Warning: May contain nuts
Re: comment the Pokémon designs.
I'm going to do the legendaries and maybe any other Pokemon I come up with >.>
Okay okay okay, I like Moltres more, but I love Articuno closely <3 I've always liked to think of it as 'the most beautiful Pokemon on Earth' (not cute, beautiful) because of its huge swishy tail feather and the fact that it shines. I personally find it easy to imagine its feathers being made out of ice (most of the time that the tiny little strands that come out from the hard, clear part of the feather are actually tiny ice crystals).
Most people say it looks like a flying Jolteon, but I can't really see the resemblance besides spikes and yellow coloration, which pretty much every Electric Pokemon has. I like its design, actually. The two sets of wings are actually kinda cool (hint: the lower one is the yellow one and on top is the black set), since lightning comes from the sky. Also, besides Rotom, it's the only Electric type immune to Ground, and Rotom has Levitate, not the Flying type. Zapdos is the only Electric/Flying in the game. It's long beak makes me like it, too.
Moltres is my favorite out of the legendary bird trio. I like its yellow color, which ties well with fire (except pink shiny for fire=WTF (looking at you too, Magmortar)), and the fact that it has fire coming from it all over the place. The tail looks a lot more impressive now; it used to just be some kind of curved yellow thing with fire on top that was miserabely short, but now it's entirely fire and a lot bigger. The crest makes me think of a mood indicator through fire (like Charmeleon's tail) that grows bigger or smaller and changes color (normal fire colors of course, not insane weird colors like neon green or black or white or something) depending on mood. My favorite part are the wings, of course; the wings and crests are actually traits shared by all the legendary birds. Of course, Moltres has the coolest wings and crest of all :D
Mew is the cutest Pokemon ever in my opinion. It's light-colored (for some reason, almost every 'cute' Pokemon has lighter colors). I dislike how this generation gave it a hot pink color, because I liked it better when it was a whitish tone with a pink tint. The thing that makes it cute, though, is the tail. I can just imagine it chasing it around and around and around. I found it especially cute in the First Movie where it was ignoring Mewtwo and looking at its tail, and then it tried to catch it and did a frontflip.
Everyone says it looks like a cat, but I think Mewtwo is a kangaroo. It has large back feet that it balances on, and when it kicks off to fly, it looks almost like it's trying to jump, like a kangaroo does. If it was female, than I could easily imagine a baby Mewtwo (so cute!) crawling into a little pouch that's right where a kangaroo's is, right behind the beginning of the tail. Of course, I find it hard to think of Mewtwo as female. It's so obviously masculine.
Raikou is another one of one of my favorite Electric Pokemon. I always liked to think of the legendary beasts as companions to the legendary birds; Raikou to Zapdos, Entei to Moltres, and Suicune to Articuno. Zapdos makes lightning, and lightning causes thunder, which is said by the Pokedex to be Raikou's roaring. It even has little storm clouds on its back (although they're purple, WTF) and has a jagged tail, like lightning.
Entei is, in my mind, a companion to Moltres, as I said before. Moltres is a god(ess) of fire, which ties in nicely with the legend that Entei is born along with every volcano, and when it roars, a volcano erupts. This leads to the assumption that there are multiple Entei, but I don't really mind. It has smoke on its back, which is cool, but it can't learn Smokescreen o.O Fire Fang is also the only physical Fire move it learns, which is weird because of its high Attack. Can't we get Flare Blitz or something? Anyways, I like Entei ^w^ (Wynaut!)
Most people like Suicune most out of the legendary beast trio, and I can see why. Heck, it's my favorite too. The shape on its head looks cool. I don't know what that purple stuff is, but it also looks good. It has little diamonds everywhere, but it doesn't look like some added features to just make it more complicated like the little triangles beneath Jirachi's eyes. It also has these ribbons that make it look graceful somehow, but I freaked out the first time I saw them (which was in one of the Jhoto opening themes, where Raikou, Entei, and Suicune were all running) because it made it insanely obvious that they came directly out of its butt. It must hurt to poop for him.
