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CRUSHES thread [REBORN... again]

*Points at member name in above poster's location*

Ohhhhh, I get it. ;)

I've never met Matthieu... But I know what he looks like and we talk excessively. I'm determined to get my butt over to France to see him one day. xD
And there is this one person that I am in absolute love with. Her name is Ashley. When I think about it my heart starts to flutter. Fly... Fly... Fly.......
This one dude in my Psych class. I don't see him much, since I haven't had Psych with the Chem class in a while, but I finally talked to him today. After a record of three days without bugging out about a crush - Alexi has one. D:
I haven't been crushless in 4 and a half years lol :B

I have a new one
it's yet again someone I have no chance with
and yet again someone a crapload older than me haha
Ashley is also Lucas' crush, and he loves her just as much as I do, but we haven't seen her in quite a while, however, I am in touch with her more than him, and he is jealous.
Hell to the yes, old news! We are the best of friends! Except for the whole Ashley thing. For that we are bitter enemies.
I am not jealous of you. I shall never admit my jealousy! NEVER!
The facepalm was over your inability to be subtle.
I'm not a very subtle person, you should know that better than anyone. I am VERY blunt. Always have been, always will be. And, I think that you just admitted your jealousy, but, you are in contact with her, I know that. I could see that you forwarded that email to her too. I'm not stupid.
Ah ha. I am crushless still as it is practically the Christmas holidays! And our Christmas holidays are like 8 weeks long. Until next year, bye bye crushes.
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