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Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP

(I added a pic of my Ultimate form in my signup post. Haven't colored it yet, but the colors are still in the description on the post.)

Pherin paused for a moment, glancing back at the Digimon that just spoke. "Come with me if you want, but don't get in my way. It doesn't matter how many of us there are... if we're found by a stronger monster than the bat, we'll be at their mercy. And teamwork? What a concept... I didn't sign up to be any of your teammates. You guys drove off the one creature that could have helped us find our way in this world. We have nothing now, no leads, no options except to hope to get lucky." He turned back away and continued on his way
Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP

Karoko figured it was better to just let the other talk to eachother and walked over to where his egg had been. He glaced around and found his digivice. He picked it up in one of his ears held it infront of his eye. He had heard some of the talking that the others had said, but didn't totally understand. He sat on the ground and looked at his Digivice, wished that it would let him digivolve from this confusing form. He blinked then decided to return to the group, thinking it was better for him not to be off by himself at the stage he was at. He wraped his digivice tightly in his ear to prevent losing it.
Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP

"Like that DemiDevimon was going to help us. Didn't you hear him start to call his attack before he got attacked. If anything he just wanted to elimiante us. And personally, I think needing to get lucky is better than being captured by and evil digimon, or being destroyed!" Jason called before the Minomon could get very far. "If your going to be like this, then good ridance. We may as well let you go."
Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP

"Hey..." Kris bounced over to Pherin and Jason. "Guys, it won't do us any good if we fight. You, the Tokomon, it wouldn't be smart to let him go. If we expect to survive, we need as many of us as possible. And Pherin, you can't just go charging off into the forest. Firstly, we don't know what other hostile Digimon live here, and secondly, we don't know the layout of the forest. But if you absolutely have to go, I'm coming with you. In fact, if you're going, I think everyone should go. There's safety in numbers." She knew that if everyone was going to act like this, she had to take responsibility somehow.
Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP

Kayou stirred, adding her voice to the conversation. "He," she tossed her head in the Minomon's direction, "is right. Right now, we're alone. None of us have any idea what happened, why we are like this. Tell me, if any of you came here before... Was it all a happy, fun adventure? There are enemies everywhere. The Demidevimon might have been testing us, though I doubt that theory, but obviously it knew something if it was waiting for us to hatch." She stared at her digivice, pondering how to carry it, and eventually just dragged it along as she closed the distance between the sensible Digimon and herself.

Maybe she was expecting too much from the others, but surely they couldn't expect to walk aimlessly around and somehow get the information they needed? And teamwork? It took time to perfect that, and if the Demidevimon had been expecting them, other things were as well. "We're probably being watched by something. Or a group of somethings. They could turn out to be enemies, or allies. If the Demidevimon appears again, will you attack him again? We should have tried to find out what was going on first. I regret my own attacks, I know."
Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP

Vai looked around at the others.

"Well, if we could get stronger together, we might be able to find some answers. And I'm not sure about the rest of you, but it might be interesting to be a Digimon for a while.." She trailed off. She probably wasn't making any sense to anyone, but whatever. "And by the way my name's Vai. If you go anywhere, I'm coming with you!"
Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP

Karoko finally decided to pipe up and talk. "Names Karoko and i personaily think that the DemiDevimon's intentions were exactly what it looked like and it will do no good trying to discuss it" He said with still seriousness in his voice " There's probablly something out there that much more powerful then a DemiDevimon, so we shouldn't just sit around waitting for it to find us"

He glaced around at the other digimon before speaking again. "I think we should move in a group to some other location, it won't do any good to keep staying here"He finished, looking at everyone else waiting to hear their responses
Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP

Kris sighed and bounced back to her broken eggshell. She probably shouldn't have intervened, but... She studied her Digivice that lay on the ground. Maybe she could find a way to recall her Digimon? Not with no fingers, let alone limbs. She just sat there, staring at it, waiting for the rest of the group to decide on what to do.

((I had thought about it before, but for those who still have their Digimon, it won't work. That'll be explained later.))
Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP

As a few of the other Digimon began to come to him, insisting on coming with him, one even saying he was right, Pherin couldn't help but smile... if he had lips, that was. Instead, he appeared more emotionless, a feature of his form. "Heh, fine, whatever. Just don't slow me down." As Pherin continued to move from the hatch site, he looked down at his digivice. "What are your secrets... you worked once, why can't you work again?" His stomach groaned, something it had done ever since he had evolved.. how come though, he didn't feel hungry before. "Well, first thing... get some food. What would I eat though?" He wrapped his vine around a tree branch and lifted himself up. "Maybe leaves... wouldn't that be convenient?"
Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP

"How come when I tried to stress the point of stick together, no-one listens to me? So we're sticking together. But I'd just like to point out that you are not the leader," he said to Pherin. "The names Jason by the way. Now come on, we have better cover in the trees. If we stay here, we'll get attacked before we can hide."
Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP

((I'd just like some clarification. This is not open, correct? All the slots are filled and at one point I believe you, Shining Eevee, said it was closed, but the title says [Open], so what is it officially?