Lugia is, as you should know, my favorite Pokemon of all time, so prepare for a bit of biased reasoning here. Anyways, I like the eye-spikes and all the other spikes. They make it look cool, and they can be useful in battle. Seriously, if it swings one of those spikes at you, you probably get impaled. It looked a lot better when it had the 'thumb feather' was bent inward towards the palm. It looked like a hand then, but whatever. I still imagine it like that. The whole flapping its wings makes a forty-day storm thing is probably relating to Noah.
I like Ho-Oh's color scheme. It does nicely with the whole rainbow theme. Of course, it doesn't have any blue or purple, but blue or purple on a Fire type looks weird. It has a big puffy tail, which I like. And it has a green band on its neck for some reason, but I don't care. I doesn't ruin the appearance.
I never really got the basis of most of it except for the color. Of course a guardian of forests would be green >.> The head also looks like an onion (almost everyone says that) which is a plant, so it makes some sense. I never really got the antennae or wings, but they make it complete atleast. I can't think of what I would replace them with if they weren't there.
I admit it; I didn't really like any of the Regis at first. Of course, I began to actually take notice of them after I managed to find a Relicanth and complete that damned puzzle. Regirock is probably the coolest-looking of the trio to me. I mean, a humanoid thing made of rocks with Braille on its face (which so obviously says 'rock' for Regirock)? Fuck yes please. Its shoulders are fucking awesome. And it can rebuild itself. Although I never got the point of the differently colored rocks that are tan instead of gray, they make it look like more than a gray blob from space.
Regice is also kinda cool. This one has 'ice' in Braille on its face, and four little 'wings' on its back. It's made out of ice from Antarctica in the Ice Age, and the air around it is -328 degrees Farenheit (-345.776 degrees Celsius (yes I did the math)), which is only 2 degrees F (144.776 degrees C (did the math for that too)) above the average temperature at the cloudtops on Neptune. In other words, pretty damn cold. Of course, this doesn't make too much sense because just about any Pokemon that tried a physical attack would freeze once it got too close, but whatever. Either way, yeah, Regice is cool :D
Registeel is probably my least favorite Regi. Its Braille symbol (steel) looks the coolest, yeah, but the way the crack that opens it up so you can see the 'face' screws it big time. I would probably like it better if the animation showed that it could close that crack up as a defense mechanism. It's also missing the things on the back, which is basically a trademark of the Regis, just like the crests and wings are for the bird trio and the things on the back are for the beasts. Nintendo could probably redeem it if it could have some kind of 'other form' because it looks like a Transformer.
I love Latias. They made her look cute, but, like Mew or something else cute, she can really kick your ass, especially if you let her get in a few Calm Minds. I don't get what the little dangly things by the butt are for, though. And even her shiny form looks good, and it's consistent, which is almost a first for Nintendo. By 'consistent' I mean the little triangle. On regular Latias it's blue, like regular Latios, and on shiny Latias it's green, like shiny Latios.
Latios is nice, albeit not as good as Latias. He's mostly the same, except they altered a few things to make him more masculine. The things on the face go upwards. The eyes are narrowed, which makes him look emo and pissed off. He's also bigger and heftier, focusing more on attacking than defending. The butt things are bigger and more widespread, too.
The weather trio's looks pwn everything else except Lugia. The cracks on all of them look awesome. Kyogre's make it look more ancient. And they glow, too. And it's got a little hole on the face, and the eye is hidden back inside the head like it's attached directly to the brain or something.
These cracks don't glow, but that's okay. It's actually better that way, because when they're all sunken into the skin like that, it looks more like cracks in the earth. The tail has spikes, which makes it look better. It could, like, impale you or something with those.
Rayquaza is cool. Period. It has spikes on its head that go backwards, which looks pretty aerodynamic. It has tiny little arms like a T-rex or something, suggesting it only uses them for picking things up and stuff. And it looks like Quetzocoatl, which is, in my opinion, awesome, and where the second part of the name comes from. It's not 'quasar' because a quasar is a bright galaxy powered by a supergiant black hole, which has no relation to Rayquaza whatsoever.
