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Closed Crossing the Void

Name: Mari
Gender: Female
Age: 15

Personality: Sweet, wild, random, and tomboyish. For some reason, she always has a candy stick in her mouth.
Planet you land on: Disicus
Power?: None-her pet does all the work~
Other: Has a transforming pet- Ryu that looks like this~
When transformed:
Name: Jamie
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Looks (You're in the cartoon world, so you can look odd):

Personality (Doesn't need to be large and can be played out): PO
Planet you land on: Miscania
(I'll make another character, and then we start:
Name: Zodiac
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Looks (You're in the cartoon world, so you can look odd):
Personality (Doesn't need to be large and can be played out): PO
Planet you land on: Waris

And now....we begin)

Ami rubbed her eyes lazily.

"I DID NOT fall asleep in an alley!" she yelled, "Okay....where am I?"

She noticed her new features and promptly screamed.


Zodiac blinked once and then twice. A huge studio was out ahead of her. And it looked like there was going to be a lot of chaos.


Meanwhile, at an undisclosed location.....

A chihuhua was dumped into a dirty cell. He awoke with a start.

"Stimpy? STIMPY?" he yelled, scanning his surroundings.

A clank was heard, and the chihuahua was tethered to the wall.

"Like my handiwork?"

He could barely hear the voice, but he looked down. He saw a small greenish organism with two antennae and one huge eye.

"Plankton!" the chihuahua yelled.

"Geez, Ren, I thought you were stupid." Plankton said.

"No. You're the eediot." Ren snarled, "Now, let me go!"

Plankton ignored Ren's cries and left the cell. But not without filling the cell with sleeping gas. Soon, Ren was rendered useless.

"A perfect specimen for the void." Plankton laughed, walking away, as the void filled Ren's cell.
What, Who? How the FRICK did I get here? And when did I get these duds? And why do I have a sudden urge to spin? Dr. Lehrer thought when he woke up. He looked around and saw a few people flying around in the sky, and many flying in vehicles, that looked similar to those he had seen in hero cartoons when he was younger. And then someone walked up beside me. "Hello? Do you need some help?" He said. Then I realized who he was. "You're, you're Superman, right?"
((Can someone else play Superman's part? It's one of my pet peeves to not talk to NPC's or whatever myself.))
Valkrie sat up, and looked around. She flapped her wings, and.. wait, wings? Valkrie turned to see herback, and saw two red, feathered wings.
"WHAT THE F-" A kid passed by and gave her a wierd look, and she shut up. Valkrie noticed he looked.. different, and sighed. This could end up interesting. She got up, and flapped her new wings a few times.
Mysti woke up. "Why do I feel... different?" she asked herself as she flapped her wings- wait, wuh? She could fly?
(I can't do Superman, since I haven't watched too much of his shows.)

Ami heard a voice.

"Ren? Reeeeeeeeeeen, where are you?"

She looked behind her and saw that red cat. Her eyes widened.

"You...don't.... exist..." Ami screamed, whipping the cat between words.

Stimpy didn't mind being whipped, of course.

"Oh boy, Mysterious Mysteries would love to see this." an adolescent boy's voice cried, snapping pictures.

"Dib...I believe this is...one of the chosen." Stimpy said quietly.


Zodiac walked further into the movie lot. She felt a presence behind her.


She was one the ground now, a black dog-like creature wearing brown pants and another of the same creature that wore a blue shirt and red cap.


A orange haired boy noticed Valkrie. His name is Kyo.
Valkrie looked around, the people looked like they came out of an anime episode, with thier hair and stuff. But maybe they did...
((OK, I'll do Superman.))

"That's right, and you are... looks like Spinny Lad, right?" Superman said.

Dr. Lehrer looked at his clothes and said, "That would make sense. How did I get here?"

"I have no idea. It looked like you just appeared. I'll take you back to the Watchtower, and we can try to figure this out." Just then, he got a message from Batman on the Comm link
>We've received reports from all over the galaxy of people just coming out of the middle of nowhere with amnesia etc. Maybe we should try to gather them in one place
>Sounds good, I've got one right in front of me.

Spinny Lad stood up and all of a sudden, after thinking about flight, he began to fly upwards, with a tornado spinning around his legs. "Holy Crap!" he yelled and concentrated on getting down.

((How are we all supposed to meet?))
((Have nooo clue :D))

Mysti decided to test her wings out and search the place. Hey, that looks like... a Pikachu! ((Hello, Animania, Pokemon is an anime...)) She swooped down to check it out.

((I don't want to godmod the Pikachu... Flareth, can you play it?))
"Piii." Pikachu squealed.


"Listen, girl, are you okay? You're acting kind of strange." Kyo said.


"THE CHOSEN!" Dib yelled, grabbing the teen and dragging her, "We have to get to the toon HQ."

He led her to a moving walkway.

"It's in the middle of the planets. These walkways lead us to the other planets and the main HQ.


Zodiac knocked the two dog-like creatures off of them. Suddenly, screams were heard. An anthro rabbit with a dark aura stepped out from the wrekage.

"IT'S BUGS!" Yakko screamed, "The void's got him!"

Suddenly, Zodiac was dragged across the ground.
"Hello there!" Mysti pulled out an apple that she was going to have for lunch. "Are you hungry? Go ahead and have it!" she said, offering the apple with this face on: <3
((Ignore my other post.))
Valkrie nodded, and looked around, folding her wings. Was it normal to have wings in this place?
"Uh, where am I?" She asked.
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