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Doctor Who Mafia [FAMILY OF BLOOD WIN]

Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 5]

So... Who is still active here? I am, just wanna ssee who is active and who isn't.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 5]

Hello! Doesn't look as if this game is a swirling bunch of activity...

I'm assuming our inspector died a long time ago. I really can't remember who the inspector role was..

Roleclaim time: I am Jack Harkness, which means I cannot die, but I can kill somebody once. I haven't used that power yet. Anyway, though, how will that help us?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 5]

At least one inspector is still alive. Dunno if they've got anything, though. I'm guessing the alien is activated as well, due to particular flavor text, but that's just theory.

In terms of killing...well, if we knew who two Mafia were, and wanted to get two birds with one stone, that would be useful. Otherwise...not really.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 5]

I'm guessing the alien is activated as well, due to particular flavor text, but that's just theory.

The flavor text is just that, flavor. It's just showing how The Doctor is becoming himself again, after (At least what I inferred) locking his memories of being The Doctor into a fob watch. He remembers more and more as the game progresses.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 5]

At least one inspector is still alive. Dunno if they've got anything, though. I'm guessing the alien is activated as well, due to particular flavor text, but that's just theory.

In terms of killing...well, if we knew who two Mafia were, and wanted to get two birds with one stone, that would be useful. Otherwise...not really.

Wait, how do you know there is still one inspector?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 5]

What other way would you know someone was lying then being an inspector? Are you claiming inspector ole_schoooler?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 5]

Not exactly. I know who the inspector is, though. They're still alive, and when they have at least two names, they'll out themselves. Saying this makes me a target, I know, but saying more will lose our last inspector.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 5]


Let's get a lynch done! We've had a lot of no-lynch days, so I'd like to get something done. How about... Wargle, who has been pretty quiet. Better than no lynch, imo.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 5]

Time's up


Another tip, finally. Yet again a small strike force was gathered and made their way to Wargle's place of interest, which happened to be an abandoned warehouse. They arrived in an unmarked van and stormed the building, first setting up a perimeter, then breaking in the door.

And there was Wargle, sitting in the middle of the empty warehouse with a crazed look on their face.

"Stand up and put your hands on your head!" barked the Captain. Wargle's smile only grew as they slowly stood, and faster than the soldiers could respond shot and turned three of them into dust. The rest opened fire, turning Wargle into some semblence of swiss cheese. Wargle fell, that smile still etched on their face. One soldier swear he saw a green mist fleeing the scene.

Wargle is dead. And was mafia.

You have 48 hours for night actions.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Night 5]

As John walked to work, he didn't brave dare going on the bus for the chance that someone remembered his incident yesterday, he felt better. There were no more weird deaths, and everything seemed well. Except for the dreams of monsters and of weird blue boxes, everything was, well, he couldn't think of any word other than fantastic.

No one died.

48 hours for discussion.

Sorry I've been super uber busy.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Night 5]

Awesome! No deaths! And we got a mafia yesterday.

Hmm... I am going for Cirrus, because why would Hoity Toity lie if he was innocent? I'm sort of suspicious about how Cirrus is still not dead.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Night 5]

Maybe Cirrus is healing themselves? I'm pretty sure doctors have that option, and the mafia have probably thought of that. I really don't know anymore. But I guess if Cirrus doesn't come to defend herself we can lynch her.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Night 5]

Hmm... I am going for Cirrus, because why would Hoity Toity lie if he was innocent? I'm sort of suspicious about how Cirrus is still not dead.

Uh... what? Haven't we all long accepted that Hoity Toity was most likely alien or the Sister (mafia member who shows up innocent)?

I have utterly no idea why I'm not dead, but considering how many nights there have been no deaths, I'm beginning to wonder whether the mafia are inactive.

We lynched a mafia member last time, but we're on the way to being outnumbered and losing. Let's not just lynch a random person who doesn't have much against them, that's incredibly risky and pointless. I guess I'm suggesting abstaining, but that's not much help right now either...

And by the way, you can't heal yourself. Unless our GM is very strange. Either way, I haven't tried it in this game and I doubt it would work.
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