Jirachi probably wasn't the best-designed Pokemon of all. It's okay, except for the little triangles beneath the eyes. They have no purpose and are barely visible anyway. But it's shaped like a star, which stays consistent with the whole 'wishing star' story. It has a huge eye on its stomach that stays closed most of the time, but it's not necessary, but not a bad thing either. I also don't like the little thingies that hang down from the hat next to its eyes (not the blue tags, they look cool). It makes it look very weird.
I personally like the original form of Deoxys. Most Pokemon that are supposed to be from outer space, like Clefairy, don't look at all extraterrestrial. You could easily imagine them as being earthly, regular creatures. They don't look anything like the average person's idea of alien. Deoxys, however, fits with that picture. It's vaguely humanoid, but not too much. The missing 'skin' around its waist is a nice touch. It has an odd head with two spikes coming out of it, with a purple thing in the middle that scans things. Oh, and it has that gem in its chest that makes an Aurora. That's something that really makes Deoxys unique. Although, for some reason, it can't learn Aurora Beam. WTF. Oh, and its arms can become a red and blue string or an arm with an awesome color design and a hand.
This worked well for Deoxys's attack form. It has three spikes coming out of its head now, and they're sharp, like it uses them as swords. Its knees are also spiky. And most of its 'skin' is gone, symbolizing less defense. Its eyes are glaring at you like it wants to kill you. And it does. It's going to kill you with that huge Attack that hasn't been beaten by anyone, and you know it.
Deoxys's defense form wasn't one of my favorites, but I'm not much for defense anyway. I mainly revolve around attacking and sometimes status or strategy to steadily take down the opponent. But this form isn't badly designed at all. All its skin is here to protect it. Its head is rounded, so none of those spikes to worry about. The arms are large and flat, so they can be used as shields, and the tips wrap around the shoulders for the blue part so they won't fall off. Nothing done wrong.
Deoxys's speed form actually looks aerodynamic, unlike some Pokemon that are supposed to be extremely fast *coughNinjaskcough*. All its skin is gone to relieve the weight. It has a long spike on its head, which is... okay. And its arms are just long whiplike strings that are probably meant for hit-and-run, which is what this form revolves around. All due respect, they made the speediest of all time actually look speedy.
And I'm not really in the mood to do the rest right now :P
I'm going to do the legendaries and maybe any other Pokemon I come up with >.>
Okay okay okay, I like Moltres more, but I love Articuno closely <3 I've always liked to think of it as 'the most beautiful Pokemon on Earth' (not cute, beautiful) because of its huge swishy tail feather and the fact that it shines. I personally find it easy to imagine its feathers being made out of ice (most of the time that the tiny little strands that come out from the hard, clear part of the feather are actually tiny ice crystals).
Most people say it looks like a flying Jolteon, but I can't really see the resemblance besides spikes and yellow coloration, which pretty much every Electric Pokemon has. I like its design, actually. The two sets of wings are actually kinda cool (hint: the lower one is the yellow one and on top is the black set), since lightning comes from the sky. Also, besides Rotom, it's the only Electric type immune to Ground, and Rotom has Levitate, not the Flying type. Zapdos is the only Electric/Flying in the game. It's long beak makes me like it, too.
Moltres is my favorite out of the legendary bird trio. I like its yellow color, which ties well with fire (except pink shiny for fire=WTF (looking at you too, Magmortar)), and the fact that it has fire coming from it all over the place. The tail looks a lot more impressive now; it used to just be some kind of curved yellow thing with fire on top that was miserabely short, but now it's entirely fire and a lot bigger. The crest makes me think of a mood indicator through fire (like Charmeleon's tail) that grows bigger or smaller and changes color (normal fire colors of course, not insane weird colors like neon green or black or white or something) depending on mood. My favorite part are the wings, of course; the wings and crests are actually traits shared by all the legendary birds. Of course, Moltres has the coolest wings and crest of all :D
Mew is the cutest Pokemon ever in my opinion. It's light-colored (for some reason, almost every 'cute' Pokemon has lighter colors). I dislike how this generation gave it a hot pink color, because I liked it better when it was a whitish tone with a pink tint. The thing that makes it cute, though, is the tail. I can just imagine it chasing it around and around and around. I found it especially cute in the First Movie where it was ignoring Mewtwo and looking at its tail, and then it tried to catch it and did a frontflip.
