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D&D Club

Insane. I went with the idea of learning as I go. It worked all right.

But reading all the spells? Holy crap.... I could never do it.
Ahh, pretty new player here~ So far I've been a lv. 7 TELEPORTYELF Eladrin Ranger, and that was pretty fun (I got to dual-wield khopeshes! =D), but my favorite character I've done is my second one, a telepathic Shardmind Psion. Three freakin' At-Will powers~ I killed eight orcs in two turns, fwee.

As for fun stories? Well, in my first campaign, we got the memorable quote "Rogue, I put my trust in you"... x3
One time, me and the ranger were going to have a mock fight, just to see who would win. So the ranger went to use some fancy poison on me, and I'm just like "Ha! I'm a druid. I'm to be immune to that."
LOL, in my last session our local wizard rolled a epic fail.... he blew up our ship... we didn't know he rolled a 1 until we hear "oops"... *everyone looks at him* DM-You hear a rather large explosion and see a bright light....

So I am getting tired of my druid... seriously... We are trapped in an area where we can't use fire spells and it's full of undead... 80% of my spells are fire or useless, the rest are healing spells. Aaaand I am the only one in the party that doesn't have a magic weapon cause every one we came across was sword in nature... (druids and metal, sigh) Any suggestions? The DM is letting me roll a new character... right now we have a cleric, monk, rogue, ranger, and wizard -1 druid...... suggestions anyone for what might be the most usefull class?
druids can wield certain metal weapons, such as scimitars. If you get a decent one, you can effectively be a tank. other than that, be a monk. You have to be lawful, but they're epic.
monks are horrible. they have abilities that let them move really quickly, but their whole schtick requires them to stand in place. and the capstone lets them get summoned by planar bindings and gate, but none of the other advantages of being an outsider.

low-op, though, idk.
Yeah, I've seen how are monk works and I don't like the style. And my particular druid uses a sickle-chain weapon I made... It's a sickle blade and a rosewood handle and rosevine chain. Swords have too much metal, my character would hate using a sword.
I was thinking a basic fighter. I am still tweaking with ideas...

Also I like my dire wolf companion that I have as a druid, is there any way I can keep her? She is really usefull and I like having her.
O_o ok, I didn't know that one... I should mention that to our monk. But I picked a fighter, really basic, but I get killer bonuses, hell on my first major encounter I killed a dragon. I did half the damage myself.
to become a drunken fighter (what am I saying? it's called a drunken master) you have to be chosen by pre-existing drunken masters, which can be NPCs, and after that I forget the process, but it is plainly strange, but the benefits are awesome. First, you can intake some alcohol, then hold a torch in front of your mouth ( I think-I've never looked into it that far) to breathe fire, and when you are drunk, you can use this skill you gain (well, actually I forget if it's a skill or feat) but you can basically pick up anything and, while the fight is going on, you are proficient with it (this is anything you can pick up. so if you choose to pick up the wizard, you can use him as a blunt weapon for the fight, however I would suggest you don't do this- the wizard will harm you later. The excuse "I was drunk doesn't work, I'm assuming.)
they're fun, yes. but beyond that, they're horribly unspecialized. they have lots of stuff they can do, but they're generally mutially exclusive.
That's my reason behind most of the things I choose to do. Why do I choose to change my avatar a lot, over the course of a month? It's fun. Why would I choose to be a monk over say, something I'm more familiar with, like a druid or a barbarian? It's fun. Do I find it entertaining to throw my alignment into question, and burn the whole town down, and possibly anger the wizard to no end? You bet I do.

And that's why I recommend becoming a drunken master. It may not be practical, but damn me if it isn't fun. Yes, you might want a second character for more serious and purposeful reasons, but, anytime you're bored, have the monk do something completely and utterly random, as long as it doesn't harm the quest in any way. Then your friends get mad at you and you have to kill off the monk.
I just joined and found this and I am entertained by what you people are saying. I have not played for about 2 years now but I wish to start up again. But I have funny stories of my own. I got drunk went outside took off my pants and hung the to the flag pole where I was beaten to death by (not known at the time) demon children. I strangled a guy to death with my pants. I had a crazy run in with some bandits and EVERYONE kept missing eachother. Good times, good times.
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Lol, the damn monk hasn't landed a hit on anything in three weeks.

