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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
i mean she's also my n1 hypocop clear but she doesn't seem agendaed, and her EoD posting stood out to me as seeming genuinely towny. if she weren't my n1 hypocop I'd just townlean but I'm choosing to be confident on this one (and you mewt!)herbe can you talk about your butterfree read? i townlean her but am wary of TRing outright since she hasnt posted much
esp if you're someone who's played a fair number of games tbh
fwiw i’m not really making any effort to play differently. i think those differences just arise naturally bc as wolf i’m trying to exert control over the situation, and could do so thanks to my (woefully incomplete) alignment knowledge. made it a lot easier to confidently form “reads” and whatnot. whereas here i’m just kind of vibing and rolling with shit as it comes, i guess not really trying quite as hard? which of course opens me up to fucking around a bit more because i’m not really trying to achieve or orchestrate anything, i’m just posting my brain vomit. obviously you can take that or leave it since it’s a bit wifomy but basically i’m not really putting that much thought into how i appear this game bc idrc. i don’t have to leadif kyeugh is town, she would most likely want to switch things up, in order to avoid the sentiment of "well she was scum last game and is playing the exact same way now!" but w!kyeugh would likely think the exact same thing.
not implying anything about last game here, mostly just that i don’t have to take as active or conscientious or strictly agendaed a role herei don’t have to lead
l o l(woefully incomplete)
tbf i don’t think there hasn’t been resistance, obv you/rari are pushing back and bfree/ils have expressed doubt too. i think mostly it’s just not a big deal, i’m not really in perili don't think your meta would do a 180 esp if you're someone who's played a fair number of games tbh. i think metagame matters some amount, but that's opinion; i'm actually increasingly bothered by the lack of resistance that i keep bringing up
Yea no worries, I haven't said too much so far! Like, clearly taking the statistics out of context isn't necessarily indicative of anything, and prior to this I was feeling pretty good about kyeugh regardless (especially since she's one of your hypoclears, right?). It just makes me feel a bit more uncertain now, and I can't help but read obvious wolf jokes as ploys to deflect suspicionEspecially since, well, the jokes are happening just after people have voiced suspicions about her? Sorry kyeugh, no jokes allowed!
I have a hunch that several of the 6 mafia members are among the most active players
for Emmy, the source of my concern is that she seems to be here, and even posting, but not really engaging with the game.