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Ever meet someone famous?

I almost met William Shatner and Leonard Nemoy at a Trek convention two years ago, but got pulled away at the last moment. :(

My cousins have met Tom Hanks because one of his relatives goes to their church. And who said church was completely bad?
I've talked to David Tennant once =D They were filming and all these little kids were making loads of noise so Tennant came up to meet them and calm them down, then after the filming he came back to talk to us and sign stuff.

Also i've seen Sophie Aldred at a convention (yes a convention, for my 9th birthday 0_o)
Oh, I forgot to mention, my sister's friend's cousin is Alexis Grace, who placed 11th on American Idol this season. I haven't met her yet, but I probably will soon.
- Bruce Coville (author, visited my school to do a presentation)
- Chris Sabat (voice actor, Auroracon ...'07?)
- Ray Troll (artist and radio host. I paid a visit to his gallery on Creek Street when I was still living in Ketchikan. Look him up sometime, he's got some really cool pieces of art.)
- Tuomas Holopainen, Marco Hietala, and Anette Olzon (of Nightwish. At a concert, yes. I only really got to speak with them, though, and not Emppu or Jukka.)

Oh, and my cousin accidentally ran into Lloyd Bridges when she was a toddler. More literally than figuratively.
Not really anybody you would know, unfortunately.

If only I had read Richard Dawkins's books earlier, I would have gone to the atheist conference in 2006 and met him. D:

...well, I was working outside downtown once when my group eyed what we at least thought were the members of Metallica walking past, and they were in Iceland at the time so it was probably them, but there was no interaction or real proximity, so...

Um, pretty much all the main guys behind CCP (the company that makes EVE Online) have come by for parties, since my dad is one of them?

There was one time a guy who looked exactly like David Schwimmer (Ross on Friends) walked past me on the street, but I'm not sure what he would have been doing in Iceland, so it might not actually have been him.

As for people you wouldn't know, once when I was little and had forgotten my keys, the prime minister of Iceland walked by while I was waiting for my mom to come and let me in. He even said hi. :D Then a couple of reasonably well-known Icelandic authors had talks at my writing class at school. And another Icelandic author, who is awesome, both came to read from his children's book at my elementary school once and came to a dinner at an anti-war alliance that I was at to read from another book, and there I actually stood just a small distance away from him. :o (I also later e-mailed him after happening to stumble upon his e-mail address online, and he actually replied, which I think is very cool.)

An Icelandic comic writer, Hugleikur Dagsson, was signing books at a store once where I got a copy for my mom.

Finally, I showed up at a couple of political rallies for the elections in Iceland and was basically two feet away from some of the leaders of what is currently the biggest political party in Iceland (including the world's first openly gay prime minister).
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- Tuomas Holopainen, Marco Hietala, and Anette Olzon (of Nightwish. At a concert, yes. I only really got to speak with them, though, and not Emppu or Jukka.)

best fucking post in the thread
Adam Lambert (from American Idol) came to our school, or, well, the high school next to our school. And my friend was one of the cheerleaders so she was like right next to him in his limo.

And apparently this guy at my school has met both Britney Spears and Hannah Montana, though I highly doubt it.

Oh, and my sister used to baby-sit Jack Black's step-nephew.
My friend's cousins say they went to school with Drake and Josh.
And my classmate says she is a good friend of Nat wolff (WTF?!?)
XD I think I got close enough to get a picture of the Pope.
Like | 25 yards | away LOL.
It was...when he visited yankee stadium
Victoria Holmes, one of the authors of Warriors, twice at author tours. I also met the other authors at three online author chats, and my dad got in touch with Charles Bock so that I could interview him for a research paper. His interview ended up being the most-cited source in the whole paper.
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Umm... The prime minister of Norway once came to visit the high school in our town. Our class got to see her talk and stuff. Wooh.

Oh, and last year... Wait, I'll explain first. Each year this festival (Or whatever) comes to our town. This year, they had a popcorn party and Lene Alexandra came to sing. You know, "My boobs, my boobs, my boobs are okay!"? I'm not a fan, but she is a celebrity, so I guess I should mention her.

Oh, and the popcorn party was awesome :D I was standing and dancing and eating tons of popcorn 3 hours straight! :D I hope they do something like that this year. It's only a week left :D
I met Danny John-Jules at the MCM Expo in May 2008. :D

... However, this was before I became a fan of his. I started watching things with him in them.. shortly after meeting him.. orz
eddie vedder from pearl jam used to ask about me all the time and he said i was cute when i was a baby.
jello biafra from dead kennedys... i don't know exactly how though.
steve turner from mudhoney. heh.
scott macaughey from young fresh fellows/r.e.m. whoohoo. :>
kurt bloch from the fastbacks. i talked to him on the phone once or twice. he was really nice.
seji from guitarwolf. i was born around the time his daughter was.
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