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Cats (2019) Mafia

i mean i can vibe with pushing ultracool to respond, it's just :| because he played like this as town in tvt when he was trying to lay low and not claim his (later gamechanging, lol ...) power role so at this stage i feel awkward about actually killing him. would love to see more out of him though obvi
Yeah, I guess on balance Ultracool has been pretty similar to TVTropes... Would like to see more from him if possible.
Press and hold the like icon, Blu!

mewtini's elaboration about her mindset in the vote situation feels... fairly genuine?

Kinda just rapidfire shooting off stuff here to get caught up, I don't have a ton of time for this game today
I kinda disagree with everything seshas is saying but I will put my vote on IndigoEmmy
just ftr, and you probably know this but i want to reiterate - aiui, what seshas is saying is pretty standard mafia play? what do you disagree with?
I don't know if that logic entirely checks out, when I'm mafia I often make a point of TRing town as town, for the dual reason of earning their trust and making them look suspicious if I die and flip mafia. Is that to say I am mafia in this game? No, but just want to make sure your logic is accurate. Also, if we were both mafia, I wouldn't be sticking my neck out so early just to publicly associate with another mafia. Either that or I’d mix it in with a couple other town reads. If anything I’m more cautious about TRing anyone in this game until I’m fairly certain they’re not mafia, especially after how everyone’s early-game reads on kyeugh helped her cruise to victory in tvt mafia.
re: the logic part, maybe I phrased it badly - that is what I'm saying, that if you are mafia, I think it is still possible that you made that read to buddy up with a town Tofu.

Your caution makes sense, I see what you mean about that. I just don't want to let that caution get in the way of having a semi-productive day 1.
i don’t really know whether i like koko’s posting or not. i think i have trouble interpreting how i feel about lines of logic that i find Weird—i honestly generally find it AI but i think there are good arguments for why it might be wolfy or towny so i just end up confused. similarly, i think my instinct is to scumleam rari door consistently misreading the keldeo situation and shading him for it, but in the end i think that actually comes out townier than not?
You don't have to answer if you're going to talk about it in your bigpost, but I'd like you to expand on these two reads if you can. I remember that e had some logic that was like, not really weird but sort of orthogonal to what I was thinking - I liked that from em in early TVTropes and I think e's got some of that going on right now. I also think rari shading me probably comes from a genuine place? Weirdly enough from 30,000 feet up, I think if there was a wolf in the conversation it would have been the person who was encouraging more suspicion and okay with my vote, but that's... you. So idk.
looking thru the thread again i cannot see anything that would make seshas seem suspicious. why
I'm pretty interested in the genesis of this Seshas wagon as well, because they just like, haven't been here that much since people started doing actual content things, and idk if you can call that "not solvey" rather than "just not here"
*i dont vibe with it being the literal only vote and would rather the lynch not go there, is what I mean. i'm not grumbling at keldeo, you're fine bby
What's wrong with it being the only vote? Can you expand a bit more?

tbh when I asked people to give their answer to "who would you vote" I was also expecting them to like. Actually vote the people lol
If anything I’m more cautious about TRing anyone in this game until I’m fairly certain they’re not mafia, especially after how everyone’s early-game reads on kyeugh helped her cruise to victory in tvt mafia.
Just wanna note that I feel that kyeugh played good in tvt and it was more than just vibes. She totally bussed her fellow wolves after all, and people keeping track of vote tallies w/ alignments just saw that she voted to lynch mafia at times and perceived that as towny. >:o Strategic! Devious!

Even if someone feels towny right now, there's many ways to throw a spanner into the works with their actions. We also can't assume that the wolves this time are good strategists (capable of masterminding potential wolf!emmy's actions for instance), since it could be literally anyone!
this is a good post tbh. i had vaguely good vibes about you before but i think definitely you are a strong townread now

*i dont vibe with it being the literal only vote and would rather the lynch not go there, is what I mean. i'm not grumbling at keldeo, you're fine bby
i do not think the lynch will go there tbh. i will not vote myuma unless more information comes out implicating him which i doubt will happen

let's do this... for science.
Can you refresh me on your thoughts about myuma?

Everyone's reactions to myumaposting is... interesting, in italics.
I kinda disagree with everything seshas is saying but I will put my vote on IndigoEmmy
just ftr, and you probably know this but i want to reiterate - aiui, what seshas is saying is pretty standard mafia play? what do you disagree with?
I disagree that an abstain on D1 is helping the mafia. I don't really know if its standard play or not on MU, but I've been playing on TCoD for like 10 years and recklessly lynching on D1 is a lot more likely to help the mafia's chances.
n0 Butterfree btw!

I did, however, find his followup posts (#538 and #541) really confusing and had no idea what he was getting at with either of them even squinting and rereading them. I don't know if it's just me being half-asleep or what. Like... "If you're Trebek... [several bullet points assuming that he's mafia] I kind of don't think you admit that?"? What? And then something about a wolf perspective-slipping or TMIing? What was any of that about?

...Actually, looking at that again, maybe that was just supposed to say "If you're mafia" and not "If you're Trebek"? That would make a lot more sense. Did everyone else figure this out already and just not mention it, or did I miss something? God. I was so confused.
Sorry, it was a little bit over-elaborated. Essentially that first post was saying "if Trebek is mafia, and in this particular mindset that I thought he would be in, I don't think he would do the thing he did." And the second post was comparing what I thought the type of mafia he would be was, and the type of mafia that would respond in the way that he did to my pressure, and not seeing much overlap. Does that make more sense?

Also, that's good to know about the lore of Macavity disappearing.
ah, my impression is that on MU i think d1 lynch happens without much hesitation. they also have a pretty extended random voting/push stage tbf. anyway i think my point is mostly that seshas' line of thought is pretty NAI, esp when we did decide on a d1 lynch when they first played with us tvt
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