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Doctor Who Mafia [FAMILY OF BLOOD WIN]

Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 6]

Nice claim, Flower Doll. Very convenient. Unfortunately, I'm positive you aren't Donna, because that's my role.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 6]

?!?!?! I'm so confused right now. At least I hit a mafia member.

Uh... Flower Doll?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 6]

Donna Noble was making tea, when the doorbell rang, "All right, all right, I'm coming hold on," she said as she put the kettle down to answer the door.

When she opened the door, she was rushed by a troop of military officers, they opened fire for no apparent reason.

* * * *

The next morning the police had blocked off the scene in the street. The police had questioned John what seemed like a hundred times before they were satisfied that he didn't kill either of them.

Still he was horribly shaken. The way that man looked at him; it just sent shivers down his spine.

John stood up, he couldn't just sit and watch this all happen. He had to do something, sadly he had no idea what. That dream kept coming back. It was so clear. He shook his head and reached into his pocket pulling out the silver fob watch. He glared at it. That damn watch, for some reason he felt like blaming that watch for everything that had happened.

With a sigh he looked around, then he saw someone. It was a young man, he didn't look out of the ordinary, but there was something different. He was staring at John, no not just that. He was looking directly at John like he'd been looking for him his entire life. John looked at the young man, then at the fob watch, the returned his gaze to the man; who now had a very crooked smile etched on his face.

Just then an older man walked up to the boy, with the same crooked smile, and, wait did he just sniff? He did, like a hunting dog who'd caught the scent. Mr. Sniff said something to the young man, whose smile became even more creepy.

The boy reached into his coat, and pulled out a strange looking gun, the old man did the same.

Just then the watch started burning in his palm, glowing with a gold aura. Out of instinct he moved to open the watch.

It worked.

Images flooded John Smith's mind, The blue box, the TARDIS, so old yet so special, the Time Lords, Gallifrey, time and space at his fingertips, the knowledge of the universe and everything in it, and his friends, all his friends who'd died for him, because he was special, he was the oncoming storm.

The watch seemed to scream in horror as though it realized what had happened. It seemed to say one word.


John Smith turned to run, but was too late, before he knew it the old man was behind him, pointing the strange gun to his back. This is it, he'd been caught, by whoever these people were.

Flower Doll is dead. She was not mafia

Seri is the only survivor and is Captain Jack Harkness, therefore, the Family of Blood has won the game!

Mafia win!


Son of Mine: Cirrus
Father of Mine: ole_schooler
Sister of Mine: Wargle
Mother of Mine: SilverJade/Twilight Sparkle
Mother of Mine's secret role- "You are very good at making friends, once per game you may learn the role of a player, and who they targetted last. "


Captain Jack Harkness: Seritinajii
Donna Noble: Flower Doll
Martha Jones: Pathos/Derpy Hooves
Rhys Williams: I liek Squirtles
Rose Tyler: Dannichu
Rose Tyler's secret role- Can bring one character back to life using the Bad Wolf entity, can only be used once and cannot be used on Captain Jack Harkness.
Gwen Cooper: Legendaryseeker99
Ianto Jones: Hoity Toity
Sarah Jane Smith: InvaderSyl
Yana/The Master: Pig-Serpent
Owen Harper: Squirrel

Night 0:
InvaderSyl inspects Wargle (comes back innocent)
Hoity Toity inspects Cirrus
Pathos heals Cirrus
Squirrel heals Dannichu
Mafia kills InvaderSyl

Day 1:
Lynched Hoity Toity

Night 1:
Squirrel heals Pathos
Mafiakills Dannichu
Silverjade befriends Seri
Pathos heals Cirrus

Day 2:
Lynched no one

Night 2:
Squirrel heals ole_schooler
Mafia targets Flower Doll (immune)
1 night action not sent in.

Day 3:
Lynched no one

Night 3:
Pathos heals Cirrus
Mafia kills Squirrel
SilverJade befriends Seri

Day 4:
No Lynch

Night 4:
Pathos heals Cirrus
Mafia kills Pathos

Day 5:
Lynched Wargle

Night 5:
Mafia target Flower Doll (immune)

Day 6:
Lynched Pig-Serpent

Night 6:
Mafia kills Legendaryseeker99
I liek Squirtles commits suicide

Day 7:
Seri kills Silverjade
Lynched Flower Doll

Any problems I am happy to fix. Good job Family of Blood, Cirrus was epic on not getting lynched day 1. Good try innocents. 'Til next game eh?
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OF COURSE CIRRUS WAS MAFIA. Honestly, guys! When someone claims to be an inspector and says "Look, I found a mafia", you kill the mafia. If you decide to kill the inspector instead and they show up as innocent, you then kill the person they said was mafia. And if another innocent says "Look, I think we should kill this person because they showed up as mafia" and then is killed by the mafia in the night, you should probably kill the person they were accusing.

