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Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

well i guess that's one inactive gone

i do not find it terribly unlikely that a vig would have shot within bowlby/dulfin/flora but i don't know if i should put stock in that?
that being said i feel like (would have hoped that) the vig probably would've claimed yesterDay
Yeah, at this point the mafia being able to one-shot people feels more likely than us just having the unluckiest vig in all the land

From reclusive absences to outright disappearances, the situation continues to escalate in the bureau. Is the lockdown even working, at this rate? Are the infiltrators perhaps all leaving the innocent behind to rot?

Perhaps not; turning over whatever trace CerealBowlby left behind, the bureaucrats found absolutely no evidence of impropriety. Or, for that matter, intent to escape in the first place. Somehow, those aren't much comforting finds.

CerealBowlby is dead. He was Town.
96 hours for discussion.

(It is Sunrise for the next 48 hours.)
what does this mean for the future of the june archive and restoration project
am i missing something or are people getting both of their lives shredded at once a lot more often now? either a lot of coincidences are happening or the mafia has gotten stronger. and unless we know of some compelling mechanism that unlocks stronger powers other than falling to a single life, this kinda makes me re-suspicious of stryke.
My secondary power, unlocked after you guys voted me out, is that all my votes in elimination polls now count as double. So if I were to place a vote on someone right now, that person would automatically have 2 votes on them. I keep forgetting to vote though, so it hasn't really been an issue yet.

Anyway, you make a good point in that people are dropping way quicker now. Definitely not a good look for me (again...), but it's also making me shade Flora a lot more too. There was a decent amount of time between you voting for them and the night-day ending, so it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that scum!Flora saw this as an opportunity to get access to a power like this and start cleaving through townies like a hot knife through butter. This sort of hinges on how powers and night actions work when my primary ability is active though (under these pretenses, scum!Flora would've gotten this power after they submitted their kill, so would it apply retroactively to the hit they put on Bfree or would they not have been able to use it until last night?), and unfortunately, my role PM doesn't shine any light on how those kinds of interactions would function
maybe mf is just killing people because we're not doing anything ourselves
There was a decent amount of time between you voting for them and the night-day ending, so it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that scum!Flora saw this as an opportunity to get access to a power like this and start cleaving through townies like a hot knife through butter.

god i fucking wish
Hmm...I'm not sure on who to trust, here

The night vote would have been a weird power for mafia, though I guess I could see it working as a drawback to unlocking the full-killing. But that still feels weird

Flora unlocking this by being voted on the same night as the first full-kill seems weird as well, but it's basically down to the order of operations for the night actions and the night vote, no? If the full-kill is just a passive thing after losing a life, then the vote resolving before the nightkill would make it a full-kill, right?

I still don't want to cast any votes without hearing more input, though
before the day ends and i forget to place any vote. might as well start peeling off lives

wait actually this is way better for a random shot lol


Most of the day carried on with the usual lethargy -- until a handful of bureaucrats had enough. Breaking due process left and ignoring paperwork right, they stormed into MrDulfin's office, demanding explanations. None were forthcoming; the real MrDulfin was out, leaving only but so many doubles to take on the mob. Still, no one was any the wiser until a tide of blood had swept across the polished flooring.

The real MrDulfin is out there somewhere, surely receiving reports of "his" many deaths. Might he be plotting a worthy response to them?

MrDulfin was eliminated, and lost a life.
72 hours for night actions.

(moreover -- this game's sure slowed to a crawl, hasn't it? I don't foresee it picking up the pace anytime soon, so -- if you guys would like to call this one a tie and move on to the next one, just say the word)

Frenzy and hustle as the bureaucrats might have, their herd continued to thin with each passing day. At least, this time, it wasn't some cryptic disappearance; Novae's office was covered in such gore, that some of the mystery was gone.

At least, as much of the mystery you can say is gone when some of the bodies have been slaughtered with such violence, it's hard to even tell if they were all doubles of the same person. One of them had been shoved facefirst into a bed of thumbtacks, sticking deviously out from behind a corkboard; another had seemingly been decapitated by some sort of improvised rapid-shut device on the window. Among the bodies who still had a head and a face to identify, though, enough of them were Novae for it to be known: the real one must lie among them.

Whether it was an honest brawl or a horribly one-sided mauling, though, it's hard to conceive of such a grisly scene having been staged in any way. While foul play lingers in the air, this too can't have been the source of it.

Novae is dead. Star was Town.
96 hours for discussion.

(It is Sunrise for the next 48 hours.)

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