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Closed Crossing the Void

Spinny Lad showed Valkrie to the training room and loaded the program that he used when he practiced spin-flying.
Valkrie followed Spinny Lad to what looked like a training room, and watched as a tornado appeared around his legs and he rose into the air. Valkrie flapped her wings, trying to get the hang of flying. To her surprise, she rose into the air.
"Holy crap, I'm flying!" She yelled.
Valkrie yelled as the wind hit her and knocked her off balance. She fell back to the ground, but grinned.
"Well, it's a start," she said, and flew back into the air.
"Keep trying, and try to do tricks and stuff" he said, spinning around doing a flip, and using spinning air to dig a hole in the ground.
Valkrie hung in the air, and dived down. She pulled up before hitting the ground, and landed loudly.
"I think I have the hang of this," she exclaimed. "But, I'm going to practice on landing."
Mysti eventually got to a big building. "Oooohh!" she squealed as she flapped her wings and flew inside.
Valkrie flapped her wings desparately and landed with a crash. She sighed.
"I can get into the air, but I can't land. The irony," she grumbled. Valkrie flew up again, and dropped out of the air. She tried to land, and messed up again.
"This is gonna take some time," she moaned.
"I can teach you!" Mysti said, flapping over to Valkrie. She dropped out of the air and landed gracefully. Mysti was so happy, she shot a ball of psychic energy and it hit Zodiac. "Oooh, I'm sorry! But these powers..." she stared at her hand.
Valkrie stared at the new girl, who seemed to appear from nowhere.
"Uh, hi, where'd you come from?"

((I forgot about Valkrie's shapeshifting! o.O I'll make her learn that later, as in the next three posts. =D))
"Dunno. I just woke up and was here. So, want the landing lessons or not?" she asked, winking.
"Allright. Let's start with landing at a short distance from the ground. Later on, we'll get fancy. For now, we'll just focus on landing!" she said, flapping about a yard from the floor. "Allright, make sure that when you stop flapping, that your feet are ready for impact." she said, stopping flapping just as her legs seemed to be crouched, ready to land. She hit the ground. "Your turn!"
Valkrie copied Mysti, and landed with just a bit of trouble.
"I got it!" she cried. Valkrie flew back into the air, and did a flip to celebrate.
Lulu kept walking down the walkway, eventually coming to a rather large building.
"Ooh, what's this do?" She mumbled to herself before stepping inside.
"Yay! Now, let's get started on how to land when crashing or hurt in the air and can't fly. You have to glide downward, like this!" She went up high, and glided down. She landed with ease. "Now you try!"
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