...I'm so sad I didn't get to use my epic Rose powers ):

Night 4:
Pathos heals Cirrus
Mafia kills Pathos

Oh, ouch.

More Who Mafia, plz? :D
Yeah, seriously. I was completely talking out of my arse the entire time! Hoity Toity was being pretty dithery, but it would have been extremely easy to figure out which of us was lying, and from there it was easy for us.

I felt guilty for killing you, Danni, knowing you really wanted to play Who Mafia, but you were just getting too troublesome >:(

This was a great game, Phantom! I also politely demand more Who Mafia :D Such great flavour text!

Oh, and I must thank you, Pathos B)
I'm working on it... I'm having issues choosing Vashta Nerada or Krillatines as the mafia.

Ha, flavor text? I had an idea for the story, but the writing was made on the spot.

Oh, inspectors and SilverJade got some special PMs when they used their abilities, flavor texted PMs. If you guys are willing go ahead and post those.

Also, free imaginary cookies to who can tell me which version of the Doctor that John Smith talked with.
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Yeah, seriously. I was completely talking out of my arse the entire time! Hoity Toity was being pretty dithery, but it would have been extremely easy to figure out which of us was lying, and from there it was easy for us.

I felt guilty for killing you, Danni, knowing you really wanted to play Who Mafia, but you were just getting too troublesome >:(

This was a great game, Phantom! I also politely demand more Who Mafia :D Such great flavour text!

Oh, and I must thank you, Pathos B)

No, it's okay. I was just pulling my hair out after I'd died, shouting "Kill Cirrus!" at the laptop. Which, uh, might've confused the housemates :p

I'm working on it... I'm having issues choosing Vashta Nerada or Krillatines as the mafia.

Ha, flavor text? I had an idea for the story, but the writing was made on the spot.

Oh, inspectors and SilverJade got some special PMs when they used their abilities, flavor texted PMs. If you guys are willing go ahead and post those.

Also, free imaginary cookies to who can tell me which version of the Doctor that John Smith talked with.

I love your Vashta Nerafa idea, but Krillatines is an absolutely excellent idea - fewer Mafia, but they steal the powers of those they kill?

Peter Davisoooooooon <3333 Not many people can pull off a decorative vegetable! :D
Yeah, I enjoyed the story, too.
No, it's okay. I was just pulling my hair out after I'd died, shouting "Kill Cirrus!" at the laptop. Which, uh, might've confused the housemates :p

Er herm.... I kinda did this during my weekly Dungeons and Dragons session... I think it might have confused the DM... oops. But seriously she was the freaking mafia don! Anyways, I think this was pure luck on the mafia's side, the innocents lost both inspectors in the first day, so yeah.
And we killed both the healers :) Cirrus had forgotten her action and I sent them in and wound up killing Squirrel and Pathos :3 But thanks for healing CIrrus, Pathos :3
I'm kind of disappointed... but oh well! I wish Hoity Toity had been more specific, though. And I wish I'd been more forward with lynching Cirrus, too. Oh well!
Hooray! We win! I was all ready to bring back Cirrus in case we didn't have enough votes at the end, too. Most of what I said during the game was a lie, although I honestly did think the four buzzes was a sign of the Master being activated. Sometimes flavortext is just flavortext, I suppose.
Sorry, it's just that people've yelled at me when I've revealed my role early on before, so I thought I wasn't supposed to. x.x

Phantom said:
"Uh, Houston we have a problem," Ianto said, looking at his screen.

"Why is it always Houston?" Gwen laughed as she peeked at
Ianto's screen, her face immediately turned grim. "Is that what I think it is?"

"Depends," Ianto began sarcastically, "it is either a bunch of blinking lights or a bunch of aliens out to kill us all what do you think it is?"

Gwen gave him a look that could melt ice and she looked at the screen again, "There's only four... wait... are they getting bigger or are there more of them?"

"I think more of them, let me look at the satellites we have there," Ianto couldn't believe what he was seeing. Scarecrows, living ones, "Are those scarecrows?"

Jack had just walked in, as soon as he heard the word scarecrows his face became serious. He pulled out his mobile ands started dialing.... no answer. He was right, "The Family of Blood, and the Doctor's gone into hiding. " Jack explained to the others about the Family of Blood.

"What who's that with them?" Ianto said, his eyes an inch from the screen.

You inspected Cirrus.

Cirrus is mafia.
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