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Final Fantasy Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Wow. Well played, Vixie. Well played. However you chose the wrong person to mess with.

Now its easy to see that you are mafia. How is this easy? It's because I happen to be the inspector of this game. Vixie here played a risky move by claiming herself to be the inspector when she is, in fact, mafia. I imagine that she must have thought that she and moon-panther killed the inspector during an earlier night, but she was oh so very wrong.

Now you may think that I'm pulling this completely from nowhere but you would be wrong. I avoided posting for the first few days to avoid any possible suspicion that I might draw to myself, that way I would be able to stay alive until I finally received a sufficient lead.

The third day, as a matter of fact, I discovered that moon-panther was the role of Kefka, but Vixie accused her in the first post so I felt no need to post unless I found it necessary to point out that moon-panther was mafia. Last night, however, I inspected Vixie and discovered that she, as a matter of fact, has the role of Kuja.

But why, you ask, did she kill off moon-panther? Most likely to establish the illusion that Vixie was able to be trusted. I can't be expected to know her true motivation, but I expect that that is the most logical explanation.

Today I was going to slowly ease myself into the conversation and eventually point out that she was mafia, but she seemed to just bring the suspicion upon herself by immediately accusing me after one simple post.

Next, and most likely last in my defense, is the people I investigated. Night one I investigated Saith and discovered that he was the Black Mage. Night two I...well forgot to send in my night action. I'm really quite forgetful like that, I've done that once or twice before. My third night I investigated moon-panther and discovered her mafia role, and last night i investigated Vixie, who I discovered was Kuja.

Kill me if you don't want help in finding out who is Garland, but Vixie is not to be trusted at all.

EDIT: She even said she's a feared member on #mafia, and it seems that claiming to be inspector is a move that an experienced person would do.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

If I were Kuja and moon-panther were Kefka, why wouldn't she reacted more... well, surprised? One could argue it was a gambit to avoid detection but it would be a stupid one at that.

Plus revealing one's self as inspector paints a large target on your back, which is why I avoid doing so until absolutely necessary.

To prove I am inspector, Leafstorm is Time Mage.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Wow. Well played, Vixie. Well played. However you chose the wrong person to mess with.

Now its easy to see that you are mafia. How is this easy? It's because I happen to be the inspector of this game. Vixie here played a risky move by claiming herself to be the inspector when she is, in fact, mafia. I imagine that she must have thought that she and moon-panther killed the inspector during an earlier night, but she was oh so very wrong.

Now you may think that I'm pulling this completely from nowhere but you would be wrong. I avoided posting for the first few days to avoid any possible suspicion that I might draw to myself, that way I would be able to stay alive until I finally received a sufficient lead.

The third day, as a matter of fact, I discovered that moon-panther was the role of Kefka, but Vixie accused her in the first post so I felt no need to post unless I found it necessary to point out that moon-panther was mafia. Last night, however, I inspected Vixie and discovered that she, as a matter of fact, has the role of Kuja.

But why, you ask, did she kill off moon-panther? Most likely to establish the illusion that Vixie was able to be trusted. I can't be expected to know her true motivation, but I expect that that is the most logical explanation.

Today I was going to slowly ease myself into the conversation and eventually point out that she was mafia, but she seemed to just bring the suspicion upon herself by immediately accusing me after one simple post.

Next, and most likely last in my defense, is the people I investigated. Night one I investigated Saith and discovered that he was the Black Mage. Night two I...well forgot to send in my night action. I'm really quite forgetful like that, I've done that once or twice before. My third night I investigated moon-panther and discovered her mafia role, and last night i investigated Vixie, who I discovered was Kuja.

Kill me if you don't want help in finding out who is Garland, but Vixie is not to be trusted at all.

EDIT: She even said she's a feared member on #mafia, and it seems that claiming to be inspector is a move that an experienced person would do.
Why would you not post to avoid suspicion? Inactivity easily calls for lynches, especially with the no kills and therefore no leads. "Really quite forgetful like that?" That could be plain old forgetfulness...or trying to cover up for not enough information.

Just look at this post from the perspective that he's an innocent and then from the perspective that he's mafia.

I haven't used any spells, by the way.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

So... in summary...

A) Vixie claims to be inspector
~ Blaziking is mafia
~ Leafstorm is time mage
~ Res is black mage
*This leaves us with 2 unknown mafia (One of them being the suicide guy)

B) Blaziking claims to be inspector
~Vixie is mafia
~No inspection on second phase
~Saith is black mage
*This leaves us with 2 unknown mafia. BUT Leafstorm fully agrees with Vixie, so if Vixie really is mafia, Leafstorm presummably is mafia. If Leafstorm is mafia, that'll leave the suicide guy since Leafstorm couldn't possibly know that Vixie is mafia if he were the suicide guy.

In other words: Lynch either Vixie or Blaziking. If Vixie is mafia, lynch leafstorm.

Anyone else want to role claim? I can't help but think this might be the crucial phase...
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Anyone else want to role claim? I can't help but think this might be the crucial phase...
...are you forgetting the whole "I exposed a mafiosi, we lynched her, she was mafia" bit? There is no reason you should doubt I am inspector!
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

...are you forgetting the whole "I exposed a mafiosi, we lynched her, she was mafia" bit? There is no reason you should doubt I am inspector!
She's trying to use this betrayal she concocted to her benefit. If you listen to her, you'll be playing right into her scheme. Lynch Vixie if you want to to something productive for the day.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Herp I was meant to finish this phase today
Well the votes are tied now so 24 more hours for discussion
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Erm... last person who died is supposed to cast tiebreaker vote.

