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Doctor Who Mafia [FAMILY OF BLOOD WIN]

Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 3]

Welcome to Day Three!

BZZ BZZ BZZZ BZZ *click* John Smith groaned, Mondays... , John got ready as he did every morning, picking up the paper it was confirmed. Today was to be the dullest day in the history of Mondays.

No one died.

You have 48 hours for discussion.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 3]

Well, the alarm did buzz four times....but that's probably insignificant flavor text.

So. I've used up most of my logic for the day. Anyone else have ideas?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 3]

*reads flavor text* whoops, ok totally didn't notice that, but it is pretty awesome... But no, flavor text isn't totally reliable in this game.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 3]

Unfortunately I don't have any information, although I guess I'll heal the same person next.

Does anyone have anything? At all? We can't just keep abstaining forever. But considering nobody's said much yet...
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 3]

Honestly, I'm sorta starting to think that the alien did get activated. Because that's just the sort of subtle flavortext that would work. I'm inclined to abstain for the moment, unless our detective has a lead.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 3]


Once again there were no leads, and UNIT sat on their hands and waited... someone should make coffee.

No one died.
48 hours for night actions.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Night 4]

Time's up!

At least it's not Monday! John Smith thought. Then he looked at the clock, he'd overslept! In his rush to get to class on time, he didn't have time to check his morning paper.

At lunch John Smith sat in the breakroom, poking at his school cafeteria meatloaf. If it could even be called meat. With a sigh he pushed his "meatloaf" aside and picked up the paper, which looked like a small wind storm had ravaged the place. After a few seconds he found the first section.


"-neighbor called in reporting screams. When police came to the victim's home they found the door ajar and the house torn apart as though there'd been a struggle. In the kitchen they found evidence relating this case to the recent murders in London. The "Scarecrow Killer" as it has been called seems to have struck again, with evidence of straw at the scene. But to the policemen's dismay there was no body, only a small pile of ash that, once tested, confirmed to be the ashen remains of the victim."

John Smith did a double take, rereading the article again. A pile of ash? He thought, how strange?

Then all of a sudden John Smith felt a rush of fear, his vision blurred, but he saw something. Flashes of something long forgotten. A blue box that lead to another world, scarecrows, lead by people with strange looking guns. His heart pounded in his chest, in his head he felt his hearts beat, hearts? He shook his head, but the vision of that blue box remained in his head, so familiar to a deep hidden part of him, but so....alien.... John stood up, and he felt a weight in his pocket, he reached in and looked confused at what he'd pulled out, that broken fob watch. He tried to open it, but couldn't.

The school bell rang, nearly giving John a heart attack, shaking his head and trying to pull himself together, he placed the fob watch back in his pocket and returned to class. The other teachers staring at him wildly.

Squirrel is dead. They were not mafia.
48 hours for discussion.
Last edited:
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 4]

Ok, the more innocents that die, the more the Doctor starts to "leak" from the fob watch. It's just story development. Should the mafia win they will capture the Doctor as the more this happens it's more of a "kill me" sign on John Smith's back.

In short, just plot development, and it was a regular mafia kill... they just used their guns this time though.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 4]


Why is Cirrus still not dead, really? She seems like the most likely target. Is she immune to night-kills or something?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 4]


Why is Cirrus still not dead, really? She seems like the most likely target. Is she immune to night-kills or something?

My guess is because I haven't been particularly active for a bit. :/ Which I'm sorry for, by the way, please excuse me.

I don't even know any more. My heals do not seem to have been particularly helpful at all for quite a while. I have a sort of suspicion that the secret role mafia member might be a roleblocker? Perhaps they are blocking me, and attempting to kill people whose roles they aren't sure of? Eh, I really have nothing else to suggest or go on.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 4]

My guess is because I haven't been particularly active for a bit. :/ Which I'm sorry for, by the way, please excuse me.

I don't even know any more. My heals do not seem to have been particularly helpful at all for quite a while. I have a sort of suspicion that the secret role mafia member might be a roleblocker? Perhaps they are blocking me, and attempting to kill people whose roles they aren't sure of? Eh, I really have nothing else to suggest or go on.

Who have you been healing?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 4]

Sorry about the delay, very busy at work.

John had just stepped on the bus when it happened. His heart pounded in his chest like it was trying to escape. He grabbed his chest, gasping for breathe. The other passengers didn't seem to notice. He heard a voice in his head, his own, but different. He couldn't make out what it was saying. Light flashed in front of his eyes, he saw it again, that blue box! There was more... monsters! And people, so many people, John wasn't sure how, but most of them were dead, he just... knew. His eyes went wide, someone was dead. He wasn't sure how he knew, but someone died. The light faded, he found himself on the floor of the bus, the other passengers looking at him like he was a fish that had been flopping around. Without a thought, John dashed off the bus, leaving a concerned looking driver.

The bus drove away. John was shaken, and very confused. Was he going mad? He felt something warm in his pocket, the watch!. He pulled it out and stared at it. Whatever was going on, the watch had something to do with it. Either he was losing his mind, or he needed to do something. At this point, he was unsure of what.

Derpy Hooves is dead. They were not mafia.

You have 48 hours for discussion.
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