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Daily Pokemon Discussions

I love Banette! I really like the story about it, how it was an abandoned puppet or something. And that stupid tail. Love it. I actually think it's kind of cute.
And don't even get me started on its zipper mouth!
Banette is up there as one of my favorite ghost Pokemon. I mean, it's a voodoo doll!
A discarded doll that has gone evil... It should have a "good" counterpart that is just sad and wants a friend... I prefer Shuppet.
Yeah, Banette was seriously one of my favourite pokemon, but then I looked over it's design a bit harder, and I dunno, it just seems a bit ugly and... how should I say this? It looks like something that is clumsy. And I don't like clumsy things. Still, I like the whole evil puppet thing, and Shuppet is just so cute ^_^. However, if I were to play Ruby/Sapphire/whatnot I'd probably choose Duskull over Shuppet, cuz the whole line is awesome, no matter how useless Dusknoir might seem. Obviously both if I could, but having two ghost types would just be a waste. And now I'm rambling. Cheers!
I love Banette! It's got a zippermouth and a fluffytail and everything! In addition, I have one in White that knows Double Team and holds a Brightpowder, so. Love love love love love.
Today's pokemon (and I am not sure why I never did this before....)



Why did I not discuss my favorite Pokemon? Houndoom is awesome. I have one in Pearl right now that I nicknamed Amber. (Idea came with a little help from Richie and others). He/she is awesome. A dark/fire pokemon is also great typing.
Special sweeper thats stabs DP and Flamethrower. Dunno, cool design, but I feel they could've modelled it after a mastif instead of a doberman.

Also overshone in terms of battling by a lot. Not to mention it's relative inavailability in most games during a normal playthrough (other than Pt.)
Houndoom's pretty cool, but it pissed me off when I couldn't get one until I beat the E4 in the classic Gold.
I believe someone once said something like...
This isn't the original quote. I was just to lazy to find the original.
Eh, it's okay. Not really that special.

But if, say, it had a full-fledged cerberus evo? It'd be cooler by association.
Now I remembered that if you catch the ghost in the Lavender Tower without a Silph Scope, its nickname is GHOST.
I see most of its moves are rather good, and the fact that it's slow and doesn't learn any Special moves is just a Ground-type thing.
And... False Swipe is useful.
Miles late but Banette are awesome.

On Marowak. They and Cubone now learn Retaliate at high levels. Max power forever?
Marowak + Thick Club = One of top five highest potential attack stats w/o using stat boosting moves. Yep, Marowak stands as a powerful physical tank that relies heavily on it's club.
Now I remembered that if you catch the ghost in the Lavender Tower without a Silph Scope, its nickname is GHOST.

How exactly do you catch that Marowak? I was always told its impossible, but there is some glitch isn't there? What is it?
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