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Cats (2019) Mafia

As I understand it, the purpose of abstaining in old TCoDf meta was because the game was mostly played in the night. No one would really post anything meaningful in the day, so it'd be hard to make an informed decision without knowing PR actions, which there weren't many of on day 1. Also, the games would be balanced with respect to allowing multiple abstains at the start, whereas we have no guarantee that this game is.

If the game is mostly played in the day, there is definitely enough evidence to make a more informed lynch starting on day 1. I do not think lynching someone at this point would be reckless.

I guess another way to explain it is that the lynch is [a kill not controlled entirely by the mafia], and using as many of those as possible increases our chances to hit all of the mafia. Our advantage over the mafia is that inherently, we have more numbers, and so most of the people voting at any time will be town.

But this is entirely a theoretical discussion so I don't want to get too bogged down in it.
If I wanted to play a MU game, I’d go on MU
Yeah, I feel that... I have Thoughts and stuff about how the meta is shifting here because of the influx of people who are used to playing, for lack of a better word, a more """serious""" and "day focused" game that kind of pushes aside the TCoDf veterans who don't want to spend multiple hours catching up on a game or something.

I don't know. The mafia section revival is still young and I guess it's us who determine its direction. If you want to vote abstain because you think it's the best decision, I'm not gonna stop you.
It's not like the scene here was very active before everyone came along, though! So I've appreciated the influx of people as a stimulus, and I think any hybridized meta that results might still work out for people.

Anyway, this might entirely just be me projecting stuff that I've been mulling over recently to a semi-unrelated situation. No need to respond.
there are mechanical arguments to be made against abstaining but mostly i’m just like... why should we? i don’t really understand what it does for everyone aside from drag the game out. if the point of the game is to sort as many people as possible then doing nothing is the worst thing you can do, particularly now when the absolute worst outcome doesn’t meaningfully affect our chances of winning
i don't want to drag this discussion out longer than necessary, and ofc i won't like, be upset if vm ultimately abstains - i just don't remember this topic coming up during tvt where the voting did start earlier, and vm was town d1 there, correct? if anything there was some culture confusion when i, as a mafia newcomer, had to be told that abstaining wasn't pro-town
i don't want to drag this discussion out longer than necessary, and ofc i won't like, be upset if vm ultimately abstains - i just don't remember this topic coming up during tvt where the voting did start earlier, and vm was town d1 there, correct? if anything there was some culture confusion when i, as a mafia newcomer, had to be told that abstaining wasn't pro-town
sorry, last thing. to be 100% fair, vm didn't actually vote d1 either (he left his vote on jack's corpse, hehe). it's just that he didn't voice this then, at a time when voting was way more Serious Business than i think it is right now
If anything I’m more cautious about TRing anyone in this game until I’m fairly certain they’re not mafia, especially after how everyone’s early-game reads on kyeugh helped her cruise to victory in tvt mafia.
Just wanna note that I feel that kyeugh played good in tvt and it was more than just vibes. She totally bussed her fellow wolves after all, and people keeping track of vote tallies w/ alignments just saw that she voted to lynch mafia at times and perceived that as towny. >:o Strategic! Devious!

Even if someone feels towny right now, there's many ways to throw a spanner into the works with their actions. We also can't assume that the wolves this time are good strategists (capable of masterminding potential wolf!emmy's actions for instance), since it could be literally anyone!
this is a good post tbh. i had vaguely good vibes about you before but i think definitely you are a strong townread now

*i dont vibe with it being the literal only vote and would rather the lynch not go there, is what I mean. i'm not grumbling at keldeo, you're fine bby
i do not think the lynch will go there tbh. i will not vote myuma unless more information comes out implicating him which i doubt will happen

let's do this... for science.
Can you refresh me on your thoughts about myuma?

Everyone's reactions to myumaposting is... interesting, in italics.
i just don’t really feel any particular way about them and i think if we’re all just like “yep myuma seems fine” there’s good odds he’s a villager and we don’t get much information from that mislynch i guess? i’d rather have two wagons going on
if you’re just interested in like, feelings ABOUT myuma… idk, i guess i see where you’re coming from but i don’t think myuma seems especially more blend-wolfy than like half the roster at this point. i don’t think the online times thing means a lot but i do think it’s somewhat more likely to occur to town. i didn’t feel comfortable at all drawing attention to that kind of information last game and got kind of :// when other people did but no longer care so much as town
i think my vote on seshas isnt quite like keldeo’s on you, because keldeo was trying to get you to talk more about a specific feature of your play that pinged him and i’m mostly going on vibes here

btw @rari_teh in re: my position on your tierlist, i think it’s worth noting that i probably wouldn’t have gone gung ho on you/mewt as a wolf. it’s just not worth it d1 i don’t think
MU? I hardly even know you!

(I don't feel qualified to comment on the MU-gamestyle vs classictcod-gamestyle thing but uhhhh not all of us have even been there and are basically following through with how everyone else is playing rn 😅 )
i honestly want to say it's towny for rnp? but as i have said:
also i'm gonna be honest and say that due to Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival trauma i'm just going to be a bit reserved in reading emmy/rnp/herbe :')
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