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Doctor Who Mafia [FAMILY OF BLOOD WIN]

Re: Doctor Who Mafia [DAY 1]

Time is up! Actually I'm a bit late, but whatever.

Final Votes:

Abstain: 3
Cirrus: 3
Hoity Toity: 5

UNIT had received a tip that a one Hoity Toity was indeed an alien that had taken the form of a human. They knew that the defenders of Earth had been infiltrated, and that they had no choice to make the rash decision. Hostile aliens were "wearing" humans, they couldn't be sure who among them had been turned. So they decided to follow the tip. In the middle of the day a strikeforce was sent to the home of the suspect. They found Hoity Toity preparing their afternoon tea, the morning paper was laid out on the dining room table, turned to page 12. The strike force followed their commands to the letter, they opened fire just as their target turned to run.

Hoity Toity is dead. They were not mafia.

Day 1 has ended.

24 hours for night actions.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Night 2]

Welcome to day 2!

Ah, Saturday, John Smith thought. No school, though he did have to grade those projects. As John walked into the living room a glint on the coffee table caught his eye. He picked up a fob watch that was sitting there. It was like no other watch he'd ever seen. It had intricate carvings covering the front. Curious, John tried to open it but to no avail. Silly thing is jammed. John placed the watch back where he found it and went to get the paper. Once again the head line was something about the election, a little lower was another title.


"-police say. The victim was found in an alley near their home. A name hasn't been released. The victim seem to have been killed in the same fashion as the London murder yesterday."

Dannichu is dead. They were not mafia.

You have 48 hours for discussion.

Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 2]

Pretty straightforward. Killed because she's experienced/skilled/etc, doesn't sound like a bus driver or that sort of role.

Guessing that Cirrus is going to be lynched today, but we should try and discuss things for a while, at least.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 2]

Who needs discussion, we have a lynch!

...No, really, we should at least talk a bit, even if we're definitely lynching Cirrus. Of course, I dunno if anyone necessarily looks any more suspicious, and the remaining detective definitely shouldn't claim yet (for, at best, they have only two of the Family). Then again, I don't think the Mother can be identified....hrm. Alright, real Sarah Jane, if you have two to accuse, say something. Otherwise, don't.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 2]

Hey guys wait, do you think Cirrus could be alien? That might explain why she didn't die if the mafia did target her. Maybe we shouldn't jump onto a bandwagon so quick?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 2]

Uh, considering that you were all so willing to agree that Hoity Toity might be alien yesterday, why are you all suddenly assuming he was right...? If he was inactive, which is what most of us thought he probably was, him showing up as innocent is exactly what we expected.

I have a useful role; since I'm likely about to be killed, I'll roleclaim if necessary. But seriously guys, think about what we were all discussing yesterday and what we thought Hoity Toity might have been before getting rid of another innocent.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 2]

I am a doctor. The first night I healed Pig-serpent, the second, I liek Squirtles (I was going to heal Dannichu one of the nights, but given that she's an experienced player this might have led to overdose). But guys, this is a really bad way of playing mafia. If Dannichu was the other doctor, I will likely be unsafe tonight and that will mean we will have no doctors because I've been told to roleclaim.

Why were you all willing to agree that Hoity Toity was probably an inactive alien (because of how slow and cryptic he was in making his accusal) and now have decided that this was completely impossible? If he was inactive alien, he will have shown up not mafia, as he did. Obviously I'm aware of my own innocence, and I'm trying to see from your point of view, but if you lynch me we will be at least four innocents down by tomorrow, potentially with no doctors, and unless we get very, very lucky, it's going to be extremely hard to win the game.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 2]

This seems like a very safe roleclaim. And I believe that HT actually was Ianto, and would therefor make you Mafia.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 2]

I never actually thought Hoity Toity was alien, when was that brought up? But I guess you're right that he couldn't have been alien, since he was mafia on death. Either way, though, it's really irrelevant...

Hmm... I'll go with abstain because I'd rather not kill off a random innocent.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 2]

This seems like a very safe roleclaim. And I believe that HT actually was Ianto, and would therefor make you Mafia.

Why do you believe that? Why is this a 'safe roleclaim' and that wasn't? That was an extremely safe roleclaim for an alien, because it's the role that would get him targetted straight away by the mafia during the night, exactly what he wants.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 2]

I have no idea what I was thinking yesterday o.0
I guess I made some weird connection between Cirrus and... something else that created a mindset that made Cirrus seem super suspicious >_>
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 2]

Wait a minute, I've had a thought. What if Hoity Toity was the Mother? That would fit with why they flipped innocent. It's a possibility, at least.

Guess I'm switching to abstain for now.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 2]

Giving another 24 hours to discussion.

I don't want a wasted lynch, so you guys need to be sure on what you're doing.

Remember to check what the roles are, they're posted with the first post.

Would remind people to please send in their night actions. (at least one person didn't)
Last edited:
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 2]

That was an extremely safe roleclaim for an alien, because it's the role that would get him targetted straight away by the mafia during the night, exactly what he wants.
Well, if HT just called out a random player, wouldn't it be pretty obvious to the Mafia that he was bluffing (unless, as ole_schooler said, he/she was Mother of Mine)?

Still not casting my vote, since we now have more time to talk.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 2]

For the game's sake, if you have a CONFIRMED night action (as in your PM said YOU HAVE A NIGHT ACTION) there is a rule change. If you do not send in your night action for two nights straight you will be killed. (this will not really count game wise, but you are useless if you don't send them in anyways.) You may pre send night actions.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 2]

Time's Up

Cirrus- 1

There were no more leads to follow. As much as they hated it, the defenders of Earth had to wait until there was some sort of lead to follow.

No one was lynched.
You have 24 hours for night actions.

If anyone is interested I've got some ideas for a Doctor Who Mafia 2. (((Silence in the Library anyone?)))
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