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Education in US

You all think the education in the US could be better?

Yes, and it drives me mad because I live in the US. A lot of people here take school for granted and grow up to be scumbags. They tell us when we're in pre-k/kindergarten that we can be what ever we want. BUT WE CAN'T!!!! And by the time a lot of people realize this (me being one of them), its too late! We force every single jack ass to go to school and then it spreads to others making them jack asses thus we end up being in a worse situation if we just told the original jack ass to get the hell out of school. AM I THE ONLY AMERICAN MY AGE WHO THINKS THIS WAY?!??!
I'm pretty darn happy about my education.

Then again I go to private school.
Its different in private schools though, they have higher requirements and wear uniforms, and in some private schools, you gotta meet a grade requirement to actually be in school. sure, its harsh, but u learn a lot more (not that i'd know though, i got to stupid govt. own privite school that learns min. requirements for everything)
School is a way of keeping children out of the way. This is my opinion on education.

Children, in some countries, go to school from the age of five (source). They leave at the age of sixteen, and in all that time I don't think most of them learn much of anything that is useful to them in everyday life. The curriculum is also apparently governed by the politics of whoever happens to be in power at the time. (source)

Frankly I think that schools, as they are now, are a monumental waste of time.
What do you expect? Teachers lie to the kids.

At my school, we have 800 freshman (14 year-olds) and 400 seniors (18 year-olds). when the senior class started, there were 800 of them too. We lost half the class in three years. How sad is that? Sure, some move, but most just drop out.

But what do you expect when teachers threaten you won't go to the ninths grade if you fail eighth, and when you do fail eighth, you still go to ninth. Same thing happens in the tenth and eleventh grades. Then comes graduation and, oops, you don't have enoughs credits to graduate.

Gah. Government-funded education lacks a lot. D:
I don't know about the US, but I do know that the schooling in Auzzie can be better, The education is piss poor..

I think the real problem is that it takes a lot of people a long time to find out what they truly want to be. Like I thought I had it all figured out at the age of 16, and now i'm headed in a complete different direction, (and I still don't know if it's the right path for me). Some people just dick around and realize they wasted x ammount of years, and some are just dicks, period.

Imo, they need to give "Jack asses" two warnings, then send them off to boot camp for 3 years.

School is a way of keeping children out of the way. This is my opinion on education.

Children, in some countries, go to school from the age of five (source). They leave at the age of sixteen

Sounds like Australia.. Kindergarten = 4, Pre-school = 5,

We complete grade 10 when we're 15 years old, and have the option to just leave, (like I did).
The teachers are crappy and get paid a shit load, but I often question myself if they're getting paid for their knowledge, or their ability to put up with shit from children.
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We complete grade 10 when we're 15 years old, and have the option to just leave, (like I did).
The teachers are crappy and get paid a shit load, but I often question myself if they're getting paid for their knowledge, or their ability to put up with shit from children.

Not no more! Now if you want to leave in year 10 you have to go into either a VET course or an apprenticeship.
Government puts no focus on edu and too much on $$$. It's very simple: governments in capitalistic society profit from making $$$. Hence why they will bombard you with car commercials and all that jazz, because it makes them better. Education is not something they can get money from, in fact, they cut spending on it because as it is the few people that get through and are clever enough end up making them tons anyway.

Education and health care should be the primary focus of any society, but no, the government does not see that. Mind you, that is just as bad in Europe as it is in the US.
Not no more! Now if you want to leave in year 10 you have to go into either a VET course or an apprenticeship.
They changed it? Well that's good because it'll stop people ditching highschool, but bad because a lot of our schools have crappy teachers. ,,xD
I don't think that compulsory or state-funded education is a bad thing, necessarily... I'm sure that if most five-year-olds had the option, they would choose not to go to school but go outside and play all day... that's what I'd have chosen for myself at that age, anyway. I think that so many kids in public schools are ill-behaved because they lack foresight... they don't see how working hard in school can drastically improve their quality of life later on, which is a shame. Indeed, now that I've applied to colleges and am waiting to hear back from many of them still, I feel that perhaps I should have taken my education a bit more seriously. I don't know how you're going to persuade little kids to look that far ahead into the future, but if that could be accomplished somehow then I think they might try a little harder. :3

The US government needs to invest more in education and raise its standards rather higher, IMHO.
I can't really say much because my experience in that field is lacking.

