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Eurovision 2009


Finland was so good, catchy and just ...<3

the UK won't win, though.
Oh, of course not. We never do. Which brings up the Eurovison Drinking Game! You get a huge map and drink whenever neighbouring countries give each other 12 points. Instadrunkness :D

The interval act is... trippy. Really pretty, but makes me feel a little dizzy. Like Cirque de Soliel meets Mushishi meets a lot of halluconogenic drugs.
I still love Graham's commentary; "It is beautiful, but how anyone ever thought of it... it's like going to the fair and winning a girl in a plastic bag".
Yes I love Graham, he's great. I'm glad we've got some points, it is good. I think Norway might win though i---OH MY GOD MORE POINTS FOR US. ty malta
Aww, Malta voting for Iceland. Islands unite! Christ, Norway's gonna win by a landslide. I absolutely cannot belive how well the UK is doing.

Iceland: "The entire nation has chipped in to pay for the satellite link" Love it XDDD

Spain are so rejected. Nil points. ):
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"Here's the comedy twist... this isn't a Russian folk song; it's a song by TaTu!" I died XD

What the hell are we doing so well for? Nobody likes the UK! Get a load of Iceland, though; I totally didn't imagine them doing anywhere near as well.

"If you take good care of it, a DVD can last for 100 years" - What the hell?
yeah, I was like "the fuck." I love this year though it's so much better than previous years.

We're doing fairly well. Most points since 1998!
Christ, I bet the Norwegians are getting bored of dancing every time they get 12 points.

I really like how half the countries pronounce it "Moss-CO" and the other say "Moss-COW".

Awww, top 5! Go us! :D
worst eurovision since... eh, since I've bothered to watch them.

would like to know how much the norwegians paid the russians, though. "judges", indeed.
opal, there is a separate jury in each country; you'd have to bribe them all.

Apparently the Norwegian guy did have a drink with the head of the Russian jury (at the Russian's request, without knowing he was the head of the jury) the other day, but that head of the Russian jury resigned, so...

And what are you talking about; it was a pretty good Eurovision. :( They're always silly and the songs are bad! You're just setting your standards too high after Lordi, who were indeed full of win.

I didn't really like UK's entry; mostly the singer's voice just wasn't my type.

I think this is the first time I've really liked our entry, and in fact I thought it was one of the best songs this year (or rather, a decent song with one of the very best singers especially considering she's only 18), so I'm happy with the second place. :D I really hadn't dared to hope we'd end up that high.

The Norwegian was adorable. :3 Personally, though, I voted for Malta. It was a pretty song and the singer was great.
opal, there is a separate jury in each country; you'd have to bribe them all.

or so they say

And what are you talking about; it was a pretty good Eurovision. :( They're always silly and the songs are bad! You're just setting your standards too high after Lordi, who were indeed full of win.

yeah, you're right. it's shit every year
No; it's fabulous every year :3

Malta was fantastic, yeah; I love the pyrotechnics and super-cool backing dancers and expensive sets and things, but the simplicity of her song was so great.
I still really love Estonia and am so thrilled they got as high as they did. Cellos ftw.

I didn't like the UK's entry too much either; they got Andrew Lloyd Webber to write the song and even though I don't like him too much (I'll never forgive him for Cats; I want my three hours back, dammit), I figured it'd be better, especially lyric-wise, than it was. Jade's a pretty fab singer, though, you've gotta give her that.

I actually think Romaniaguy looks a little creepy.
How can you not love Eurovision? It is fabulous. It is delicious. It is one of the best displays of camp I have ever seen. So good. <3

Malta was brilliant. I wasn't expecting her, though. I was like "oh wow" when I saw her.

I think the reason UK people like it so much is because our commentary is top notch. Terry Wogan was brilliant and Graham Norton was a perfect successor I think. His commentary made it so much better. <3
Ahhh, I wish I'd posted here as it happened. XD

Gahh, I love Eurovision so much. Personally I think this was the best turnout in years - I liked nearly all of the songs, which is saying something 'cause usually there's at least one that's absolute crap. I can't remember what each country had, or I'd say my thoughts on all of them, but these are the ones that stood out to me:

Norway: UMG WHOA. He is so adorable and gahhhhh I'm so glad this song won. <3 I would have definitely voted for it if I could. It's been stuck in my head for days now. XD Aww, I love him so much.

Estonia: I'm surprised this didn't get higher, and I was expecting the UK to vote more for it... I really loved it, it was my second favourite act. She has such a lovely voice, and the song generally was just awesome.

I also liked Portugal because it was just so happy. XD I have no idea why Azerbaijan and Turkey got so high, I remember theirs not exactly being the best. But yeah, whatever. I didn't like Iceland's that much, and I didn't like ours too much either...

But yeah. Really loved it this year. I watched the final for the whole three hours and fifteen minutes. XD I'm really annoyed Graham Norton commentated though, he was so annoying.
Aww, I really liked Graham's commentary; I think I still like Terry Wogan best, but I love how they never take it at all seriously and make fun of pretty much everything X3

I thought it was really great this year - I'm really annoyed with myself for missing so much - and it while it wasn't as camp as ususal, the utter craziness of some of the acts (I'm looking at you, Albania) made it all better :)
Are you kidding, Germany's made me giggle for like two hours straight. Now I can't stop listening to it. IT'S THE SHINY TROUSERS.
Germany's was totally the best. MISS KISS KISS BANG~

I also liked Sweden's, and come ON! Graham was brilliant. He started off a bit slowly but as the night went on he got so much better <3. Also, Turkey's was awesome. DUM TEK TEK!
Are you kidding, Germany's made me giggle for like two hours straight. Now I can't stop listening to it. IT'S THE SHINY TROUSERS.
Germany's was totally the best. MISS KISS KISS BANG~

I have to agree that Germany did a bang-up job. Tailsy was talking about Germany's entry a few days ago and it got me interested, so I went and listened to it and now it's still stuck in my head. Curse you, Tailsy. Curse you!

I haven't listened to everything yet, though, so, to be completely fair, I ought to go do that right now...
ETA: The Ukraine, Turkey, Armenia, Montenegro, Norway, and Malta caught my attention (in positive ways) the most. (I already mentioned that I loved Germany's entry.) The Ukraine's would have been much better if I didn't understand the lyrics. Armenia's was a wonderful change of pace, and rather a pleasant surprise as I was listening to all of the entries. Malta's didn't really stand out for me until quite near of the song, but... I dunno. Norway was just catchy. Turkey had a very nice percussion bit. I'm not exactly sure why I liked Montenegro's, but it was interesting.
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