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Favourite Authors


if the nineth lion ate the sun.
Because this section is choking on music.

So yeah! Who's your favourite author(s) to ever grace this earth ever? Explaining why is cool with me.

I think I'll just do a These Are My Favourites, Bitch list without putting them in a specific order.

Christopher Brookmyre - Scottish crime novelist and funny as fuck. Especially with the glossary at the back of 'A Tale Etched in Blood and Hard Black Pencil'. Unfortunately nobody not Scottish ever gets half of his jokes, but they are amazing books anyway.

Debi Gliori - YES ANOTHER SCOTTISH ONE. (Y) Her books are also funny as. I mean, seriously, it has a tarantula who wears lipstick. Also has the Loch Ness Monster in it who copulates with a dragon who thought she was a boy until like, halfway through the second book. And! 'Lochenauchermuchty'. I bet you can't say that properly. I can't either.

Erin Hunter (the three/four of them, anyway) - CAT BOOKS. :D However occasionally lame endings may be, I will always have a soft spot for the Warriors series.

And yeah I'm done. Go!
I don't really have a favourite author. I like Dyan Sheldon, Diane Setterfield, and Jane Austen. (Even though sometimes I find Austen a bit boring.)
Ursula K. Le Guin. If you haven't read any of her books, you cannot claim to be a fan of SFF.

Other than that... George R. R. Martin is pretty epic. Yeah, I'd say those two are about it for now.
George R R Martin. Nobody else so far, but I've just found the actual fantasy section in the local bookstore and am waiting for the funds to do something about it.

(Libraries require two trips whut.)
Don't really have favorites myself (most of the authors I like have real flaws.), but ones I like most would be Harry Turtledove, Tom Clancy, and George Orwell.
I read a lot of crime novels and my favourites have to be Patricia Cornwell, Val McDermid, Kathy Reichs, Karin Love-and-Rainbows Slaughter, Lee Child, Janet Evanovitch, John Grisham and more.

My favourite classic authors are Orwell, Woolf and Dickens, I guess.

All-time favourite author might just be Bill Bryson because I love him so much <3 David Sedaris is hilarious, too.

I also like Stella Duffy and Sarah Waters, who write lesbian literature you can buy in normal bookshops, which is unheard of.

I'll happily recommend any books my any of the aformentioned authors if anyone cares :3
Um. Other than Brian Jacques's Redwall series, J.K. Rowling and a few other seriesthings I didn't find particularly spectacular, I don't know that I read enough books by the same authors to have a "favorite". I mean, I might've liked the one or two books but that just means I like the books, really.

So I guess probably Jacques because even though the books are for a younger audience and I think he's slipping a little in the later books (and the grammatical errors in Eulalia! were UGH; please shoot your editor Mr. Jacques), I will always always always be a Redwall fan and some of the early books were pretty awesome. God I think I've read Mossflower like twenty times. :/ I'll never get tired of you, Tsarmina you crazy bitch.
Janet Evanovitch
Whoa wait wha? Her family name makes no sense to me ಠ_ಠ It is male D:

Roald Dahl. He has the most amazing wonderful books ever.
Yeah, Roald Dahl should be on my list too. Apart from the awesome children's stories everyone can still enjoy his mature stories are great too. the one with the bees is one of my favourites, as is the whole My Uncle Oswald series.
Whoa wait wha? Her family name makes no sense to me ಠ_ಠ It is male D:

Huur, I spelt it wrong. Janet Evanovich is a female author who writes crime/thriller novels that are absolutely hilarious. Her main series with Stephanie Plum as the main character (One for the Money, Two for the Dough, Three to Get Ready... up to Eleven on Top) are awesome, but her other, seperate books are great, too. :3
Yeah, Roald Dahl should be on my list too. Apart from the awesome children's stories everyone can still enjoy his mature stories are great too. the one with the bees is one of my favourites, as is the whole My Uncle Oswald series.

Did you check out some of his short stories? They are amazingly twisted.
Did you check out some of his short stories? They are amazingly twisted.
I did, I have The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl or something like that. This is an awesome book since it contains all the stories in Kiss Kiss, Over To You, Switch Bitch, Someone Like You and Eight Further Tales of the Unexpected.
I really like the story with the Egyptian man and the American sailor, with the bet and the cutting of pinkie, it has a nice twist. I'd have a hard time picking my absolute favourite though since they're all very good.

The first time I read a short story book by Roald Dahl I was pretty amazed. 'haha the guy who wrote Charlie and the Chocolate Factory writes about murder and secret cannibalism and sex what.'
I had to do Kiss Kiss for my final exams in English, that is, the international baccelaureate.

Parson's Pleasure is lol
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