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Daily Pokemon Discussions

But. How do they just have a fake remoraid toy on hand when they catch a Mantine! Are they just sold at novelty shops or.
So... Counterpart to Skarmory? Wow. I guess some aspects of their appearance are sort of opposite, too. But I like them both. Mantine is kind of majestic.
Why is its Dex color purple? Its lower side is light gray and its back is dark blue!
Mantine is probably on my list of 'Top 10 Pokemon I'd want to use to fly in real life'.

I also find it funny how the first gen Remoraid and Mantine's relationship has any impact on gameplay (Remoraid being used to evolve Mantyke into Mantine) is also the first gen where Mantine no longer has a Remoraid attached to it. Seriously, GameFreak...
Omigosh, Mantine. I love love love Mantine, you have no idea. I want to hug every Mantine. I recently used one in my White re-run. Incidentally, Mantine was my first shiny ever (ignoring Gyarados).

Also I miss the Remoraid :( It seems weird that they'd ditch Remoraid off the sprite considering how Mantyke evolves... but it's still on the Dream World art, too.
They did? Huh.

420 Cherubi.

Are they just sold at novelty shops or.

"Shipping orders for SILPH BRAND Remoraiderz© orders can be put through at your local Pokémart or Pokémon Center. Please have Trainer ID and location-keyed SILPH Device on hand during ordering process. Some insurance plans may apply!"

cherubi omf

I like it a lot better than I do Cherrim. Probably helps that Cherubi isn't dead all the time... Also, the sleepy cherry is so great.
I like Cherubi. I used one in Platinum it was surprisingly not terrible. Granted, it didn't learn anything but Grass-type moves and Sunny Day, but still.

Also, it is apparently delicious and nutritious.
Wow. I know about two Digimon whose names are just a Pokémon's name + "mon". Seadramon and Cherubimon. What does Cherubi even have to do with cherubs? Aren't they some sort of weird angels with two faces or something? (That Cherubimon guy might not have two faces, but he has two forms.) Oh right. The smaller cherry. That is asleep. And the main entity is apparently consuming it.

Yeah, I don't know it very well, so I'm rambling like this. But what should I say? That it's red and green? Or that it's good against Water and creatures like Palpitoad should fear it?
Digimon Wikia said:
Cherubimon (Good) is an Angel Digimon whose names and design are derived from the mythological Cherub.
So it's not actually from cherubi.

392 infernape.

Infernape? I didn't really like that line- the first two fire starter families were great, but after that, not so much. I hated Blaziken, the Chimchars were just okay, and although the Tepig family names are clever, I hate them all. Never chose it as a starter. However, over the appearance, Infernape is pretty kick-butt, because it learns exceptionally good moves for a starter. Close Combat, and the first Pokemon to learn Flare Blitz- not bad for an ape whose head is on fire.

Honestly, Sinnoh was just a step backwards. They could've done better.
EDIT: Another thing about starters- heh, they always turn into my HM slaves. Don't know about you guys, but I have better things to do than level up some dumb-butt level five when I can just import level sixty-somes from another game.
Then you'll like this one, Mohacastle. 445.


YacheChomp. That is all.

(or scarfed, or banded, or life-orbed, or subdancing, or haban berried...)
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Wasn't Garchomp recently moved out of uber? Or am I going dillusional and am thinking of the invisiChomp
Anyway, Dragon/Ground. I use Flygon, so yeah.
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