knives dealer
- Pronoun
- any%
quod erat demonstrandumIndigoEmmy tbh :( Sorry Indigo, this is all too suspect for me
Alright. Time to actual roleclaim?
at this point, better actual roleclaim than not tbh
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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
quod erat demonstrandumIndigoEmmy tbh :( Sorry Indigo, this is all too suspect for me
Alright. Time to actual roleclaim?
I am Skimbleshanks. I'm the cop. I'm dead tonight. Goodbye.
I am Skimbleshanks. I'm the cop. I'm dead tonight. Goodbye.
Mewtini and Seshas are both not scum.
Uhhhh, yeah, Indigo's claim sounds kind of wild, and allllso as much as talking about specifics of role PMs feels a little borderline, I can't help but imagine something like this sequence of events:
- Indigo is some cat that sounds evil
- In a panic, to find a different cat to claim, she follows the wiki link to her actual cat (which goes to their 2019 page), then clicks the "Characters" link in the menu near the top
- Oh look under "A" there's Alonzo
- does not think to specifically go to 2019 movie Alonzo
??? Right? I mean.
…I’ll buy it.
if you don’t die tonight, you’ll be lynched tomorrow.
Mr Ultracool
i agree with the first and last part of this. i’m cool with emmys claim for now, and i also still have some concerns about Mr Ultracool. however, i feel like “if you don’t die tonight” completely ignores the fact that there are likely town protection roles…I’ll buy it.
if you don’t die tonight, you’ll be lynched tomorrow.
Mr Ultracool
doesn’t hurt to keep covering, I’d sayI'm barely keeping up. But if emmy is telling the truth, do we need to continue copcovering? or is there a chance that there's more than one cop in the game?
very good catch tbhi feel like “if you don’t die tonight” completely ignores the fact that there are likely town protection roles
Does anyone want to counterclaim cop? I am not an actual cop.