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Cool Starter Pokemon

I would like ralts, trapinch, or bagon. Yay for dragon starters~ I really don't like a whole lot of the RSE pokemon, though.
i wouldn't mind having a pikachu. except one you can actually eventually evolve. xD
or a pidgey, because i love pidgeot, or maaaaybe an eevee. so many options with an eevee. ;p
I would say Trapinch, but, similarly to Beldum, they're incredibly difficult to train until they evolve. However, a Zigzagoon with an uber move (say, Extremespeed?) would make an excellent starter. I found a Zigzagoon from a deleted save file in my PC in Emerald while I was just starting the game and trained it up to Level 73. Shroomish is an excellent idea; I myself have a Level 100 Breloom. If it were easier to evolve, Feebas would be an epic water starter (perhaps a super-pokeblock could be used?)
Just an Eevee, and the rival gets a Pikachu.

Ha, a reversal of the starters in Yellow. That would be more fun in D/P/P because of Leafeon and Glaceon (who would possibly want a Vaporeon?)

I can't bring myself to think up a new Fire starter. Torchic is a great choice because it cancels out the impossible-to-beat-if-you-chose-the-fire-starter Rock type Gym leader. The end.
Epic Indeed.

Eevee, poochyena, and gastly

(I don't know. Gastly , I'd switch. But I needed a nice little type triangle-ISH

If it was me, I'd take Eevee
I actually checked, a lot of eevee's evolutions can get some HUGE stats. This makes them actually highly useful in competitive battling.
Eeveeeeeeeeee and two other normal types...don't care bout them.

Skitty would just be ditched anyway so I won't bother saying it.

If they gotta stick with the triangle. :3

Leafeon - Flareon - Vaporeon
Want an Eevee from there? just breed. :3
Ekans, Tangela, Sandshrew. Would be good for a fangame where you played a member of the evil team... although I've seen that done excellently by just giving you a Ratatta (you got rid of it pretty quickly anyway). But, whatever, there's a perfect triangle for you (iirc Tangela is pure Grass, so it works perfectly. Also they all evolve around the same time.)
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