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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Corrupt Mafia (Alien Victory)

Re: Corrupt Mafia (End result: ??? Win)


I wasn't even able to have any of my bombs explode people D:
Re: Corrupt Mafia (End result: ??? Win)

Okay, loving VM aside, I would like to say something to Polymetric Sesquialtera. The reason I was messing with you was to get you annoyed and vote me. I'm sorry that you eventually found the game not fun anymore, but that was part of my game plan, nothing personal.

So, uh, no hard feelings?
Re: Corrupt Mafia (End result: ??? Win)



Role: Bomb Maker
Alignment: Mafia

You start with the bomb. At night, you must pass the bomb on to another
player. That player must in turn pass the bomb on to another player the following night. Each time the bomb is handed off, however, there is a 10% chance the bomb will explode and kill the holder. If the holder doesn’t send in their target, the bomb will detonate automatically. You may make another bomb if the first one is lost or detonated.


Role: Dumb Witness
Alignment: Town

So here’s the good news… YOU KNOW EVERYTHING. You know who the mafia are: yiran, Wargle, Silver, and Flora.

But here’s the bad news: You suffer from a speech impediment, and can only say five words a day. You should probably make those 5 words count…

I liek Squirtles

Role: Foreign Doctor
Alignment: Town

Each night you select one heal target and make them immune from night kills. When you post in the thread, however, you may speak in any language EXCEPT English. Hmm… It’s a good thing we have internet translators.

Zero Moment

Role: Inspector
Alignment: Town

Oh, and btw, you can’t use the letter “e”


Role: Psychotic Beatles Fan
Alignment: Mafia

Welcome to the mafia. Your comrades are yiran and Silver. You take over as don if yiran is killed.

You must post every day. Each post has to contain some form of Beatles lyrics. If anyone questions or points out that you are using Beatles lyrics, you commit suicide. Have fun!


Role: Sacrificial Calf
Alignment: Town

If you are killed or lynched, up to 3 randomly chosen dead players will be reborn, with new roles and possibly new alignments.


Role: Phantom
Alignment: Town / Mafia (As ghost)

You begin as a voteless townie with no powers or night actions.

When you die, however, you become a mafia-aligned phantom. You may still post in the thread, and each night, you “haunt” a single player to death. Because you are dead, you cannot be killed or targeted by other players, but you also cannot vote.


Role: Mafia Don
Alignment: Mafia

Welcome to the mafia. Your subordinates are Wargle and Silver. You choose one player to kill each night. Have fun!

Lyra Heartstrings

Role: Medium
Alignment: Town

As the medium, you may freely contact the dead through private messaging. Just be sure to let them know that you are the medium and are the only one they may contact.


Role: Potato
Alignment: Potato

You are potato. Potato has 3 lives. You win if you manage to die 3 times, by mafia kill, lynch, bomb, etc.


Role: Ninja
Alignment: Mafia

Welcome to the mafia. Your comrades are yiran and Wargle. You take over as don if both of them have died.

You have 5 lives.

You can lose a life by nightkill or lynch, but you also lose a life every time someone says your name in the thread. When you lose all five lives, you are dead. Have fun!

Polymetric Sesquialtera

Role: Polygraph Operator
Alignment: Town

Each night, you can attach the polygraph to a player. That player will be informed they are being tested. If they tell a lie during the following day phase, the lie detector will register it, and “Lie Detected” will be posted in the thread.


Role: Magic Healer
Alignment: Town

You begin with the Orb of Fortune. You may pass the Orb on to another player, and that player will be immune to nightkills. That player must in turn pass the Orb on to another player during the following night. If a player forgets to pass the Orb on to another player, it will be randomly given to a new player.


Role: Sycophant
Alignment: Town

You gain immunity by sucking up to the Game Master. If you post “The GM is a genius”, “The GM is sexy”, or etcetera during the day phase, you become immune to nightkills for the following night.


Role: Mayor
Alignment: Town

Your vote counts as double when voting to lynch.

You will commit suicide if you receive a single lynch vote.


Zero Moment

Role: Zombie Serial Killer
Alignment: Innocent

Your role is to kill everyone. Your night kills can’t be blocked. You win when everyone is dead, and the game won’t end until either you are dead or everyone else is dead.
Oh, and all your posts must somewhere contain the word “Brains”


Role: Alien
Alignment: Innocent/Mafia (When active)

You are the alien. If you are killed during the night, you become "activated".

If you are lynched as an activated alien, you win the game.


Role: Vigilante
Alignment: Innocent

You can make one kill at night.
Night One:
PenguinAndFriends passes the Orb of Fortune to RK-9
Flora passes the bomb to Wargle
Zero Moment inspects Polymetric Sesquialtera and finds her alignment (Innocent)
yiran kills Zero Moment
I liek Squirtles heals RK-9
RK-9 dies of healer clash
Polymetric Sesquialtera uses the polygraph on Mysti

Day One:
yiran is lynched
Silver loses one life (4 lives remain)

Night Two:
PenguinAndFriends passes the Orb of Fortune to Lyra Heartstrings
Wargle passes the bomb to I liek Squirtles
Wargle kills Phantom
I liek Squirtles heals Silver
Polymetric Sesquialtera uses the polygraph on The Great and Powerful Trixie

Day Two:
Flora is lynched.
Wargle is modkilled.
The Great and Powerful Trixie is modkilled.

Night Three:
I liek Squirtles is killed by the bomb.
Lyra Heartstrings passes the Orb of Fortune to Coloursfall
Zero Moment kills Coloursfall.
Phantom activates yiran.
Silver kills Stormecho (2 lives remain)
RK-9 kills Silver (3 lives remain)

Day Three:
yiran is lynched
yiran wins the game
Re: Corrupt Mafia (End result: ??? Win)

Oh boo, so yiran's accusation of me was some ruse to get himself lynched now wasn't it >.> I wasn't lying about being lie detector though haha
Re: Corrupt Mafia (End result: ??? Win)

Dammit. VM I said I target the most important innocent player, not activate the bloody undead alien!
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