Fire emblem is great
3vs3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: Standard week
Damage Cap: 32%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Water Moves that require a source, moves strong enough to knock an opponent out of bounds. Explosion/self-Destruct
User Limit: Participated in one, or no battles as of yet.
Arena: Imperial City Arena
Here there be no gladiatorial fights to the death, today, just a pokemon battle, wut?
This arena is simply a 100 ft diameter circle with four stone pillars placed closer to the center, and equally spaced. The sky is open and the battle area is too far away from water to use moves such as surf and muddy water. Participants are disqualified is they leave the arena (i.e. fly above 250 ft, or go beyond the walls, such as in the stands, or beyond which. The ground is simply soil, and can be burrowed in. Earthquake creates devastating damage to the arena, but may be used, at the risk of alerting the authorities.
Imperial Legion:
Sword Slash (3% Damage, 75% chance to hit, cannot hit flying)
Arrow Shot (5% Damage, 50% chance to hit, can hit fliers)
These legions cannot be defeated in any matter or form, but can be forced away but whatever imagined means possible.
Pokemon leaving boundries are applied as fainted due to disqualification
Round Twenty-Three Begin!
Team Eon Spirit (ØØO)

[Onikami] Poochyena (M)
Ability: Run Away
Health: 7%
Energy: 60%
Status: Refreshed, but feeling very sick. Badly Poisoned (Harsh—6% this round, 7% next)
Team Phantom (ØOO)

[Kadan] Charmander (M)
Ability: Blaze
Health: 90%
Energy: 52%
Status: Very groggy. Attack +1. Defense -1. Accuracy +1.
In reserve:
[Blitz] (F) <Static>
Health: 13%; Energy: 20%
Team Eon Spirit (ØØO)

[Onikami] Poochyena (M)
Ability: Run Away
Health: 7%
Energy: 60%
Status: Refreshed, but feeling very sick. Badly Poisoned (Harsh—6% this round, 7% next)
Team Phantom (ØOO)

[Kadan] Charmander (M)
Ability: Blaze
Health: 90%
Energy: 52%
Status: Very groggy. Attack +1. Defense -1. Accuracy +1.
In reserve:

Health: 13%; Energy: 20%
Kadan may still be groggy, but he is at least coherent enough to see that his opponent is incredibly weak. Only one more hit would finish the little hyena cub. Grinning confidently, he runs toward Onikami. But just when he’s about to slash his claws across the Poochyena’s flank, the cub nimbly jumps out of the way, attempting to punch Kadan in the head. But his paw falls in the wrong place, and he sprawls to the ground. Kadan seizes the opportunity to finish off his attack, and slashes his claws across Onikami’s black fur. The Poochyena can’t take any more; he moans in hurt, then his eyes close and he drifts into unconsciousness. Kadan lifts his heat toward the sky and shoots out a short stream of fire to commerate his victory.
Eon Spirit and Phantom come forward and shake hands with each other, each recalling his or her Pokémon now that the match is over. The Referee releases his league-issued Abra and teleports away, and the two trainers exit the arena, the crowd cheering behind them.
Game, Set, and Match!
Team Eon Spirit (ØØØ)

[Onikami] Poochyena (M)
Ability: Run Away
Health: 0%
Energy: 52%
Status: Knocked Out!
Team Phantom (ØOO)

[Kadan] Charmander (M)
Ability: Blaze
Health: 90%
Energy: 46%
Status: Cheering at her success.
In reserve:
[Blitz] (F) <Static>
Health: 13%; Energy: 20%
Team Eon Spirit (

[Onikami] Poochyena (M)
Ability: Run Away
Health: 0%
Energy: 52%
Status: Knocked Out!
Team Phantom (ØOO)

[Kadan] Charmander (M)
Ability: Blaze
Health: 90%
Energy: 46%
Status: Cheering at her success.
In reserve:

Health: 13%; Energy: 20%
Arena Notes
•Nothing out of the ordinary
Damage and Energy calculations
•Sucker Punch: 8% energy
•Slash: 8% damage, 6% energy
•Sucker Punch was a critical hit.
•Unfortunately, it also missed. Sorry, Eon.
•Slash knocked out Onikami.
All right! Thanks so much for such a fun battle! Honestly, I have thought of this battle a long-standing, fun battle, maybe even moreso for me than for you! Anyway, now we get to the fun part: the prizes! Phantom gets $24, I get $15, and Eon Spirit gers $9. Spatz, My Dark Soul, Blitz and Kadan all get 2 EXP/Happiness(whichever matters) (if I’ve calculated correctly), and Onikami and Xaciz get 1 EXP each. Again, thanks for a fun battle, and I’ll see you people later!
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