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Umm, I have read the first three issues of Runaways (Marvel series). Anyone heard of it?

I also read whatever Naruto manga my friends give me. Plus the issues of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl my brother buys.
Umm, I have read the first three issues of Runaways (Marvel series). Anyone heard of it?

I also read whatever Naruto manga my friends give me. Plus the issues of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl my brother buys.
Oh yesssss.

I've read a few chapters, but lost interest and money once the new Ultimates started rolling in.
X-men and Batman were favorites of mine growing up. Have a bit of a soft spot for Superman, Fantastic Four and Ironman too, but I don't try to keep up with them as much as I do the first two. Haven't kept up with much of anything lately.

Japanese comics are much the same; couple of favorites, mild interest in a few others. Kuroshitsuji is the one I'm following lately, was keeping up with Naruto for a while. Don't see the reason for all the hype with either series.
What's it about?
As far as I can tell, it's about a group of people from an organization (Invisible College) who travel through time and space to fight physical and psychological oppression using their powers.
The series follows a specific team most of the time, consisting of characters such as Livepudlian hooligans, transgendered shamans and American police officers.

It sounds great and I know they visit Oscar Wilde and the Marquis de Sade at different points of the series so it can only be awesome.
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I read alot, although I prefer manga over western style comics for some reason. Some of my favorite series are: Fruits Basket, Soul Eater, Full Metal Alchemist, Zombie Loan, +Anima, Chibi Vampire, Captive Heart, and Negima. I think that cover all of them...
The only mango I read is Yotsuba&!. I can read it online for free, so I don't have to buy it or anything (besides, who sells manga in the US?)
The only mango I read is Yotsuba&!. I can read it online for free, so I don't have to buy it or anything (besides, who sells manga in the US?)

How about Books a Million, Barnes and Noble, and any chain bookstore in America?

I have but one, MEGATOKYO volume 1.
As far as I can tell, it's about a group of people from an organization (Invisible College) who travel through time and space to fight physical and psychological oppression using their powers.
The series follows a specific team most of the time, consisting of characters such as Livepudlian hooligans, transgendered shamans and American polyce officers.

All I read of this paragraph was 'Liverpudlian hooligans' and I want this.
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