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Favorite TV shows?

The Simpsons
American Dad
Family Guy
South Park

Generally slapstick and crude humor.
Ooh yeah, I miss Discovery Health. I don't get it in my room anymore :c I did like a lot of shows on there, esp Mystery Diagnosis and Untold Stories of the ER. I also like to watch all the specials on there, and a lot of the documentaries on TLC and Animal Planet.

I don't actually watch TV that much, but here's what I like:
Regular Show
Adventure Time
Wife Swap
Billy the Exterminator
Probably more from the past, but I can't think right now. I used to watch American Idol a lot, too, but then I just got tired of it.
The Office
30 Rock
King of Queens
The Simpsons
CSI (the original Las Vegas one)
Law and Order
Criminal Minds

And probably some other things I can't remember.
I'm mostly into anime... I have too much stuff to keep track of so I probably won't be interested in anything new for a while.

Fullmetal Alchemist

And I just watched the first episode of Bleach a couple of days ago, because I think Michelle Ruff is a great voice actor. Probably going to keep up with this one.
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