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Final Fantasy Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FIVE]

...whoops forgot about this

If nobody's got anything to say, and unless you all somehow missed the "is daytime nao" notification, I suppose we might as well skip straight to night 6 :p 125 48 hours for night actions.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [NIGHT SIX]

(I know it's night and all, but the notification I just got said it was day. What?)
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [NIGHT SIX]

(I know it's night and all, but the notification I just got said it was day. What?)

(...apparently at some point I either forgot to change the phase or I changed it twice at once somehow :s I'll sort it out when the next day starts I guess)
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [NIGHT SIX]

In the morning, for the first time since the day this all started, bodies are found. One is the horribly charred remains of Leafstorm. The body of Superbird is slumped over it, the blade of a katana rammed through his heart, and on closer inspection his effeminate hairdo reveals him to be the final Villain! As the obligatory victory theme begins playing in the background, the heroes rejoice their victory.

t;dr heroes win yay :D List of roles/night actions coming up almost immediately.
Garland: Blaziking
Kefka: moon-panther
Kuja: Superbird
Exdeath: [O]

Black Mage: sreservoir
Ninja: Mawile
White Mage: Skylark
Necromancer: Saith
Scholar: Vixie
Time Mage: Leafstorm
Blue Mage: Espeon
Berserker: Flora

Night 1
- Vixie inspects sreservoir
- Mawile targets sreservoir
- sreservoir casts Toad on Superbird
- Espeon chooses Roulette as his power and casts it; hits himself
- Mafia decides to kill sreservoir
- Skylark heals moon-panther

Night 2
- Vixie inspects Leafstorm
- Mawile targets Vixie
- Skylark heals Vixie
- Mafia decides to kill Vixie

Night 3
- Vixie inspects moon-panther
- Mawile targets Vixie
- Skylark heals Vixie
- Villains decide to kill Vixie

Night 4
- Mawile targets Vixie
- Vixie inspects Blaziking
- Skylark heals Vixie
- Mafia decides to kill Vixie

Night 5
- Leafstorm casts Haste
- Vixie inspects Superbird [ignored due to Haste]
- Mafia decides to kill Flora [ignored due to Haste]
- Skylark heals Vixie [ignored due to Haste]

Night 6
- Skylark heals Vixie
- Mafia decides to kill Leafstorm
- Mawile targets Superbird
- Vixie inspects Superbird [but I didn't respond because the game was over anyway]
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