Had this dream, woke up and typed it out straight away. Was weird and awesome.
At Primary school, everyone camped outside it for some reason, without tents or anything, just a load of blow-up mattresses. Two internet friends were in one together. I leaped off a high wall over to them, and we talked for thirty seconds and then they told me it was ten O clock so I had to leave.
I was driven by someone to a strange house, and then to my own. I successfully managed to steal money from a stange babysitter with my friends, and I hid it under a load of monopoly money in my room.
Then, for some reason, my entire extended family on My dad's side and I were in a strange mansion and all the kids slept in the same room. (Little kids, not me and my ten year old brother, Fionn). We were all attacked by something, and I think a lot of the kids died or went missing. None of my family would tell me anything, especially where Rory, my six year old brother, was, so I went searching for him in the house (which was full of old furniture and antiues), but I got attacked by this weird ghost admiral thing who poisioned me, and then made me run through the entire house, through doorways that had moving bits of black and white steam all over them, and I, being so poisoned, could only go through the black. After I went through the last room, he told he how proud he was of me, and then showed me a corridor with a dining room where some other admiral would give me something. After this section, a weird summary-like thing told me he had offered to knit me something with his katana, but I don't remember this. I remember being afraid he would double-cross and kill me despite passing his challenge.
Then I had to do something with my Dad. I went to an area that I don't remember, then to a wierd street that had two hat-shaped buildings. We went into the smaller one, and it was a restraunt. I had to find table (really long number), and did so easily, it was really close. I saw my English teacher laying tables on the way out. There was a second challenge, but we left for some reason.
I had to go back there again with my Dad, and this time we had to do the second challenge-namely, laying a table and preparing food for a zombie. We were supposed to offer other guests seats at the table, but we didn't. This time on the way out my English teacher dropped a really old sliothar (small, hard ball for a sport called hurling) and I picked it up and gave it to him.
Then I went missing or something, and a lot of kids went off to save me, including teenage versions of the two internet friends that appeared earlier. One had an argument with her father, but they made up and hugged and then everyone left to rescue me.
Then a load of kids went outside, but instead of saving me, began to dance together. Then I was dancing with them, and had a ruby ball, and one of my brother's friends, Tadhg, had a rubgy ball too (one white with a red stripe, one white with a yellow stripe). The camera shifted sharply, and we got our rugby balls mixed up and swapped them back.
A lot of what happened after that is kind of a blur, but the next thing I remember someone and I were trying to save good aliens from bad aliens. The good aliens wore suits, were a bit smaller than I am, and had weird, spherical, craggy, bright coloured heads with humanoid features. The bad aliens looked prety similar except they had hollow spaces where their eyes should be and their heads inflated when they did...something.
Somehow, without any superpowers, this person and I managed to kill an orange bad alien, but a bad yellow one killed the good one (who I think was green). So we attacked him and somehow chased him/dragged him to our treehouse (which doesn't exist) where a lot of people were there for some reason. He tricked us into thinking he was good, then ran away and escaped. My little brother Rory was present. I get the feeling there was a birthday party.
The last part of my dream involved me in a weird, warped version of my secondary school, where I really wanted this one teacher for English (actually my friend's English teacher), and for some reason the classes were organised on a first-come, first-served basis or something, so this kid I know, Clem, was trying to get me to wait for him but I might have missed the class so I lied and said I would and then didn't.
We all had to sit on this strange sofa-like things outside the class room and I was forced out of my seat, so I sat somewhere on a couch and something inside the couch pushed me away.
Then I swore or something and my Vice Principle came to give out to me, but I instead charmed him into conversation, and then we all followed him for some reason (maybe he wanted us to do a job? And 'we all' at this point means an annoying kid called Sam and my little brother Fionn, and a gaggle of other students). We went outside the school, which somehow wasn't accurate physically speaking but at the same time was close enough. He had us wait by a pillar, during which he chatised Fionn for something, and then we all went back to class.
On the way we saw some kids playing soccer in the hall, and the Vice Principle roared at them and asked them their names (I only remember one, who actually is in my school). Their names went aplhabetically or something, and there was a letter missing, so obviously someone had run away to hide. The Vice Principle ran up some stairs to a room that doesn't really exist in the school and that was the last we saw of him. The person I actually knew (who is not the nicest person or even really worth living) did /something/ to me, so punched him.
We went through a hall to get back, and there was a bench in the way, so I hopped over it and accidentally punched someone again. A person I knew from Primary school and sometimes see in this Secondary school was there.
Odd. Odd odd odd odd.