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Introducing entry #1: FURISODE GIRL WISPER & HOPE!
Your partner Pokémon hates any form of strife and angst. You're hoping to traumatize it out of those pitiful tendencies in order to win more Contests.
Your alignment is Mafia. You win when at least exactly half of all current living players are Mafia-aligned.
Your partners are Lass myuma and Suspicious Child Stryke. You may communicate with them privately regarding this game.
Frustration (Cuteness | +2 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, including oneself)
A move that would be more appealing if the user weren't so obviously being coerced into performing it.
This Move is a Factional Kill. Only one Factional Kill move can be used per Night by any Mafia-aligned player.At the end of the night: the target player is killed.Tailwind (Coolness | +1 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (see specification)
Causes the user's team to get a leg up on the competition.
The target player for this Move must be your Mafia partner who is using a Factional Kill move.This Night: that Factional Kill move ignores any effects which would prevent a kill from taking place. (But not any effects which would prevent the move itself from having an effect.)Flash (Beauty | +5 Appeal) | Targets 2 players (alive, including oneself)
Distracts other contestants as they seek their targets.
During the current Night: any other Moves that target one of the target players will instead target the other target player.Seismic Toss (Toughness | +5 Appeal) | Targets 2 players (alive, including oneself)
Pushes a contestant somewhere else.
During the current Night, if the first target player uses any Moves that target: the target for those Moves become your second target player.Telekinesis (Cleverness | +3 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, excluding oneself)
Makes other Pokémon nervous. And generally incapacitated.
This Move's effects apply only if the target player's Move does not match this Night's Popular Contest Type.The effects of the target player's Move this Night are negated (the Move still counts as having been used, and if appropriate, targeted, and still earns Appeal). The target player's Move also earns -2 less Appeal than usual.
Introducing entry #2: BUG CATCHER JACKPK & GWEN!
You showed all the girls some cool bugs, but they all screamed and ran away and hated it. Well, now you're going to show the WORLD some cool bugs.
Your alignment is Town. You win when all scum-aligned players are dead.
Electroweb (Beauty | +8 Appeal)
Quite an appealing move.
Has no effect besides earning Appeal.Sludge Bomb (Toughness | +5 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, excluding oneself)
Shows off an awesome gift with full expectation that the recipient will be grateful.
The target player receives a Nasty Surprise item.Nasty Surprises can be consumed during the Day Phase to instantly target and kill another player. However, they can only be used by a player who has earned no more than 4 Appeal during the prior Night. Additionally, if the the player has earned no more than 2 Appeal during the prior Night, their firing of a Nasty Surprise will ignore any effects which prevent a player's death. (All of these effects are described to a player who receives a Nasty Surprise.)You cannot successfully give a Nasty Surprise to a player who is already currently holding one.Infestation (Cuteness | +2 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, excluding oneself)
Shows off an awesome gift with full expectation that the recipient will be grateful.
The target player receives a Bees?! item.Bees?!s prevent a player from dying (includingly as a result of being lynched in the Day poll), one time only, and are consumed in the process. (All of these effects are described to a player who receives a Bees?!.)You cannot successfully give a Bees?! to a player who is already currently holding one.Toxic Spikes (Cleverness | +1 Appeal) | Targets 1 players (always oneself)
Pouts, storms off, and starts planning vengeance.
The target player receives a Bag of Tricks.Bags of Tricks can be consumed during the Day Phase to instantly target and kill another player. However, they can only be used by a player who has earned at least 6 Appeal during the prior Night.You cannot successfully give a Bag of Tricks to a player who is already holding one.Double Team (Coolness | +3 Appeal)
Causes the user to make it look like the crowd is full of some other people.
You can use this move as often as any others, but you can only choose to activate these following effects once in the game. Additionally, this effect will be negated if the Move clases with the Popular Contest Type (but in this case, you may attempt to activate it at another time).At any time during the next Day Phase, you may designate a player; that player will be lynched at the end of the Day, instead of whoever the Day poll designates for the lynch. You may also designate no player, forcing an Abstain.
You may be an otherworldly, mysterious, formless, murderous alien entity that lurks in the night, but truthfully your hope is to shine the light of day on the grand performances of humans and Pokémon.
Your alignment is Town. You win when all scum-aligned players are dead.
Solar Beam (Coolness | +8 Appeal)
Quite an appealing move.
Has no effect besides earning Appeal.Confide (Cuteness | +2 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, including oneself)
Attempts to communicate with this world's creatures. Effectiveness... varies.
