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Closed Crossing the Void

"Ami" Ami said.

"Zodiac." Zodiac snarled.

Suddenly, someone stepped into the room. He was a sea sponge.
((I don't believe in Ligers and Tigons!))

Mysti went back to normal. "Winged person, psychic power user and shapeshifter because it has to do with psychic powers!" She changed into a pure black Lion. "Don't underestimate the power of the Lianther!"((Lion/Panther))
"Hello, Valkrie, Ami and Z-Zodiac. I-I'm not sure if I h-have any special powers, but I'm from Earth also," Lulu stuttered, then noticing the sea sponge. She jumped, taking a few steps backwards and almost falling over.
"Wh-where am I? Why is he here?" She whimpered, scared of the whole situation. Everyone seemed nice enough, except a little for the lady who snarled her name at her. Zodiac, right?
"Hello, we are all from Earth, except THAT abomination." he said, motioning towards Spongebob. "I'm Spinny Lad." He said, giving his hand for a handshake.
"That's only on my show, genius." Spongebob said, sarcastically.

Ami was surprised. He regained his kind nature.

"Now, we have to figure out HOW TO STOP THE VOID!" he yelled.
Lulu took Spinny Lad's hand, shaking it slowly and weakly.
"Nice to meet you also, Spinny Lad." She blinked at Spongebob sarcasam, then stumbled back when he suddenly yelled.

((Lulu will figure out her powers later, I'll add them to her sign-up form.))
"Leave her alone!" Spinny Lad yelled at Spongebob, and he started swirling air at immense speeds around his fists, and he would kill the sponge if he had to. If he punched with his fists in this state, it would not only hurt, it would also break any bone it could.
Lulu's arms fell to her sides as Spinny Lad yelled at Spongebob. She looked around at the other cartoons, but was more focused on Dib. The paranormal-obsessed kid had been one of her favorite characters on tv when she watched Nicktoons back at home. Everything seemed like a dream here, but it was real. It was really real.
"Because we, I dunno, LIVE HERE!" a small, purple-haired girl wearing black snarled.

Her gaze then focused back on her game.
"But WE are the ones with the powers, that will save you from whatever this 'Void' is, so we are the only ones necessary to this meeting."
((Oh. Ehehe... I'm an idiot.))
Valkrie sighed.
"Aren't you, I don't know, OVERREACTING!?" She yelled.
Valkrie sighed and sank back in her seat.
"Can we talk without killing each other? Fighting is fun, but these.. er, potential allies might have information."
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