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Closed Crossing the Void

"Animania, shouldn't you know that?" Kyo yelled.

(We meet up via moving walkway that takes us to the HQ)
"Uh," Valkrie nodded, pretending she did. "Oh yeah. I got distracted..." She waved back, and took off running. "Thanks!"

Now, I wonder if I can fly... Valkrie thought.
(All the planets have these walkways)

"You're....welcome." Kyo said.


Ami looked out the windows on the sides of the moving walkway.

"It's beautiful." she squealed.
Superman led Spinny Lad to a walkway that he had gotten info on through the comm. "Just walk on this and it will lead you where all the others are going." he said, and pushed Spinny Lad on. "Thank you!" Spinny Lad yelled back, and he was transported to the HQ.
Mysti pulled back the apple "Okay... I guess I should go try to figure out where I am..." she said as she flapped her wings and took off.

The walkway stopped at the cement building.

"This is the HQ.'" Dib said.

Zodiac and the Warners also walked up to the HQ.
Mysti saw a moving walkway. Wonder where it leads to... she thought as she landed to see where it went.
Once he entered the HQ, he found a map and followed it to a training Holo-Room, like he had seen on star trek. He started a simulation and practiced his spinning powers.
Lulu blinked her eyes open, unfamiliar to these new surroundings. "Where am I?" She muttered to herself, completely confused.
Lulu sat up, pulling her knees close to her chest. An odd walkway was at least three feet to her side, but she didn't pay attention. This place was odd. She was in the middle of nowhere, and scared to death.
Valkrie stopped running to take a breath, and looked around her. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to just run off... She flapped her wings and noticed her clothes had slits in them for her wings, and Valkrie tried flying. She ended up falling flat on her face.
"I'll have to practice," she said to no one in particular, and noticed a moving walkway nearby. Valkrie shrugged and stepped on it, not knowing what else to do.
*Still practicing, and, at the rate this story is progressing, will be an expert spinner by the time the plot catches up*
((Oh yeah Flareth, I'm already gone...))
Valkrie walked the rest of the pathway, and came out in a building. She looked around, the area she came out in was empty.
"Hello, is anybody there? Can somebody help me?"
Spinny Lad heard someone ask for help. He spun to her. "Hi, I'm Dr. Lehrer, or Spinny Lad. Welcome, you wanna train with me?"
Valkrie nodded to Spinny Lad.
"Okay," she agreed. "I want to learn how to use these wings."

((Flareth, are Ami and Zodiac talking to Valkrie?))
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