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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Daren vs. Cosmic Blueberry


2 vs. 2
DQ: 1 week
Damage cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Toxic, Destiny Bond, health healing, Chills limited to 4/Pokémon
Arena: A simple meadow in a park. There are some tress gathered around and the sun is standing high.

Anyone wants to take this?

Daren's active squad:
- Marcy (Female Pichu - Static)
- Bager (Male Cyndaquil - Blaze)
- Krox (Male Bellsprout - Chlorophyll)
- Artur (Male Gastly - Levitate)
- Rhuudo (Male Nidoran - Poison Point)

Cosmic Blueberry's active squad:
- Cotton (Female Swablu - Natural Cure)
- Snow (Female Mawile - Intimidate)
- Coat (Male Swinub - Oblivious)
- Sun (Female Shuppet - Insomnia)

According to eleven flips of a coin respective to a country you probably are wrong about the capital of:
Cosmic Blueberry sends out
Daren sends out and issues commands
Cosmic Blueberry issues commands
I ref

Coat, I choose you!
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Yea!, I`ll use Krox.

C`mon Krox, you can win this!. First use sweet scent. Then use razor leaf and end the round with using stun spore. If he has clones because of using double team change the action to magical leaf.

sweet scent/magical leaf - razor leaf/magical leaf - stun spore/magical leaf
Ok, Coat. Break the ICE by using Ice Shard. Then wake ancient arctic power that flows in your veins and shoot a nice direct Ice Beam. Finish by setting-up a 15% health Substitute to avoid the Stun Spore.

Ice Shard~Ice Beam~Substitute (15%)
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Daren's out due to being banned, so I'm afraid Cosmic Blueberry is going to have to find someone else to fight.
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