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Closed Crossing the Void

Valkrie hovered in the air, and stretched her wings out. She spiralled slowly down, and landed easily.
"There," she called. "I did it!"
Lulu knocked on a wall of the building. "Hello? Where am I? Is anyone home?" She asked, a little scared. In this odd new place she had no idea what to expect. For all she knew, a monster could come running at her.
"Yay!" Mysti did a backflip. "Now, let's do tricks, just for fun. Fisrt, get high in the air, to have room for your tricks..." she flew up to the celing. "Then drop, like you normally would... but do your tricks, too!" she said as she dropped, did excactly three backflips, and landed.
((I have no idea how to make Valkrie know she can shapeshift. D=))
Valkrie flew up to where Mysti was, and spiraled down head first. At the last second, she twisted and landed in her feet.
"Now, let's see if you have any more powers." Ami snickered, "Think fast!"

She tried to whip Valkrie.
Valkrie yelped and tried to move to the side. She fell to the ground, and got to her.. paws.
"What the..?" She mewed. Valkrie had turned into a cat. She twisted to her side to get a better look at herself, and she was back to.. normal. Valkrie got to her feet.
"That was awesome," she yelled, and concentrated on shifting into another form.
"Cool!" Mysti said. "I wanna be a kitty!" Mysti concentrated and... sprouted a tail. ((In my daydreams, this has to do with psychical powers!))"Even cooler!" she finished the transformation. "Is this awesome, or what? I have such good vision!"
Valkrie thought a second, and concentrated on a mental image of a dragon. Her wings grew, and scales sprouted on her sides.
"This is awesome, I wonder what else I can be?" She shifted back to normal.
((Her dragon form has feathered wings, not bat wings. And Mewtwo, is psychical even a word? =D))
((In my world, yes =D))

Mysti changed back. She turned into a red-tailed hawk. "I could fly already, but the hawk has really good vision!" she turned back. "Wonder if you can change to made-up things..." she turned into a Liger.((A tiger/Lion mix)) "Sweet!"
((But Ligers and Tigons are real. And can we start the plot, everyone's here... I think.))
"Ok....the meeting is ready." Dib said, as the room turned into a boring room with chairs, a table, and a couple of ficuses.
Spinny Lad walked through the walls to the conference room. He sat at the head of the table, being as he was probably the most experienced with his powers."
Lulu tiptoed to where she heard voices, startled at seeing everyone.
"Hello?" She whispered, pretty sure that no-one could hear her. It seemed like there was a child with an unusually large head calling them to order, and she froze in her spot. The big-headed boy looked oddly familiar; Lulu had to be dreaming.
Lulu looked down at her feet. She had never been good with introducing herself to new people.
"I-I'm Lulu Martindale. Uhh.. who're you?" She asked, blushing at herself.
Lulu was very anti-social, unlike her mother, Alexa. Her father, Randall, had been anti-social also, but Lulu had never seen her father in her life. He was supposedly killed in a car crash, since her left for work one day and a car similar to his was found rammed into a tree. No body was found, but everyone considered him dead.
Valkrie shifted to wolf form and leapt onto a chair. It spun around, and she shifted back to normal.
"I'm Valkrie, winged person, and uh, shapeshifter," she told Lulu. "We're all from Earth. You?"
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