Everyone says it looks like a cat, but I think Mewtwo is a kangaroo. It has large back feet that it balances on, and when it kicks off to fly, it looks almost like it's trying to jump, like a kangaroo does. If it was female, than I could easily imagine a baby Mewtwo (so cute!) crawling into a little pouch that's right where a kangaroo's is, right behind the beginning of the tail. Of course, I find it hard to think of Mewtwo as female. It's so obviously masculine.
Raikou is another one of one of my favorite Electric Pokemon. I always liked to think of the legendary beasts as companions to the legendary birds; Raikou to Zapdos, Entei to Moltres, and Suicune to Articuno. Zapdos makes lightning, and lightning causes thunder, which is said by the Pokedex to be Raikou's roaring. It even has little storm clouds on its back (although they're purple, WTF) and has a jagged tail, like lightning.
Entei is, in my mind, a companion to Moltres, as I said before. Moltres is a god(ess) of fire, which ties in nicely with the legend that Entei is born along with every volcano, and when it roars, a volcano erupts. This leads to the assumption that there are multiple Entei, but I don't really mind. It has smoke on its back, which is cool, but it can't learn Smokescreen o.O Fire Fang is also the only physical Fire move it learns, which is weird because of its high Attack. Can't we get Flare Blitz or something? Anyways, I like Entei ^w^ (Wynaut!)
Most people like Suicune most out of the legendary beast trio, and I can see why. Heck, it's my favorite too. The shape on its head looks cool. I don't know what that purple stuff is, but it also looks good. It has little diamonds everywhere, but it doesn't look like some added features to just make it more complicated like the little triangles beneath Jirachi's eyes. It also has these ribbons that make it look graceful somehow, but I freaked out the first time I saw them (which was in one of the Jhoto opening themes, where Raikou, Entei, and Suicune were all running) because it made it insanely obvious that they came directly out of its butt. It must hurt to poop for him.
Lugia is, as you should know, my favorite Pokemon of all time, so prepare for a bit of biased reasoning here. Anyways, I like the eye-spikes and all the other spikes. They make it look cool, and they can be useful in battle. Seriously, if it swings one of those spikes at you, you probably get impaled. It looked a lot better when it had the 'thumb feather' was bent inward towards the palm. It looked like a hand then, but whatever. I still imagine it like that. The whole flapping its wings makes a forty-day storm thing is probably relating to Noah.
I like Ho-Oh's color scheme. It does nicely with the whole rainbow theme. Of course, it doesn't have any blue or purple, but blue or purple on a Fire type looks weird. It has a big puffy tail, which I like. And it has a green band on its neck for some reason, but I don't care. I doesn't ruin the appearance.
I never really got the basis of most of it except for the color. Of course a guardian of forests would be green >.> The head also looks like an onion (almost everyone says that) which is a plant, so it makes some sense. I never really got the antennae or wings, but they make it complete atleast. I can't think of what I would replace them with if they weren't there.
I admit it; I didn't really like any of the Regis at first. Of course, I began to actually take notice of them after I managed to find a Relicanth and complete that damned puzzle. Regirock is probably the coolest-looking of the trio to me. I mean, a humanoid thing made of rocks with Braille on its face (which so obviously says 'rock' for Regirock)? Fuck yes please. Its shoulders are fucking awesome. And it can rebuild itself. Although I never got the point of the differently colored rocks that are tan instead of gray, they make it look like more than a gray blob from space.
Regice is also kinda cool. This one has 'ice' in Braille on its face, and four little 'wings' on its back. It's made out of ice from Antarctica in the Ice Age, and the air around it is -328 degrees Farenheit (-345.776 degrees Celsius (yes I did the math)), which is only 2 degrees F (144.776 degrees C (did the math for that too)) above the average temperature at the cloudtops on Neptune. In other words, pretty damn cold. Of course, this doesn't make too much sense because just about any Pokemon that tried a physical attack would freeze once it got too close, but whatever. Either way, yeah, Regice is cool :D
Registeel is probably my least favorite Regi. Its Braille symbol (steel) looks the coolest, yeah, but the way the crack that opens it up so you can see the 'face' screws it big time. I would probably like it better if the animation showed that it could close that crack up as a defense mechanism. It's also missing the things on the back, which is basically a trademark of the Regis, just like the crests and wings are for the bird trio and the things on the back are for the beasts. Nintendo could probably redeem it if it could have some kind of 'other form' because it looks like a Transformer.