EDIT: IN RETROSPECT, let's be glad because I forgot moon-panther was the last to die and she certainly would have voted to lynch me.
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Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Erm... last person who died is supposed to cast tiebreaker vote.

Only if everyone's voted and there's still no majority.

Mafia Rules thread said:
If the day phase deadline comes along and there is a tie, the game master may either extend the deadline (if some players have yet to vote) or PM the last player to die to make a tiebreaker vote.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Oh, I haven't voted yet.

Lynch Vixie
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Just look at it this way: if you lynch Blaziking and he's an innocent, you've found the last two mafia. If you lynch Vixie and she's an innocent, you find one.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Also, if you lynch me, you not only lose an innocent *today* but also one in the morning so that's minus two innocents while two mafia are still at large. And with Exdeath still around especially, the chances of innocent victory will be very slim.

And since I didn't think convincing people would be this hard (and it shouldn't be, christ) I'll pick apart Blaziking's post:

Wow. Well played, Vixie. Well played. However you chose the wrong person to mess with.

Now its easy to see that you are mafia. How is this easy? It's because I happen to be the inspector of this game.

At the end, you say an experienced player would reveal they were inspector. If you were really inspector, why are you only revealing this now?

Vixie here played a risky move by claiming herself to be the inspector when she is, in fact, mafia. I imagine that she must have thought that she and moon-panther killed the inspector during an earlier night, but she was oh so very wrong.

Only res was the Black Mage, Espeon was the Blue Mage and killed himself with Roulette.

Now you may think that I'm pulling this completely from nowhere but you would be wrong. I avoided posting for the first few days to avoid any possible suspicion that I might draw to myself, that way I would be able to stay alive until I finally received a sufficient lead.

If you are inspector, the last thing you want to do is not say anything. Even if you learn somebody is innocent, it is a small but usable lead.

The third day, as a matter of fact, I discovered that moon-panther was the role of Kefka, but Vixie accused her in the first post so I felt no need to post unless I found it necessary to point out that moon-panther was mafia. Last night, however, I inspected Vixie and discovered that she, as a matter of fact, has the role of Kuja.

This is very convenient coincidence -- more importantly, why didn't you vote for her?

But why, you ask, did she kill off moon-panther? Most likely to establish the illusion that Vixie was able to be trusted. I can't be expected to know her true motivation, but I expect that that is the most logical explanation.

Today I was going to slowly ease myself into the conversation and eventually point out that she was mafia, but she seemed to just bring the suspicion upon herself by immediately accusing me after one simple post.

Next, and most likely last in my defense, is the people I investigated. Night one I investigated Saith and discovered that he was the Black Mage.

Saith was Necromancer, not Black Mage. Nice contradiction.

Night two I...well forgot to send in my night action. I'm really quite forgetful like that, I've done that once or twice before. My third night I investigated moon-panther and discovered her mafia role, and last night i investigated Vixie, who I discovered was Kuja.

Would an inspector really so much as forget their night action? Also I can produce all my inspections which have turned out to be true.

Kill me if you don't want help in finding out who is Garland, but Vixie is not to be trusted at all.

EDIT: She even said she's a feared member on #mafia, and it seems that claiming to be inspector is a move that an experienced person would do.

If you played on #mafia at all, you would know I play Inspector differently.
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Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Listen, just for a minute.

I can prove that Vixie's scholar. She forwarded me her night actions and everything.


moon-panther's alignment is VILLAINS.
Their role is KEFKA.

Blaziking's alignment is VILLAINS.
Their role is GARLAND.


And if you lynch me, well you just lowered your chance of winning.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Guys when I give you an extension you're not meant to end up with a tied vote again

Uh there are still people who've not voted so an extra 24 hours again I guess? Or until everyone's voted or something
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Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Since [O] probably isn't going to vote, what do you think, Skylark? Now it's your decision.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

...oooooooooh. Yeah, somehow I didn't see this got updated. average flora-fail, you know.

In light of this evidence (i.e. it's 11:33 pm over here and I can't make a good post), I withdraw my nomination of Vixie and instead wish to lynch Blaziking.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

Just got back from my retreat.
Vixie's picking the post apart was pretty convincing
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY FOUR]

After an extremely long discussion, things finally start to get interesting. Vixie and Blaziking both accuse one another, and a heated argument takes place in which Vixie finally reveals herself as the Scholar. Blaziking informs her that, in fact, he is the Scholar, and reels off his own rather incredulous findings. But Vixie is having none of it. Adjusting her glasses, she fips through her tome to the page where her research on Blaziking is scribbled down and triumphantly shows it to her allies. Upon reading it, everyone is immediately certain that Blaziking is a villain.

Blaziking watches his exposure in fury, his hand inconspicuously rested on the hilt of his sword throughout the discussion. As the heroes all turn to him he scowls, whipping the blade from its sheath and rushing towards them, but one against seven is hardly a fair fight. Quick as a flash the others pull their own weapons out and hack Blaziking to pieces before he can lay a single blow.

Blaziking was killed. He was a Villain.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [NIGHT FIVE]

The next day breaks almost instantly after the last one ended. The remaining heroes stare up in confusion at the very definitely blue sky; did they all fall asleep and wake up again without noticing or something? In any case, none of them recall doing any form of night action last night, almost as if it had never happened...

Nobody died last night.

48 hours for discussion.
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