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FFTA2- Tonberry's Revenge

I don't think it was the Ravager in this case because the sword was used to kill RK-10 and Flower Doll and both of them show as innocent. Most likely it's the mafia. But that doesn't explain why the slime appear in RK-10's death. Unless it's not related how he got killed.
Well I am basically posting now so I don't get tagged inactive. I just have nothing to add to the conversation at this point. :/

I can't think of the slime... except for a stylized mafia kill, like what we had in ToS mafia. The green slime. Flan?
It's depressing that no one talk or have any other information. Does that mean the power roles for the town are inactive?
I don't know. Just posting so I don't get killed, really; we should find a lynch so moon-panther doesn't start modkilling.

So. Um, what about Kinova? If the inactivity thing is correct, then she might be mafia. I know nothing about the flavor, so I can't really help there. :|
After days of not selecting one of their own, being at the mercy of the Mafia, they finally turn on one member that had been silent during these talks in camp. Putting up no resistance, they are dragged out into the camp centre and killed by the hands of their own friends.

It wasn't long after that they realized their mistake.

Kinova is dead, They were Innocent.
48 Hours to send in Night actions.
Yet again, another dawn comes for the party to discover what horrors happened that night. With heavy hearts they return to the spot where they killed one of their own, only to find yet another body beside them with a Kunai embedded in their skull and a odd looking staff in their hand. Sickened, they turn away from the sight and travel toward the woods to see what food they may find. As they got closer, they could smell something foul in the air. After some searching they discover another body in the woods covered in the same slime as the others before with their simple white staff clenched in a death grip.

Tonight was not a good night for the party.

Kirby-Chan is Dead, they were Innocent
Ya ok is Dead, they were Innocent
48 hours to talk
oh damn they got a white mage

and a double kill... probably a brother got hit?

/reads over the discussion

So, I have a couple of suspicions. LS99, mainly. He doesn't seem very active in this game, either, so we could take it as clearing away some inactivity.
I'd say Kinova was the Parivir, and the Ninja killed Kirby-Chan, who was the Summoner. Ya ok was obviously the White Mage.
(Crap I forgot, sorrysorrysorry)

The day ends and with only one name on the chop block, Legendary was dragged off. He tried to reason with the party members, claiming that he wasn't the mafia and that he was silent for other reasons. He tossed up thoughts of who may have died and tried to defend himself, but in the end it fell on deaf ears.

He was strung up and used as target practice by the few remaining members. As his body went slack, his form started to change to that of a shrouded monster. The party step back as they see what they have done.

Legendaryseeker99 is dead, He was Mafia.
48 hours to send in night actions.
The day starts with the dawn, as do all, with its light shining on the poor heart-heavy party members as they leave their tents in search to find the next body. It didn't take them long to find the body of Phantom, covered in slime and her knuckle weapons caught in her death grip.

They were running out of time...and people.

Phantom is dead, she was innocent
48 hours to lynch
As the sun sets, the silent Minnow is dragged to the killing grounds where the bodies of the dead are piled aside by the hands of their own party members. Forcing him to his knees, they a step back and ready their weapons. With a cry, they all fall upon the lone member and slaughter him with all their desperation for survival. Only after the body of Minnow slump to the ground with his internal fluids oozing out of him, did they step back and watch his lifeless body.

They were wrong. They were running out of time.

Minnow is Dead, He was Innocent.
24 hours to send in night actions.

The day started once more, the sun's rays clawing at the camp below. As the burning orb chased away the shadows on the ground, the last tent standing gleamed in the light. With what looks to be a struggle from within, the man darts out of the tent and stared back with horror. He watched as his tent was torn apart by the tentacles of the foul beast, slithering closer to him with a wide grin as saliva dripped off its fangs. Scrambling backward, he bumps into the form of a tall Veria holding a bow in hand. Shaking his head, he crawls away from them both, back pressed to a tree.

"Why...I...how could you be with them! You were one of us!"

The Veria smirks down at him, the monster slithering behind them and wrapped its tendrils lovingly around the bunny. Leaning against their lover, they shake their head and motion to the camp around. "They are all dead...nothing we could have done. But I survived, I lived because i picked my partner quite well with fate's arrow. You however have nothing to show...you lose, we win. too bad for you."

With ease, the Veria lifts their bow and send a arrow through the skull of the last remaining innocent. Petting a tentacle of their lover, they whisper a sweet request to the beast. With a gurgled laugh, the Malboro slips away from the bunny and over to the dead Hume.

He will be a fine feast.

Lovers Win. And I guess that also means Mafia wins too.

Tonberry - Don - Legendaryseeker99 [Dead Day 4]
Malboro - Second command- Big Red Cherry Bomb
Bomb - Wannabe - Minnow [Dead Day 5]

Seer - Inspector- Flower Doll [Dead night 2- Summoner channelled the Vigilante]
White Mage - Healer - Kirby-Chan [Dead Night 3]
Ninja - Brother - Glace [Killed Night 6]
Parivir - Brother - Kinova [Dead Day 3]
Archer - Lover - Mai [In love with Big Red Cherry Bomb night 0]
Summoner - Channel - Ya ok [Dead Night 3- Brother kill]
Ravager - Vigilante - KR-9 [Dead night 1]
Berserker - Alien - Phantom [Activated night 2]
Trickster - Vari - Rizadon [Dead night 0]


Mai(Archer) shoots Big Red Cherry Bomb (Malboro)
Glace(Ninja) will kill Big Red Cherry Bomb(Malboro) if Kinova(Parvir) dies
Kirby-Chan(White Mage) heals Phantom(Berserker)
Flower Doll(Inspector) inspects Rizadon(Trickster)
Mafia kill Rizadon (Trickster)


No one died


Glace [Ninja] will kill Minnow [Bomb] if Kinova [Parivir] dies
Kirby-Chan[White Mage] heals Mai[Lover]
Flower Doll[Seer] inspects Big Red Cherry Bomb[Malboro]
Mafia kill KR-9 (Ravager)


No one died. Again.


Mafia targets Phantom (Alien)
Flower Doll(Seer) inspects Minnow (Bomb)
Ya ok(Summoner) channels KR-9(Vigilante) and targets Flower Doll (Seer)
Kirby-Chan(White Mage) heals Minnow(Bomb)

Day 3

Kinova has been hung.


Glace[Ninja] will kill Ya ok[Summoner] if Kinova[Parivir] dies - Activated
Kirby-Chan[White Mage] heals Phantom[Alien]
Ya ok[Summoner] channels Flower Doll[Seer] and targets Big Red Cherry Bomb[Malboro]
Mafia kills Kirby-Chan

Day 4

Legendaryseeker has been hung

Night 4

Mafia kills Phantom

Day 5

Minnow is lynched

Night 6

Mafia kills Glace.

Day 6

Lovers win.
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