This Night, if the target player is Town-aligned, their Move earns +1 Appeal. However, if the target player is not Town-aligned, their Move earns -1 Appeal.Incinerate (Toughness | +4 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, including oneself)
Elevates a contestant's performance with a plume of flame. So, like, were lifeforms on this planet combustible, again...?
This Night, the target player's Move earns +5 Appeal. At the end of the Day after this Night: the target player is killed.Morning Sun (Beauty | +5 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, excluding oneself)
Illuminates a contestant's performance with a radiant light. Might make it a bit tough for them to see what they're doing, though. Such is the limitation of Earth eyes.
This Night, the target player's Move earns +2 Appeal.Additionally, if the target player's Move matches the Popular Contest Type for the Night: the effects of their Move are negated. (That Move still counts as having been used and, if appropriate, targeted, and still earns Appeal.)Wonder Room (Cleverness | +7 Appeal)
Scrambles reality and replaces your own.
Designate a Contest Type. It forcibly becomes the Popular Contest Type this Night.
Introducing entry #4: LASS MYUMA & BIP!
You would stop at nothing to fulfill your great ambition: to force all Contestants to wear tiny miniskirts while on stage.
Your alignment is Mafia. You win when at least exactly half of all current living players are Mafia-aligned.
Your partners are Furisode Girl Wisper and Suspicious Child Stryke. You may communicate with them privately regarding this game.
Headbutt (Toughness | +3 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, including oneself)
A move that would be more appealing if the goal wasn't to break someone else's shins.
This Move is a Factional Kill. Only one Factional Kill move can be used per Night by any Mafia-aligned player.At the end of the night: the target player is killed.Whirlwind (Cleverness | +3 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (see specification)
Scrambles other contestant's perception of who did what to whom now?
The target player for this Move must be your Mafia partner who is using a Factional Kill move.This Night: negate any effects that attempt to gain information regarding the target Mafia partner. Also, any conditional effects treat that Mafia partner as a Town-aligned player using a non-targeting Move with +4 Appeal and a neutral Contest Type.Sand Attack (Cuteness | +1 Appeal)
If all else fails, chuck sand in their eyes. Effectiveness varies depending on how often you've been falling back on that one.
The first time you successfully activate this Move's effect: until the second Day after it was activated, one time only, you will not be killed by an effect which would have killed you (including the Day poll lynch). Also, this Move's Appeal score is lowered by -1.The second time you successfully activate this Move's effect: apply the same effects as above (including the Appeal score penalty, again), but the duration is only until the next Day after the Move's effect is activated.Afterwards: you may use this Move, but it will have no effects other than earning Appeal.Ominous Wind (Beauty | +3 Appeal)
Effectiveness varies depending on how dead the user is.
For the rest of this game, if you are lynched: during the following Night only, you may target and kill a player, even if you are dead. (This is irrespective of the Factional Kill.)Brave Bird (Coolness | +4 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, including oneself)
Inspires a contestant's sense of brave idiocy.
For the rest of this game, if the target player would be killed during any Phase: they are not killed, but will instead be killed at the end of the next Phase.This effect can only be applied once to each player.
Introducing entry #5: PAINTER HERBE & PAUL PAUL!
You came here to paint portraits of the winning Pokémon with the most awful photoshop effects applied on top, and you're all out of bubblegum.
Your alignment is Town. You win when all scum-aligned players are dead.
You are also a part of the Contest Move Observer Duo, alongside Battle Girl Mewtini. You may communicate privately with them regarding the game.
"My Pokémon Is Fight" (Coolness | +5 Appeal)
Paints a highly appealing portrait with an exquisite title.
Until the end of the Day after this move is used, the first time a Town-aligned player dies who knew a Cool-type Move: this Move is replaced with that Move. Some Moves cannot be copied this way.You cannot use this Move on the same Night that your partner has used Edgelord Stance.If your partner dies, and had replaced their Edgelord Stance with another Move: this Move is automatically replaced by that Cool-type Move."She Is Grace" (Beauty | +4 Appeal)
Paints a decently appealing portrait that will do something to your face.
Until the end of the Day after this move is used, the first time a Town-aligned player dies who knew a Beautiful-type Move: this Move is replaced with that Move. Some Moves cannot be copied this way.You cannot use this Move on the same Night that your partner has used T&A Pose.If your partner dies, and had replaced their T&A Pose with another Move: this Move is automatically replaced by that Beautiful-type Move."No Such A Thing As Desaturation" (Cuteness | +4 Appeal)
Paints a decently appealing portrait that approaches color with the quantity-over-quality method.
