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Easter Vacation?

I get tommorrow, Good Friday, off, but that's it. 'Least it's something. Besides, I get Spring Break in May, so.
I get Monday off because it's the end of the quarter. I'm probably just going to spend it like any other Sunday, except that I'll have a nice amount of chocolate at hand and I may search around for hard boiled eggs and leave the rest to the raccoons. The only reason I celebrate there strange holidays is for the candy and the fun.
My school's spring break was almost a month ago. So I don't get any days off for Easter at all.

Of course, I haven't been to school any this week except on Monday... but that's because I've been sick, so I don't think that really counts as a "vacation."
Mine started at the beginning of this week and goes on until a week Monday. My plans involve a lot of sitting around doing nothing constructive whatsoever, though I really ought to be revising my arse off. Meh.
Well I'm back from the summer house, I wish I could have been longer, but I have plans for tomorrow. :)
been listening to music. what have i listened to..

-xtc, drums and wires
-atlas sound, let the blind lead those who can see but cannot feel
-xtc, white music
-m83, dead cities, red seas & lost ghosts
-phoenix, alphabetical
-lotus plaza, the floodlight collective
-sonic youth, daydream nation
-the second half of marquee moon

what have i learned..

-atlas sound is really good
-phoenix's third album is better than the first two (so far; listening as i type)
-daydream nation is still really good after these years
-xtc got inexplicably better after go 2
-lotus plaza is neat but i don't think lockett is as good without deerhunter as bradford (atlas sound) is
-marquee moon is still really good after not listening to it for months
-i thought i wouldn't like that m83 album because their later songs, where they basically worship 80s pop with shoegaze thrown in for good measure, are what i'm more familiar with; to my surprise, this album was actually much better than i expected.

my last.fm charts aren't very pronounced. they're also missing a lot of music that i haven't ripped to my computer yet. maybe that can be something i can do next week..

i'll probably pick up a book and start reading soon. either the crying of lot 49 or breakfast of champions. i also have hamlet for english.
I just get a long weekend.

But I get a week at the end of April/beginning of May, because we have lots of holidays then: Queen's Day, Liberation Day, Remembrance Day.

And we get Ascension off, and Pentecost.
I just get a long weekend.

But I get a week at the end of April/beginning of May, because we have lots of holidays then: Queen's Day, Liberation Day, Remembrance Day.

And we get Ascension off, and Pentecost.
I wish I got Liberation Day off. We don't celebrate it so as not to offend the Germans (because it's a european school) but seriously fuck the Germans.
Since it's a european school we also don't get King's Day off. argh

We do get Ascension and Pentecost though. Thank Christ (literally?).

Anyway I had last week off and I have this week off too. Went to New York last week and getting help with Maths all this week.
It wasn't much of a vacation but I went to Arras (france) for 3 days and it was extremely boring and dull.
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