Our rogue just pulled the immpossible, he rolled three ones in a row and blew up our ship.
well that sucks. speaking of epic wins/fails, we were fighting some orcs once, and the ranger had a magical long sword. and he says that he's going to chop this thing in half. So he goes to attack, and rolls a natural twenty. The DM just kinda looked at him and said "Yeah. That's what happens."

P.S., being a centaur is a poor choice, because then you can't walk down stairs without falling. Also you can't climb up walls of ladders. (just thought I'd say this for the future reference of others.)
I wish we got those three ones on video though.... seriously that sucked.... first one we were like, crap... DM said, okay house rules if you role three you roll a one on life.... second one, ok really? Third one.... what. just. happened???? I've seen three twentys once... once, and I think it was a cheat..
*Bump* And I hate to double post.

So my current campaign ended pretty suckish. The archer min-maxed and even though I was the damage dealer for most the game I did like forty damage on the last boss. I think I am going to convert Dragon Age to the D20 system because I am sooo bored with regular DnD.

On epic cool note, I am taking my group to the family cabin in the middle of no where for four days and nothing but RPGs. We're doing Doctor Who, DnD, maybe Star Wars, Dragon Age, and this book on the like Norse gods or something. Should be epic.
Oh, I'd love to join this. I love D&D. My favorite character (I have played her in two campaigns) is a Dragonborn Paladin. I absolutely adore being a defender that deals more damage than the other PC's and still has decent healing capabilities. Although my intelligence is, ah, lamentable.

@Phantom, nothing but rpg's for four days sounds awesome. It also sounds like the perfect time to play Paranoia. Shadowrun is really fun too. It's like cyberpunk D&D with a more complex and 'realistic' system.

[EDIT]My favorite D&D happening involved my fiancé, Ryan [a Genasi Swordmage with Whirling Blade or some power that allows him to throw his sword] and TJ [a human ranger who practically never comes down from the treetops]. TJ was on the ground and we were killing off the last of some zombies when Ryan decides to use his Whirling Blade. He rolls a 1. DM: "and the blade whirls past the zombie's head, straight for TJ! Roll damage!" Ryan rolls high enough to hit TJ's armor, and then rolls max damage. DM: "And the blade does max damage [which is pretty considerable, but I don't remember the exact value] and severs a major artery! TJ collapses bleeding!" TJ: "And that's what I get for coming down from the goddamn trees!"

Other than that, my favorite aspect of that campaign was - The entire thing seemed to take place in the middle of the woods, so practically every time an attack missed, it would kill a squirrel and I'd draw the little dead squirrel or its tombstone on that spot on the map.
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If you'll allow me to be bold,
A story I've not yet here told
Might mean something to some of you.
(I'm sorry if I do intrude.)

Many characters I've played,
And no two have yet been the same.
For each campaign, a different man,
Though not all has played out as planned.
A few have sadly kicked the bucket.
(This needs another line... Oh, fuck it.)

The saddest death I've ever died
Was as a bird bard, trapped inside
A cave without the room to fly.
And in our party, although I
Cared most about getting outside,
Our holy warrior, ever wise,
Refused to cede a prisoner
(Who I really did care nothing for)
To guides who'd show us to the light.
And so, he made us stand and fight.

My birdy bard was rather frail,
And trapped inside that earthen jail
Of caverns where wings could not work
He was beheaded by an orc.
At minus twenty-one HP,
There really was no hope for me.
Though he'd lived a life quite fine,
Filled with songs, journeys and wine*,
Right there, it came to a sharp end
That none of our magic could mend**.

*Oh, how he loved his wine.
**We were hoping to fix that before our game fell apart, though...
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