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Choose Your Own Pokemon Adventure~ Unova

you freaking pussy. >=O

You go through the door like a pussy, and you get you snivy.

Alarms ring, and clair and her minions come through the doors.

Now wha?

1) Stay and fight like a boss!

2) Be a pussy and run away
You stay and fight like a boss! You end up losing like a boss.

"Hmph! You are weak! For now, Team Bolt shall captue Zekrom...andwe will take over the world of POKEMON!!!!!!" Clair says "Keep your Snivy, Riolu, Panpour, Purloin, and Celebi. We already have a shiny Celebi. We shall keep your shiny beasts and shiny victini though. You may leave now!"

They give you the pokeballs of the named pokemon and you are pushed outside- LIKE A BOSS!

You look at snivy. Snivy is worried. You send it in your Pokeball.

What now?

1) Go to where this all began- Nuvema Town

2) Action #1

3) Action #1

EDIt: Woot! 700 posts!
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You venture back to Nuvema Town, where another storm takes place. You see two Pokemon in the thunderclouds; a white flame pokemon, and a black bolt which must be Zekrom.

You tell Snivy to use vine whip and grab a cloud. It does so, i dont know how though, and Snivy brings you up to the clouds. You look in your hand. A master ball that was given to you when you got the 3 dogs. (which came not in the story, XP) What to do!

1) Through the Master ball at Zekrom

2) Wimp out

3) Look off screen at a Burger King.
You throw it at Zekrom. Thunder rumbles from the sky as te Pokemon is encased in the ball. Reshiram comes up to you and stares at you. It then takes off.

A druddigon comes and takes the pokeball. Clair is ontop of it." HMPH! thanks for leading me directly to Zekrom" she says as she goes off.

The clouds dissappear and you and snivy fall to the ground. Reshiram reappears and carries the two of you.

In your mind, you think you caught reshiram. (XP)

Where to?

1) Follow Clair

2) Your choice

You follow clair but get lost near a library.

Reshiram goes in the empty library and comes out with a book. You read it.

""""{IF you want to read the story on why it happened, visit your local library

Nintendo 1998-2011
Game Freak 1998-2011}

"A mystical being once stood tall over Unova. The pokemon was thought to hold Ideals and Truth. One day, Ideal and Truth just couldn't live together in harmony. The essense of the Pokemon split in two. One was know to be the White Flame, Reshiram, who holds Truth. The other was the Black Bolt, Zekrom, who holds Ideals.

People then wanted to control the two, and the two Pokemon had to destroy Unova, etting it replenish again.

It was said that the two Pokemon turned into stones that represent themselves.

When the two are both captured, it is said that One would be on the side of good, and the other evil. They would have to battle to determine the fate of Unova. It is unknown where the Pokemon are now.

And so ends this very short story"

{All rights reserved}"""""""

You close the book. you hae to capture Reshiram.

1) Capture it Like a Boss!!

2) Be a pussy and let the world end.
You tell reshiram "W-what about kyurem"

It use a large fire blast right next to you and it's face is pissed.


1) Capture Reshiram

2) wimp out
You capture it. whoo....

you look for kyurem now. no luck. maybe you'll see him later.


1) Defeat Clair (first find her)

2) Anything else
You go to the giant chasm. it's sealed by a strong boulder, and none of your pokemon know strength.

You fly on reshiram all the way to The Pokemon league, where a large building surrounds the pokeon league.

as you land you hear three people, one from team plasma, one from team bolt, and one from team flame. You hear the conversation like this;

"You cant kick team plasma outta hear! we have a plan thats gonna take place in the time someone gets 4 badges!" Plasma says.

"Well, get the fudge out!" Bolt says

"You two shouldnt even do this!!" Flame says

and more noises go on. You sneak inside and you see clair with your 3 dogs and victini. what to do now?

1) Fight clair for them like a boss

2) Sneakily get your pokemon, like an adequate boss.
You try to sneak in, but Clair sees you.

"Ahh, ready for a battle? for the life of your Pokemon?"Clair says.

"I'll win and get my Pokemon back!!" You yell, "Reshiram, GO!!"

"Hmph, like you caught...." She said, but then stoped at the sight of Reshiram.

Zekrom then comes out and gets ready for battle.

Wow, the first time you battle in so long!

Johto Leader Clair would like to battle. She sends out Zekrom.


Go, Reshiram!


1)Fusion Flare
2)Fire Blast
3)Draco Meteor
4)V-Create (=P)
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