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Daily Pokemon Discussions

Garchomp is actually sort of awesome. "That blonde Lass from Celestic" probably took her first steps towards fame when she caught a Gible.
5-1-2. Simisage?

YEAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I have a shiny one!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uh, it's okay, really. Mine is lower leveled, so I'm not quite sure how good it is. But its design is great, and it has a really good moveset, plus it levels up pretty quick.

LL, how did you know about my invisi-Chomp?
Ehhh, not my favorite. As a line, I prefer Pansage's, but out of all the elemental monkeys I like Pansear the most. I do like how some of their markings correspond with one another, though.
Simisage's huge punk hair reminds me of Tavros. *goes to Google for a while* Oh no, the alpha universe... Simipour's girly look and prominent cat smile... Simisear's curly and spiky mane...

I don't know what else to say. Except that his hair looks like an actual bush.
Oh, forgot to add, I hate the other Simi families, but Simisage is pretty cool. Just he has low base stats. Other than that, though...
Yeah, conquest art is always pretty cool. I think it's best viewed in Roar of Time or Axe-Murderer; Minimal Dewgong makes it look crappy around the edges.

In other news, 77.
Dragonair, my dear- actually, I'm not a very big fan. Really good moveset, decent base stats, but really, it's just a Dratini with a cooler tail, and it's evolution into Dragonite is too drastic. Dragonite deserves a better familyline.
Dragonair doesn't look too much like a dragon. It's just a weirded up snake. Well, at least it's pretty. Yeah, Dragonite doesn't fit in the line. I'm not sure what would be better. Maybe something between Gyarados and Milotic, except a reptile and not a fish.
Dragonair is suuuuuper-pretty. It's name is pretty silly but I guess at the time they were the only dragons and everyone had to know that these are dragons guys look!!! dragons!! I was always fine with the big leap to Dragonite because it was interesting! The dragon-type theme tends to be something small and strong can veeeery slowly grow until suddenly it becomes a super-powerful big scary thing, and anyway it's a pretty cute line.

Dratini is a cutie, Dragonair is gorgeous, and then Dragonite is a big squishy pretty cute! It's a hard life holding myself back from using one in like every single team. :'C
Whoa. This thing is still being run? I actually feel like I made a contribution to this site.

I loved Dratini and Dragonaire. Always have. Though I HATE Dragonite. Reason: Lance owes me money. His Dragonites literally pwned my Blastoise. Hydra was at level 70 with high sp atk and had Ice Beam. Still, it was pwned. I wasted 45 revives just to beat one of his Dragonites.
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