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Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

it's been such a long time that i don't really remember much about earlygame but i do recall a profound sense of existential despair on the redcheck so congrats to bfree
also: literally the second message in scumchat

i cannot help but notice that me and mine are the two first names in the ping list. that makes me wonder if this is sorted by alignment, and whether that means flora and/or novae is third-party
going to kill myself for moving off of dodge
You scared me half to death back there lmao
Even though things went quiet towards the end, I'm still surprised I actually made it all the way

Though now I kinda wish we had targeted kyeugh early, shooting ourselves a new friend sounds like fun
Good job, mafia! I wish I'd been around for the endgame - things got a bit quiet and I would've enjoyed trying to prod a bit more.

I do hope we can play another game sometime that's more active!
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