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Final Fantasy Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

Re: Final Fantasy Mafia

A little exasperated banter is traded between the Heroes of Light, as a few of the survivors reflect on the hopelessness of the situation and how little information they have to go on. Soon, though, one of them puts a foot wrong and incites the suspicion of one of his fellows. Others join in the accusations, and Saith says little to argue against them.

A sword is snatched from the hands of one of the heroes, and as the other accusers hold him down Vixie rams the blade through Saith's chest. He staggers backward, bleeding torrentially from the jagged gash across his front, and coughs up a lungful of blood before collapsing to the ground, dead. A rapt silence descends over the group, broken only by Superbird's croaking, as they all realise they may have made a terrible mistake.

Saith was killed. He was a Hero of Light.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY TWO]

Day breaks again, and the heroes awaken filled with dread, expecting to find another pile of bodies like the night before. However, everyone in pesent and accounted for, even the toad, which soon transforms back into Superbird.

Nobody died last night.
Superbird is back to normal. He can contribute in today's discussion and use any night actions he may have.

48 hours for discussion.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY TWO]

*splutter* That was fuuuuuuuuuun. Not really.

...What happened there? I guess we got lucky.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY TWO]

Well, this means one of two things: Somebody was healed, or the Berserker is now active. Keep your eyes peeled for the latter.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY TWO]

Actually, it could mean that the Time and Blue Mages cast a spell before the kills were sent in...in that case, though, we know what spell the Blue Mage chose. Don't be suspicious of everyone you see. Of course, now everyone accuses me.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY TWO]

Yay! No one died...though, that could also mean a bad thing too...hrml.

Uh...I got nothing right now, sorry. I'll have more maybe later.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY TWO]

Despite the heroes deliberating for longer than usual, no leads are found or accusations thrown around today. As the sun sets, none of the heroes are any closer to defeating their foes.

Nobody was lynched. 48 hours for night actions.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [NIGHT THREE]

The heroes' dread grows as the third day begins; surely with no deaths at all on the night before there must be a mountain of bodies this morning. But again, neither hide nor hair of a killing can be found! They gather to discuss, because damnit, if the villains aren't going to bother killing they're going to show the bitches how it's done.

Nobody died last night.

48 hours for discussion.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY THREE]

Would be nice if we knew who our White Mage was! At any rate, since we actually need some discussion this time, and I'm vaguely suspect of her, I'm going to accuse moon-panther.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY THREE]

Vaguely suspicious of Superbird for constantly commenting on lack of leads, but not voting for him.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY THREE]

Would be nice if we knew who our White Mage was! At any rate, since we actually need some discussion this time, and I'm vaguely suspect of her, I'm going to accuse moon-panther.

And why are you suspecting me? Not that I'm offended, just curious is all.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY THREE]

And why are you suspecting me? Not that I'm offended, just curious is all.
Judging by your style of posting when you are or aren't mafia in previous games and mostly to see how you would react to my accusation. That said, I'm not changing my vote unless you can prove to me you aren't mafia.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY THREE]

You want me to prove I'm not Mafia. Hmmm...never been good at that to tell the truth, not sure how one does that and actually be believed. I play enough games, but I still haven't quite gotten that skill...as you can see, once I'm accused, I don't really live after that.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY THREE]

...since it appears that this conversation isn't going anywhere, we need leads. Either the mafia is extremely forgetful/unactive, or they're trying to confuse us. Because of no frogs or kills the past nights, let's assume that Ninja and Black Mage are dead. With Saith's roleclaim as Necromancer, that totals up the three deaths we've had so far. Not much, but it's all we have.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [DAY THREE]

Another day bereft of leads draws to an end, but acting on a hunch, Vixie decides she doesn't like the look of moon-panther, challenging her to prove her innocence. Like Saith before her, moon-panther barely utters a syllable in her defense, and ignoring her fellows' inaction, Vixie decides that moon-panther must die. She liberates another weapon from the crowd, this time an axe, and lunges at her target with the weapon raised over her head. Panicked, moon-panther abandons all pretense and attempts to defend herself with magic, but before she gets halfway through the incantation Vixie dashes witrhin reach and slices moon-panther's head in two. The body crumples and collapses to the ground, and Vixie returns the blood-drenched weapon to the person she snatched it from, satisfied that she's finally hit her mark.

moon-panther was killed. She was a Villain.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: Final Fantasy Mafia [NIGHT FOUR]

The heroes awaken, optimistically expecting a few more killingss to have gone on during the night after Vixie's murderous rabble rousing the previous evening. However, for the third morning in a row no fresh corpse can be found. The group joins together for discussion with a grumble of anger; clearly someone needs to start using their night actions better!

Nobody died last night. Again. Come on guys D<

48 hours for discussion.
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