Until the end of the Day after this move is used, the first time a Town-aligned player dies who knew a Cute-type Move: this Move is replaced with that Move. Some Moves cannot be copied this way.You cannot use this Move on the same Night that your partner has used Curl Up Into Fetal Position, I Guess.If your partner dies, and had replaced their Curl Up Into Fetal Position, I Guess with another Move: this Move is automatically replaced by that Cute-type Move."Modern Art" (Cleverness | +3 Appeal)
Paints a somewhat appealing portrait that only the enlightened can truly appreciate.
Until the end of the Day after this move is used, the first time a Town-aligned player dies who knew a Clever-type Move: this Move is replaced with that Move. Some Moves cannot be copied this way.You cannot use this Move on the same Night that your partner has used Meme Reenactment Pose.If your partner dies, and had replaced their Meme Reenactment Pose with another Move: this Move is automatically replaced by that Clever-type Move."Bold and Brash" (Toughness | +2 Appeal)
Paints a rather unappealing portrait that belongs in the trash.
Until the end of the Day after this move is used, the first time a Town-aligned player dies who knew a Tough-type Move: this Move is replaced with that Move. Some Moves cannot be copied this way.You cannot use this Move on the same Night that your partner has used JoJo Pose.If your partner dies, and had replaced their JoJo Pose with another Move: this Move is automatically replaced by that Tough-type Move.
Introducing entry #6: SUSPICIOUS CHILD STRYKE & ICEX!
You may be mind-controlling a child to participate in this Contest in your stead, but deep down, you aren't all that bad of a person, really. You are, however, a horrible judge of character, so you've been virtually hanging out with the wrong crowd.
Your alignment is Mafia. You win when at least exactly half of all current living players are Mafia-aligned.
Your partners are Furisode Girl Wisper and Lass myuma. You may communicate with them privately regarding this game.
Freeze-Dry (Beauty | +2 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, including oneself)
A move that would be more appealing if the goal wasn't to induce lethal hypothermia.
This Move is a Factional Kill. Only one Factional Kill move can be used per Night by any Mafia-aligned player.At the end of the night: the target player is killed.Sharpen (Cuteness | +4 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (see specification)
Ups an ally's Condition. Makes them look nice and crisp while doing a murder.
The target player for this Move must be your Mafia partner who is using a Factional Kill move.This Night: that Factional Kill move earns an additional +3 Appeal.Hidden Power (Cleverness | +8 Appeal)
Quite an appealing move.
Has no effect besides earning Appeal.Rapid Spin (Coolness | +3 Appeal)
Ups the team's Condition. You see, everything looks great with stuff spinning.
For the rest of the game after this Night: all Moves used by Mafia-aligned players earn an additional +1 Appeal.Acid Armor (Toughness | +3 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (see specification)
Shows off the Pokémon's appeal so similarly to another contestant's, the resemblance is frankly eerie.
You may choose to use this Move without activating its effects.If you do activate the effects, you must target 1 dead Mafia-aligned player. You may then replace this Move with any Move that that player knew, except for a Factional Kill move.The Night after you successfully activate this effect: you may use two Moves. The Appeal you earn from using them will be the average of the Appeal that each Move would have earned on its own, rounded down.
Introducing entry #8: BATTLE GIRL MEWTINI & GALLADE!
You came here to chew bubblegum, but the moves everyone else is using in this Contest thing are fascinating too. Maybe they'll serve as inspiration for your partner Pokémon's super-advanced battle poses.
Your alignment is Town. You win when all scum-aligned players are dead.
You are also a part of the Contest Move Observer Duo, alongside Painter Herbe. You may communicate privately with them regarding the game.
Curl Up Into Fetal Position, I Guess (Cuteness | +5 Appeal)
Strikes a highly appealing pose which is, if nothing else, extremely relateable.
Until the end of the Day after this move is used, the first time a Town-aligned player dies who knew a Cute-type Move: this Move is replaced with that Move. Some Moves cannot be copied this way.You cannot use this Move on the same Night that your partner has used "No Such A Thing As Desaturation".If your partner dies, and had replaced their "No Such A Thing As Desaturation" with another Move: this Move is automatically replaced by that Cute-type Move.Meme Reenactment Pose (Cleverness | +4 Appeal)
Strikes a decently appealing pose which reminds people of that thing they saw on the internet.
