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Doctor Who Mafia [FAMILY OF BLOOD WIN]

Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Night 5]

First I will come in to say there are no roleblockers in this game, second, extending deadline.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Night 5]

Sooooo, are we going to lynch, or are we going to abstain?

EDIT: So there's like two Mafia left, right?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Night 5]

I believe so, but as usual, we have no leads. But considering that the mafia still haven't killed Cirrus, we should go for an inactive! Such as...I liek Squirtles?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Night 5]

Eh, fine, I liek Squirtles, if only so that there's a majority. But just hoping we hit a mafia member feels pretty risky...
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Night 5]

In that case, someone else who is inactive...Pig-serpent? Because abstaining is really boring, I think.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Night 5]

That's... kind of something that the remaining two mafia could say, thus easily protecting themselves, but I guess the lovers do have to still be around somewhere...

You're right, abstaining really isn't going to get anything done. I suppose we'll just have to keep going and hope we hit mafia soon, sigh. Pig-serpent, then, I guess.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Night 5]

Okay then.

[insert flavor text here]

Pig-Serpent is dead. They were not mafia.

Begin Night Phase, you have 48 hours for night actions.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Night 5]

All night actions are in so I'm starting earlier.

Where am I? John thought. He was in a white room, an amazingly white room...John looked down, he was wearing his school clothes. He felt something in his pocket, he pulled it out to find it was the fob watch. He tried to open it, but he was unable to, even in his dreams.

Just then John jumped. There was a groaning sound coming from behind him, so strange of a sound, but at the same time, so familiar. He turned around and saw the blue box again, clearer than he'd ever seen it before. The door to the blue police call box swung open.
Curious, John thought as he walked inside. He had enterered a large room with a strange machine in the center. He walked up to the machine, there were so many buttons and controls, but somehow he felt he knew this machine. He fought to grasp his name, there were so many names floating in his head.

"It's called the TARDIS," said a new, but at the same time familiar voice. John spun around. There was a man behind him, young with blonde hair. He was wearing a cricket suit, and the oddest thing... a piece of celery pinned to his coat. The man cocked his head to his side, "That stands for time-and-relative-demensions-in-space, but I think you all ready know that."

The man looked so familiar, like an image from an old photo, "Who are you?"

The man laughed, "I'm you," he looked at Johns perplexed expression, "or at least I was. You never know, I might still be," he said with a smile.

John gave him a look, "You're mad."

The man laughed louder, "Ha! Then so are you!" The man regained control of himself, " Fine then, by Rassilon I did get dull in the future." The man's face became serious, "You're in great danger."


"There are people out there, Mr. Smith, people killing and murdering and they're all looking for you." He looked sad, "There will be so much more death if you don't get yourself to safety."

John shook his head, "That's just plain mad I-"

"Blast it! Shut up and listen! My time is limited here!" he shouted, then calmed himself, "The fob watch," he grabbed the watch, "is me. It's you"

"That im-"

"Quiet! This watch is more important than anything else in the universe right now! Do not let them get to it! They are-" right then he faded away. Then pain filled Johns entire body, not just pain, saddness, like a friend had died in front of him.

John woke with a start. He rubbed his eyes then sat for a moment, was that crying he was hearing? It sounded like it was coming from the street. He looked out his bedroom window, and sure enough, there was a man in the street crying, and someone else... they looked hurt! John rushed outside to help.

The woman was obviously dead, the man crying bitterly while holding her. "She's dead!" he cried. "They got her and I couldn't stop it! She was looking for that Doctor of her's, she never found him, that man."

John knelt beside him, and patted his back, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

The man's eyes looked at him and grew wide, "You're him! You're the Doctor!"

John blinked, "Doctor who?"

"Forget it then," the man sighed. "I loved her you know, no matter what happened I was always there, " he said softly as he brushed away the hair from the woman's eyes, " I guess except when she needed me most. That's when I failed her, I was always in the way, " he sniffed. He laid her gently on the pavement and stood up, and walked a few feet down the road, and pulled out a gun.

The man turned to look at John, "I am worthless now." He shook his head, "Naw, I was always worthless to them." He put the gun to his head, "Damn Torchwood."

"NO!" John shouted, but was too late. The man was dead.

John Smith fell to his knees in the shock of it all.

Legendaryseeker99 is dead. He was not mafia.
I liek Squirtles is dead. He was not mafia.

Phantom know grammar real good.
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Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 6]

Uh-oh... This is bad. Especially since not enough people are active in this game.

We need to make a correct lynch quickly, or else we'll be finished. And we only have one mafia member down, or two if the Sister of Mine was killed. Also, the description for Sister of Mine only says "shows up innocent when inspected", so I'm not sure if she shows up innocent when dead, also.

Flower Doll hasn't posted once, and the kills appear to be random, which leads me to think the mafia is inactive.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 6]

Apologies, to clarify, Sister of Mine will show up mafia when killed, it was only upon being inspected the first time do they show up innocent, after that always mafia.

Is sad no one noticed her Doctor Who joke in the flavor text...
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 6]

Is sad no one noticed her Doctor Who joke in the flavor text...

I saw it. Just didn't post until noow about it.

I'm surprised Flower Doll didn't get lynched earlier due to inactivity. Flower Doll it is.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 6]

Oh, right! I can still use my kill to help us win!

Who should I use it on? I'm not really sure, but if we got a lynch AND a kill, we could possibly get two mafia members.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 6]

Ugh, that's it! Whatever! I am going to kill SilverJade.

I am at sort of a loss, though, but maybe if I'm lucky with this 75% chance...
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 6]


Hi, I'm Donna. I'm assuming that half the Mafia kills that didn't go through are because they targeted me.

So, um, yeah, don't lynch me please or you're screwed.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia [Day 6]

Er hem.

[Flavor text]

SilverJade is dead. She was mafia.
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