suboptimal play given the insistence on doctor blocking last time
cool, i guess i was thinking that rnp was playing more as like, textbook town/disliking votes he doesn't understand, because part of our clash in tvt was that we got frustrated by each other when he was playing less fancily than i wifomed myself into thinking

i'll just defer to you lol. i just don't really 'get' rnp, tbqh
oh i don’t either, don’t defer to me tbh. but. if i had to derive a read from it i don’t think it would be a town one i guess
it’s a bit early to tell but i think it’s kind of unusual for him to care about something like this. conspiracy time, maybe he’s scum with seshas 🤔
i just remember him being so detached/apathetic in tvtropes, so him caring is like :O to me right now
but he also entered the thread later/v differently so i can't tell if it's even relevant
also wouldn't defending a fellow wolf be super weird/obvious in this context anyway?!?!?! idk!
also wouldn't defending a fellow wolf be super weird/obvious in this context anyway?!?!?! idk!
i don’t think it’s implausibly obvious—seshas is currently the leading wagon—and also i‘m kind of against throwing stuff out just bc it isn’t a particularly contrived conclusion. but this is by no means hard evidence of anything or even really a read so eh
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