Until the end of the Day after this move is used, the first time a Town-aligned player dies who knew a Clever-type Move: this Move is replaced with that Move. Some Moves cannot be copied this way.You cannot use this Move on the same Night that your partner has used "Modern Art".If your partner dies, and had replaced their "Modern Art" with another Move: this Move is automatically replaced by that Clever-type Move.JoJo Pose (Toughness | +4 Appeal)
Strikes a decently appealing pose which duuuuude, is that a reference to season 69 when Sk8erboi Bonifaccio's Stand did that thing w
Until the end of the Day after this move is used, the first time a Town-aligned player dies who knew a Tough-type Move: this Move is replaced with that Move. Some Moves cannot be copied this way.You cannot use this Move on the same Night that your partner has used "Bold And Brash".If your partner dies, and had replaced their "Bold And Brash" with another Move: this Move is automatically replaced by that Tough-type Move.Edgelord Stance (Coolness | +3 Appeal)
Strikes a somewhat appealing pose which tch, you wouldn't get it anyway.
Until the end of the Day after this move is used, the first time a Town-aligned player dies who knew a Cool-type Move: this Move is replaced with that Move. Some Moves cannot be copied this way.You cannot use this Move on the same Night that your partner has used "My Pokémon Is Fight".If your partner dies, and had replaced their "My Pokémon Is Fight" with another Move: this Move is automatically replaced by that Cool-type Move.T&A Pose (Beauty | +2 Appeal)
Strikes a rather unappealing pose which only MCU Hawkeye can truly pull off, really.
Until the end of the Day after this move is used, the first time a Town-aligned player dies who knew a Beauty-type Move: this Move is replaced with that Move. Some Moves cannot be copied this way.You cannot use this Move on the same Night that your partner has used "She Is Grace".If your partner dies, and had replaced their "She Is Grace" with another Move: this Move is automatically replaced by that Beautiful-type Move.
Introducing entry #7: AROMA LADY QENYA & CUPRESSACEAE!
You rely heavily on Moves that ruin other Contestants' performances – which is a dick move, but at least, it's all totally within the rules.
Your alignment is Town. You win when all scum-aligned players are dead.
Body Slam (Toughness | +4 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, excluding oneself)
Startles a Pokémon that has not caused a great impression on the crowd.
If the target player's Move this Night earns no more than 3 Appeal: negate its effects. (That Move still counts as having been used and, if appropriate, targeted, and still earns Appeal.)Petal Blizzard (Beauty | +6 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, excluding oneself)
Startles a Pokémon that has successfully showed their appeal.
If the target player's Move this Night earns at least 6 Appeal: negate its effects. (That Move still counts as having been used and, if appropriate, targeted, and still earns Appeal.)Frenzy Plant (Coolness | +2 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, excluding oneself)
Badly startles another Pokémon, potentially disrupting their performance completely.
The target player's Move this Night earns -2 less Appeal.If the target player's Move this Night would earn no more than 2 Appeal: negate its usage. (That Move does not count as having been used or targeted, and earns 0 Appeal.)Stun Spore (Cleverness | +5 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, excluding oneself)
Covers another Pokémon in a shimmering shiny that makes them look more appealing, but ruins their performance if they're working hard and, y'know, inhaling often.
The target player's Move this Night earns +2 additional Appeal.If the target player's Move this Night would earn at least 7 Appeal: negate its usage. (That Move does not count as having been used or targeted, and earns 0 Appeal.)
You love Contests and are here almost moreso to cheer on others than to compete yourself. You hope nothing bad happens to anyone... especially not any embarassing accidents caused by your partner Pokémon's moves.
Your alignment is Town. You win when all scum-aligned players are dead.
Agility (Coolness | +3 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, excluding oneself)
Causes the user to pace all around another Contestant, making it real hard to catch them alone.
The target player cannot be killed by other effects this Night, up to once.Sandstorm (Toughness | +1 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, including oneself)
Prevents other contestants from being able to see shit.
The target player is unaffected by all other effects this Night.Fly (Cleverness | +5 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, excluding oneself)
Whisks another contestant up, up and away for safety. What's that about them being in the middle of a performance?
The target player cannot be killed by other effects this Night, up to once.Also, the effects of the Move used by the target player this Night are negated. (That Move still counts as having been used and, if appropriate, targeted, and still earns Appeal.)Teeter Dance (Cuteness | +7 Appeal) | Targets 1 players (alive, excluding oneself)
Creates a hellscape of jolly chaos which can be effective at warding off sneaky assailants, but will overwhelm anyone who has to bear it alone.
The target player cannot be killed by other effects this Night, up to once.If no other Moves target that target player this Night: that player is killed, ignoring this Move's protection.
Introducing entry #10: BURGLAR ZERO MOMENT & ROSE!
Pokémon Contests are the one thing in this life you don't cheat in, no matter what. Nonetheless, cheating at everything else has made you somewhat wise to when other contestants are cheating.