Here in the UK though, non-private schools can vary from being really nice, well kept with a variety of subjects and more choice for the students and teachers who care to being simply places to keep nuisance kids off the street, and little more, while the kids there who are not nuisances lose out.

Most of the problems in those sorts of schools stem from 2 things: Bad management and bad teachers. When it comes to a lack of concern for their education students are very rarely to blame; most of the students simply don't give a shit because the teachers don't give a shit. Then there's the management. When the heads of the schools pour all of their money into new windows, re-surfacing the sports field and doing up the canteen (which, by the way, is usually empty of any decent food by time the teachers and 6th year students have finished skipping the queue) and adding an extention to the building, while in the classrooms kids are still being taught from books that are nearly 40 years old, science students are only ever taught theory because there's no equipment, and the art department doesn't even have a set of paints, you know there's something wrong with the management.

Unfortunately, I can't see how this is going to change either. I doubt the problem is much different in the US. In human society, there's a prevailent "I don't give a crap about anyone but myself" attitude, and until we evolve past that public schools in poor areas aren't going to improve.
bravo government you have chosen to invest in structurally devastating projects

enjoy your illiterate population
They tell us when we're in pre-k/kindergarten that we can be what ever we want. BUT WE CAN'T!!!!

Well, they told me I could be whatever I wanted. I finally realized that I couldn't, and they did lie, because life isn't perfect, and not all your dreams come true, I agree.

We force every single jack ass to go to school and then it spreads to others making them jack asses thus we end up being in a worse situation if we just told the original jack ass to get the hell out of school.

We "force" them for a reason. Because people need educated. Being a jackass doesn't mean everybody else will start being a jackass; they're probably start avoiding the jackass. Also, the original jackass, there's more than one jackass in a school. You can't just tell them to get out of school, although you could send them to a behavioral school if it does get to that point.



Who cares about your age, and probably not.
Ah, the joys of homeschooling. I love my education.
U.S. teachers are underpaid, not as knowledgeable as they could be, and unionized. What can you expect but garbage?
I agree about how they don't tell you how important school is until a later age. There are kids in my school who are happy as long as they don't get Fs and there are people who think Bs are death. Sometimes its just people who don't care. I get good grades so that in the future I will get to go to a good collage. My dad told me that if you get realy good grades in high school you may get paid to go to collage

I hope I somewhat understand this
some kid in my science class today said:
Where's Africa?

some kid's persuasive essay I saw said:
The simplest thing, just where a seat belt!
(^ sentence fragment + "where" instead of "wear")

I like to think that I'm one of the few that has actually gleaned something from the shit that is US education, or maybe it's just because I have a somewhat high IQ and thus have been able to actually remember a good amount of the stuff I've been taught over the years. You'd be surprised how many kids in my school can't get a good grasp on basic English grammar and the usage of words such as "their" and "they're". It's pretty horrifying.
Kid in Leafpool's class said:
Where's Africa?

Haha, in my A-level Psychology class (we're talking 17-18 year-olds here), one girl (who also took A-level geography) confessed that she thought Africa was a country and that Kenya was its capital. It's one of those things you have to laugh at, or otherwise you'll cry.
Haha, in my A-level Psychology class (we're talking 17-18 year-olds here), one girl (who also took A-level geography) confessed that she thought Africa was a country and that Kenya was its capital. It's one of those things you have to laugh at, or otherwise you'll cry.

no silly Egypt's the capital

... ouch. That... that's horrible D:
Ugh. I still remember the time in fifth grade when we were learning about biology. Quite a lot of people in my class thought fire was alive. Fire. Living. I cringed and headdesk'd quite a few times.

Either way, I can't really say much about the education in America because I don't really have much experience of crappy teaching. I go to a rather rigorous public school here, where (for 90% of the school anyway) B is instant death. My current school really focuses on academics, so the grades aren't really a problem.

You'd be surprised how many kids in my school can't get a good grasp on basic English grammar and the usage of words such as "their" and "they're". It's pretty horrifying.

I agree completely. I was in complete shock when I had to learn about that not only in 6th grade, but 7th and 8th as well. And there were still people who got it wrong. Honestly, I've only been learning English for a few years and even I get the difference between "where" and "wear".

I'll pretend the "where" is a typo and try not to gorge my eyes out.
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