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Ever wished Pokemon was real?

Yes or No?

  • Total voters
Yes, it would be freaking awesome.

CON: My taxes would be very high due all the Pokémon food I'd have to pay for.
CON: I'd feel bad for keeping my Pokémons in Poké balls.

PRO: I'd be in much better physical health
PRO: Running around all the time would be fun.
PRO: I'd not have to go to school.
Why don't you think that'd work? I think it would but that's just me.

I don't think it'd work simply because the way our world works is not the way the Pokemon world does. Introducing any kind of fantasy element into real life would most likely bring about chaos, just because the way our society and our government works doesn't accommodate that sort of thing. If we were suddenly able to keep and raise potentially dangerous monsters for recreational purposes, we'd probably have in one corner PETA or some similar rights movement saying we're abusing them, in another corner people wanting control laws on them like guns, another group of people who don't trust them and want them all dead, and a good number of them would probably end up in Iran or something.

So, yeah, I just don't see it happening. :\ Actually living in the Pokemon world would be pretty great because it all works out fine and dandy there, but not so much if they just appeared here one day or if scientists invented them or something. Plus, non-cartoon Pokemon would probably be fugly as hell. D:
Some people are too scared of the consequences to want pokemon to exist. Thus, they instead wish for a world that's like the pokemon world where everything is pretty much at peace and Pokemon coexist easily.
What if Pokémon poofed into existence, but nobody knew that they did? Like, the world gets changed, but people have false memories about the past, and nobody remembers the world before it.
Is that coherent?
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What if Pokémon poofed into existence, but nobody knew that they did? Like, the world gets changed, but people have false memories about the past, and nobody remembers the world before it.
Is that coherent?

Sounds like a plot to an old Science Fiction novel. And then what would happen? Would someone from our old world come and see these things? I'd think I would be horrified if that happened, even though I'm a pokemon fan.

No, just kidding. I don't have the time. *Stupid swimteam...*

(BTW, did you see Lucas755's signature? I wonder how long it took to compute that...)

No, just kidding. I don't have the time. *Stupid swimteam...*

(BTW, did you see Lucas755's signature? I wonder how long it took to compute that...)

I dunno, but it's going to change by like a billionth of a percent with every new member, so... [/offtopic]
I'd like it, even if there were issues with the govs, enemies, PETA, lack of technology to keep them in balls...

It'd be one hell of a challenge. And I'd lap it up eagerly.
When I was a child, yes, all the time.

Nowadays, I don't really think about it much.
If Pokemon were to replace our animals, yeah, sure.

But we'd have to break it to the kids that the burger they're eating is made from a Miltank.
I voted no because I never cared. It would be interesting, and perhaps fun, but I never had a wish for them to actually exist.
I am not worried for any consequences (well maybe but that's not the point); I simply lack imagination.
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