Your alignment is Town. You win when all scum-aligned players are dead.
Thief (Toughness | +8 Appeal)
Quite an appealing move. It's kinda what you guys do all the time, anyway.
Has no effect besides earning Appeal.Sucker Punch (Cleverness | +1 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, excluding oneself)
Causes the user to catch someone else with their hand in the cookie jar.
When using this Move, you choose whether to activate it in Chase Mode or in Patrol Mode.Chase Mode: At the end of the Night, you learn the identity of any players that your target player targeted with their own Move this Night.Patrol Mode: At the end of the Night, you learn the identity of any other players that also targeted your target player with their Moves this Night.Burning Jealousy (Beauty | +4 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, excluding oneself)
Stares at another contestant's move with covetous plagiaristic eyes.
At the end of the Night: you learn the Contest Type of the Move that your target player used during the Night.Covet (Cuteness | +? Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, excluding oneself)
Makes the appeal as good as those before it. It's NOT stealing, alright.
This Move earns Appeal equal to the base Appeal of the target player's Move, if possible. (Otherwise, it simply earns +5 Appeal.)Night Slash (Coolness | +? Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, excluding oneself)
Makes the appeal as good as those before it. And yes, hiding behind the curtain is just part of the move, I swear.
This Move earns Appeal equal to the base Appeal of the target player's Move, if possible. (Otherwise, it simply earns +4 Appeal.)
Your alignment is Mafia. You win when at least exactly half of all current living players are Mafia-aligned.
Your partners are Lass myuma and Suspicious Child Stryke. You may communicate with them privately regarding this game.
i feel comfortable saying i have softed twice in the game, pretty much back to back, and unmistakably, if you can find it
i keep instinctively refreshing for this thread but there's nothing new to read... about what i should expect from. midnight reading i guess
don't know if it'll be relevant with this level of activity/since it's only day 0, but i'm going to be out all day with friends tomorrow so i won't be around. (on the other hand things are moving slowly enough that i could probably pop in from my phone anyway??) can't wait for things to pick up though!!!
i am here before i nap!! albeit for a tiny bit since i am very sneeby. maybe having three things at olive garden was not in fact a smart move
did get a chance to skim thread while i was out and i have to say like. of the tcod mafia renaissance non-bastard games i've played i think i wasn't town in either of them (hamilton mafia 3p, snomfia mafia; was town in knives alley but bastard game + i spent so much of that game paranoid that i barely remember it) so i very much understand how people would be hesitant to run on tonereading/wouldn't want to put stock in that. can say that i will do my best to be helpful and solvy and hopefully contribute to things rather than leave it up to tone or chance!! though i can't promise i'll be the best at it i do think i've learned a bit stuff since i started playing here. (on the other hand this is an MFia and i don't, i don't know if what i can come up with will be helpful?) regardless i will do my best to prove myself/help in other ways!!
no i'm hype too!! sorry if i sounded overly stiff/formal, it was just a lot of "i understand and think this is reasonable but please do not take this as a confession of guilt"... trying to convey a lot at once hgjksdnfgh
please tell me i was personally responsible for this because if so it will all have been more than worth it- design and draw Keldeo's fursona
please tell me i was personally responsible for this because if so it will all have been more than worth it- design and draw Keldeo's fursona
no wait so i am directly responsible by messing up the nightkill2) Eifie bets Herbe will be the night kill, Keldeo bets JackPK. if Keldeo loses makes woweespritesob. if Eifie loses she draws and designs Keldeo's fursona. nobody died, so we both lost.
From now on, this move replaces "She Is Grace" in your moveset.Burning Jealousy (Beauty | +4 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, excluding oneself)
Stares at another contestant's move with covetous plagiaristic eyes.
At the end of the Night: you learn the Contest Type of the Move that your target player used during the Night.
From now on, this move replaces Curl Up Into Fetal Position, I Guess in your moveset.Covet (Cuteness | +? Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, excluding oneself)
Makes the appeal as good as those before it. It's NOT stealing, alright.
This Move earns Appeal equal to the base Appeal of the target player's Move, if possible. (Otherwise, it simply earns +5 Appeal.)
From now on, this move replaces "My Pokémon Is Fight" in your moveset.Frenzy Plant (Coolness | +2 Appeal) | Targets 1 player (alive, excluding oneself)
Badly startles another Pokémon, potentially disrupting their performance completely.
The target player's Move this Night earns -2 less Appeal.If the target player's Move this Night would earn no more than 2 Appeal: negate its usage. (That Move does not count as having been used or targeted, and earns 0 Appeal.)