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Final Fantasy Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Really? Really now? Vixie, your constant accusation of people is making me rather suspicious that you're either mafia or alien. Yesterday, right off the bat you nominated moon-panther with little pretext, and now you nominate me. I may not have posted until now, but I've been viewing game rather frequently, so if you're accusing me based on inactivity then you're kinda wrong.

But Vixie, do tell, what made you accuse me? And moon-panther? Was it just a "vague suspicion" again?
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

I actually agree with Blaziking here. Vixie, you have been a bit too apprehensive for my taste.

Lynch Vixie
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Or Blaziking's mafia.

Either I missed something or this is really random. I doubt she's an alien though. If she were, her "hunch" on the previous day phase would've been veeeery lucky. There's the chance that she's mafia, but I doubt the mafia would want to kill off one of their own unless they were about to be discovered, which, if I remember correctly, has not happened.

On a side note, @ Mike, if the alien is targeted for a kill but is healed by the white mage, is the alien activatd?
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

It's called the Mafia trying to make their job easier by lynching innocents. I suspect Vixie is doing this.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Really? Really now? Vixie, your constant accusation of people is making me rather suspicious that you're either mafia or alien. Yesterday, right off the bat you nominated moon-panther with little pretext, and now you nominate me. I may not have posted until now, but I've been viewing game rather frequently, so if you're accusing me based on inactivity then you're kinda wrong.

But Vixie, do tell, what made you accuse me? And moon-panther? Was it just a "vague suspicion" again?
But she was right. Why would she reveal one of the mafia if she was one? She would know, wouldn't she? Anyways, as for viewing the game, active doesn't mean not-mafia. Just look at the other mafia games. As for alien, well, accusing random people is a too well-known technique to be successful.

Blaziking until you can defend yourself and not just draw attention away to Vixie.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

But she was right. Why would she reveal one of the mafia if she was one? She would know, wouldn't she? Anyways, as for viewing the game, active doesn't mean not-mafia. Just look at the other mafia games. As for alien, well, accusing random people is a too well-known technique to be successful.

Yes, she got one, but also recall that she chose Saith right off the bat, too, and he was innocent.

Chances are, she's either a lucky innocent, or a Mafia member who sacrificed one of her own to keep herself alive. There's almost no chance of her being inspector.

Either way, this does sound incredibly suspicious; the day had barely started and she already threw out names. Not voting for her just yet, but I'm certainly not voting for Blaziking on what is probably just a lucky innocent's hunch.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

On a completely different note, [O] hasn't even viewed this thread yet...strange.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Yes, she got one, but also recall that she chose Saith right off the bat, too, and he was innocent.

Chances are, she's either a lucky innocent, or a Mafia member who sacrificed one of her own to keep herself alive. There's almost no chance of her being inspector.

Either way, this does sound incredibly suspicious; the day had barely started and she already threw out names. Not voting for her just yet, but I'm certainly not voting for Blaziking on what is probably just a lucky innocent's hunch.

I'd be willing to bet if Vixie were an innocent, she wouldn't be that stupid...
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Really? Really now? Vixie, your constant accusation of people is making me rather suspicious that you're either mafia or alien. Yesterday, right off the bat you nominated moon-panther with little pretext, and now you nominate me. I may not have posted until now, but I've been viewing game rather frequently, so if you're accusing me based on inactivity then you're kinda wrong.

But Vixie, do tell, what made you accuse me? And moon-panther? Was it just a "vague suspicion" again?

No, it's because you are mafia. In fact, you are Garland.

I actually agree with Blaziking here. Vixie, you have been a bit too apprehensive for my taste.

Lynch Vixie

Thanks for helping us identify who the last mafia is B)

I'd be willing to bet if Vixie were an innocent, she wouldn't be that stupid...

There is a reason I am the most-feared player in #mafia.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Mike: one question: can the innocents win if Exdeath is still alive?
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Mike: one question: can the innocents win if Exdeath is still alive?

Yes, if there's just Exdeath left with a load of heroes then Exdeath still loses with the Villains. After all he can't really win without dragging himself into the Void and dying. :p
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

No, it's because you are mafia. In fact, you are Garland.

Thanks for helping us identify who the last mafia is B)

There is a reason I am the most-feared player in #mafia.


There's a role that allows one to check the alignment of a player, but how did you find out that Blaziking is Garland? Also, how are you sure Superbird is mafia? I'll admit that the "I agree; let's lynch Vixie" post was immediately posted after Blaziking's post, but even innocents can do that. I mean, lynching someone who's lynch-happy often happens in mafia... or so I've seen... Not trying to protect Blaziking or Superbird here. Just want a bit of clarification
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Actually the Inspector in this game gets told the target's role as well as alignment. Because that's how I roll.

Oh. I see. *facepalm*

ETA: Vixie, mind telling us the other people you've inspected since you've role-claimed already
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Actually, I didn't roleclaim, but hey, I'll bite. res was Black Mage, hence why nobody has been turned into a Toad since D1. I suspected Saith merely as a case of incompetent mafia.

I don't know 100% that Superbird is mafia, obviously, but he posted immediately after I accused Blaziking and voted to lynch me. If he were interested in the innocents' cause, he most certainly would not have!
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