I love Latias. They made her look cute, but, like Mew or something else cute, she can really kick your ass, especially if you let her get in a few Calm Minds. I don't get what the little dangly things by the butt are for, though. And even her shiny form looks good, and it's consistent, which is almost a first for Nintendo. By 'consistent' I mean the little triangle. On regular Latias it's blue, like regular Latios, and on shiny Latias it's green, like shiny Latios.
Latios is nice, albeit not as good as Latias. He's mostly the same, except they altered a few things to make him more masculine. The things on the face go upwards. The eyes are narrowed, which makes him look emo and pissed off. He's also bigger and heftier, focusing more on attacking than defending. The butt things are bigger and more widespread, too.
The weather trio's looks pwn everything else except Lugia. The cracks on all of them look awesome. Kyogre's make it look more ancient. And they glow, too. And it's got a little hole on the face, and the eye is hidden back inside the head like it's attached directly to the brain or something.
These cracks don't glow, but that's okay. It's actually better that way, because when they're all sunken into the skin like that, it looks more like cracks in the earth. The tail has spikes, which makes it look better. It could, like, impale you or something with those.
Rayquaza is cool. Period. It has spikes on its head that go backwards, which looks pretty aerodynamic. It has tiny little arms like a T-rex or something, suggesting it only uses them for picking things up and stuff. And it looks like Quetzocoatl, which is, in my opinion, awesome, and where the second part of the name comes from. It's not 'quasar' because a quasar is a bright galaxy powered by a supergiant black hole, which has no relation to Rayquaza whatsoever.
Jirachi probably wasn't the best-designed Pokemon of all. It's okay, except for the little triangles beneath the eyes. They have no purpose and are barely visible anyway. But it's shaped like a star, which stays consistent with the whole 'wishing star' story. It has a huge eye on its stomach that stays closed most of the time, but it's not necessary, but not a bad thing either. I also don't like the little thingies that hang down from the hat next to its eyes (not the blue tags, they look cool). It makes it look very weird.
I personally like the original form of Deoxys. Most Pokemon that are supposed to be from outer space, like Clefairy, don't look at all extraterrestrial. You could easily imagine them as being earthly, regular creatures. They don't look anything like the average person's idea of alien. Deoxys, however, fits with that picture. It's vaguely humanoid, but not too much. The missing 'skin' around its waist is a nice touch. It has an odd head with two spikes coming out of it, with a purple thing in the middle that scans things. Oh, and it has that gem in its chest that makes an Aurora. That's something that really makes Deoxys unique. Although, for some reason, it can't learn Aurora Beam. WTF. Oh, and its arms can become a red and blue string or an arm with an awesome color design and a hand.
This worked well for Deoxys's attack form. It has three spikes coming out of its head now, and they're sharp, like it uses them as swords. Its knees are also spiky. And most of its 'skin' is gone, symbolizing less defense. Its eyes are glaring at you like it wants to kill you. And it does. It's going to kill you with that huge Attack that hasn't been beaten by anyone, and you know it.
Deoxys's defense form wasn't one of my favorites, but I'm not much for defense anyway. I mainly revolve around attacking and sometimes status or strategy to steadily take down the opponent. But this form isn't badly designed at all. All its skin is here to protect it. Its head is rounded, so none of those spikes to worry about. The arms are large and flat, so they can be used as shields, and the tips wrap around the shoulders for the blue part so they won't fall off. Nothing done wrong.
Deoxys's speed form actually looks aerodynamic, unlike some Pokemon that are supposed to be extremely fast *coughNinjaskcough*. All its skin is gone to relieve the weight. It has a long spike on its head, which is... okay. And its arms are just long whiplike strings that are probably meant for hit-and-run, which is what this form revolves around. All due respect, they made the speediest of all time actually look speedy.
And I'm not really in the mood to do the rest right now :P
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