Buh, I sounded way too serious there. I'm just confused.))
Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP

Vixi awoke with a start, she had been sleeping so sound that nothing had fazed her, until a huge clammoring happened outside of her...her...what was it in front of her? Vixi lurched from one side to the other, and eventually fell out of whatever was containing her. Looking back she saw an egg. Egg!?! She thought to herself panicked, and looked up. Either the trees were much taller than usual, or she had shrunk. Looking about in dismay she saw a bunch of fresh and in-training digimon. Suddenly something fluffy whacked her from behind. Spinning about she realized it was a a tail, a yellow fox like tail. Reremon? No wait, Viximon! She though to her self as she tried to look under her legs, and realized she had no legs.

"What's going on!?!" She shouted out loud as she ran with her stubby legs almost eratically towards the group.
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Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP

(the spots were opened at one point when Blastoise428 showed interest in the RPG, but he pulled back out, and she apparently forgot to change the tag back. But you'll have to wait for her to say whether they're open again or not.)

Pherin laughed, already beginning to pull himself up into the tree. "I'm already ahead of you on that." He swung up to higher branches, hiding amongst them, nearly camouflaged among the tree branches. "Let me see... " He held onto a strong branch with his vine, then began to gather a few leaves with his little paws and nibbled on them. And for some reason, he never felt happier to be eating a salad before. "Wow, they're great! I never expected just leaves to taste so delicious. You guys want some?"
Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP

((Sorry, yes, it is closed. Kali's right.
Oh, and since all the eggs hatched at once, Eon Spirit, you wouldn't still be a Reremon. You can keep that post as it is, but you should make a new one as Viximon.))

Kris spun around as best a head with no limbs could when she heard a rustling in the trees. To her relief she heard Pherin speak. Before she had thought there might have been another Digimon waiting to attack. "Leaves? Um, sure, I'm pretty hungry." She went over the names she had heard. Let's see, the Minomon's name is Pherin, the Tokomon's name is Jason, the Poromon's name is Vai, the Tsumemon's name is Karoko... But I don't think I know the Kyaromon's, Viximon's, or Nyaromon's name...
Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP

Vixi noticed that she had been overreacting and calmed down.

"Sorry, this is just weird, and uh...I'm Vixi!" Vixi then nodded, and parked herself on the ground, a smile randomly appearing on her face.
Re: [Now Started] Digitized - A Digimon RP

Kayou looked up at the tree, speculating on whether leaves would be edible or not. "I will try. I am Kayou." she told the group, and wandered over to the base of the tree, awaiting her turn to try it. She noticed Kris' sudden turn, and assumed that she was being cautious - or scared. Good. At least a few of the group wouldn't assume that everything would work out well. She had learned that from her 'partner'. How ironic that she was a Kyaromon, just like the traitor...

((D: Short))
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

"I'm good." Jason replied to Pherin's question. "So guys, how long before we get going. The sooner we get out of this clearing the better for me."
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

While the others on the ground were still catching up, and a couple had expressed some interest in his choice of meal, Pherin was busy eating from the tree. He waited to finish the current bites, before replying. "Well Kayou, Kris, if you want any, you better hurry up before I eat them all." He laughed, acting as if there weren't hundreds of thousands of leaves nearby, as if it was a precious commodity. "Or can you even climb? I guess I could give you two a lift..." Then answering Jason's question, Pherin turned his head toward the Tokomon. "Hey, you're the one who wanted to take cover in the trees, so why are you complaining? We'll leave when I'm full."
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Vai looked up at the leaves. "Leaves? Uh, no thanks, maybe I could find seeds or something.." She flapped over to a plant across from the tree, eying it suspiciously. Was it edible, or like grass.. Did she even have to eat? Vai wasn't really that hungry, so. She hopped over to the others, waiting.

((Mine's shorter~))
Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP

Kayou looked at her stubby legs, and sighed. "I am currently incapable of climbing trees. I'd appreciate a lift, or if you dropped a few twigs for me to sample." She lifted a tiny leg - how was it physically possible for her to balance on them anyways? - to demonstrate just how useless it was. Returning her attention to the rest of the group, she twitched her tail restlessly. "It wouldn't be wise to just rush out from the clearing, even in a group. Perhaps the faster of us could scout to ensure no unpleasant surprises are awaiting us. And perhaps there are other Digimon close by that we could speak to."
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