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Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

if anything i would be concerned that wolves have some way to mess with investigations given how powerful of an investigative bfree's claim seems to be
Well, normally it'd be less powerful - I would get no results at all until whenever I happen to lose a life, and then the results I start getting are the results from the people I targeted at the beginning of the game, who may not be the people I even need info about by that point.

I just happened to get targeted immediately and thus collapse into a normal cop.
also, yeah, i actually think that it’s a pretty well-written/balanced role
idk who scrambled my results and made me appear red but if it's one of the silent players i'm rioting
if nothing else i can try to prove myself through the night action i'm abt to gain access to

Pointed accusations finally begin to flow in the bureau. But even when most hearts are set on a course of action, there are procedures to follow, there is paperwork to file, everything in triple. The least that can be said as night falls, though, is that the protection services will be looking the other way if something happens to RNP.

RNP was eliminated, and lost a life.
72 hours for night actions.


The general consensus at the bureau was for RNP's head to be served on a platter. Come the next morning, however, the bloody fast would not be broken.

It wasn't for a lack of effort, or the usual institutional paralysis. People were knocking on the door to RNP's office -- which, like many personal offices in the building, had been reffitted into a sleeping room -- as soon as they were awake, but no one was answering. Forceful entry showed that no one was around, either. Neither was there a trace of the sought-after, or his remaining body doubles, in any other room that was investigated. Not in the public use offices, not hiding behind someone else's desk, nowhere.

Had RNP escaped the lockdown? It's distinctly possible; many of the bureaucrats trapped thereby would take a chance to do the same in a heartbeat. But it wouldn't have been so trivial. No window anywhere near ground level bore signs of having been tampered with; the external security team had nothing to report.

The punitive minds in the bureau had to content themselves with imagining that maybe, just maybe, their runaway prey had escaped his way into a worse fate still. But it wasn't only execution that had been in the plans. Indeed, any questions that were left to be asked of RNP would now go unanswered.

RNP is dead.
96 hours for discussion.
(It is Sunrise for the next 48 hours.)

On some real shit though there's no way that MF would forget to add the flip for a dead player, so this has gotta be intentional. What that means in regards to the larger picture of the game, I'm not certain yet, but on a more recent events type picture... I'm also not certain. Being nightkilled would imply that RNP was town, but it's really really odd that they would target him over Bfree. I would think getting rid of a known cop would take precedence over picking off someone who was likely going to get voted off toDay anyway
stryke i don’t know if i’m just emotionally very vulnerable right now or what but that mfing meme almost made me crylaugh
Being nightkilled would imply that RNP was town, but it's really really odd that they would target him over Bfree. I would think getting rid of a known cop would take precedence over picking off someone who was likely going to get voted off toDay anyway
this assumes that mafia is the only kp doesn’t it?
but i guess it doesn’t necessarily say that it ALWAYS happens, just that the flips will never happen upon half-death
Being nightkilled would imply that RNP was town, but it's really really odd that they would target him over Bfree. I would think getting rid of a known cop would take precedence over picking off someone who was likely going to get voted off toDay anyway
this assumes that mafia is the only kp doesn’t it?
I mean it's possible that RNP got vigged or something last night, but that would mean that the mafia got roleblocked/jailed last night, which I think would be pretty unlikely. Can't rule it out though I guess
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